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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. no worries...Al Gore is formulating his "Extrication Team"....."jaws of life" are in play.....
  2. ...thank you my friend.....a Yoeman+++ job done well......my donation is a done deal and proud to do so.....
  3. ...what are your views/opinions?......and which party denounces the violence as well as which party, or even both fail to denounce?....does one or both support?.....
  4. ...just cut to the chase...humvees on every corner with mounted 50 cals.......schedule Waste Management for "Monday residual non-conformist pickup".....I'm in....problem solved..........
  5. ...she IS flea bitten......even Hartz Mountain wouldn't sell her a collar.....................
  6. ...LMAO...and all of her "House dalmatians" are in lock step......
  7. ....about the same the skank spent on her "new doo" and facial.......pray ANY stimulus has BETTER results......SMH............ Mnuchin: GOP, Pelosi to agree on continuing resolution to avoid shutdown, as stimulus talks stall The House Speaker wants Republicans to spend at least $2.5 trillion By Ronn Blitzer | Fox News Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said Sunday that while House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is refusing to negotiate a new coronavirus stimulus package unless Republicans are willing to spend at least $2.5 trillion, she has agreed to a continuing resolution that will keep the government from shutting down. "We are going to do a clean CR," Mnuchin told "Fox News Sunday," saying that while it is uncertain how long it will keep the government going, he believes it would go "through the beginning of December.” Mnuchin said he hopes progress will be made on the continuing resolution “by the end of the week.” The secretary said that the CR will be separate from negotiations for a new CARES Act-like stimulus bill. He that said while Pelosi wants a large-scale package, he believes a narrower approach is more prudent at this time. “The speaker has refused to sit down and negotiate unless we agree to something like a $2.5 trillion deal in advance,” Mnuchin said. “As you know, we put $3 trillion into the economy when the economy was completely shut down and we’ve now reopened the economy. Let’s do a more targeted bill now and if we need to do more in 30 days we’ll continue to do more.” https://www.foxnews.com/politics/mnuchin-gop-pelosi-to-agree-on-continuing-resolution-to-avoid-shutdown-as-stimulus-talks-stall
  8. ...thank you for everything....enjoy your holiday weekend friend........... ....anybody suggest a nominal contribution to SDS's efforts?.....
  9. ...he just found out about "peaceful protests", looting, death and destruction.....not his fault...basement wi-fi sucks and it's his ISP's fault period.....
  10. ...LMAO...ignore Stat Boy with his daily Covid-19 update and deprive yourself of such value?......his posts are legendary on PPP as well as the football side...think you should reconsider.....
  11. ...bums flock together.....bet your bond is tight............
  12. ...anybody know when Maritime Laws rename the "Great WHITE Shark"??......smells of supremacy......
  13. ....sorry but the UN Security Council and Council of Human Rights tell me this is a RUSE....they are VERY trustworthy and our worldwide beacon of truth......
  14. ....thanks SDS....at some point, and I doubt I am alone, please consider letting TBDers chip in for your "beyond supreme" efforts......no reason for you to solely bear the cost.....just a thought....
  15. ...a thread to try and restore some decorum (societally GONE) and valuable discourse has attracted the PPP "fruit flies" as expected.......where art thou Orkin Man??.........
  16. ...ABSOLUTELY....how many Reaganesque billions has he spent rebuilding the military?......the same military that the Clintonite's "woefully failed cardboard cut out prop job" ignored for EIGHT years?....Trump is NYC groomed brash, irascible, coarse, insulting, gruff et al, who certainly needs to STFU and be Twitterless at times.....battle cries for "need a Washington outsider" were answered, sending BOTH SIDES of the good 'ol boyz network reeling.....needed the upheaval for YEARS.....look at the attempts of fraudulent candidates who avowed to be THE "outsider in demand" only to be entrenched political insiders on both sides?...yup MAGA is a ruse......The Trumpster could care less about the USA, wanted the Presidency for free digs at 1600 Pennsylvania, whopping $400 grand a year, multiple book deals and his very own Library......um...er....well...oh...uh...ok....got it.....SMH.....
  17. exactly.....BLM is a huge fraud......even the "BLM Leader (COUGH)" condones looting as "reparations".......so now "cash and carry" has become, "no cash but still gonna carry".....it's THE perfect cover for "The Gimme Gang", who thinks society "owes them SOMETHING for doing NOTHING".....how many BLACK citizens are murdered weekly in Chicago, including infants, with no remorse?.....how many proud BLACK OWNED BUSINESSES have been destroyed this summer, most likely never to return, with NO remorse?.....seriously?..
  18. ...nicely done BG......makes getting up today worthwhile before tackling all of last night's "peaceful updates"........BTW,, sad that "W" took the bait hook, line and sinker from Wolfowicz and Pearle regarding Iraq.....he wasn't smart enough to realize these two "King Putzes" wanted the US to protect THEIR motherland.....and then disappeared from the landscape of criticism......
  19. ....the quote is incorrectly attributed to me....I believe it was a DR post..............
  20. ...rumor says you have YOURSELF on ignore.......makes sense to me.......
  21. ...good show DR...sad to see names of Bills' greats besmirched here as in Kemp or Frank......easy troll tag..................
  22. ...I know Whoa Joe can't be left alone, but can he sit up and take nourishment?......
  23. ...just like many of his relatives here.......you can figure out what names fit................
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