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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ..for the Roch-Cha-Cha gang.......WROC-TV channel 8.....pre-game @ 6:30 and game @ &PM.............
  2. ...I agree...and erased Hamdan and Nall from speed dial.................
  3. ...agree....and I think if AG Barr took the leap quickly on the referral, the urinalists would have had a field day with the "witch hunt flag" on top of the pole.....
  4. Jadeveon Clowney Injury History Date League Injury Details Sep 9, 2018 NFL Back Lower Lumbar Sprain/Pull Unspecified Grade 1 Clowney missed Week 2 with an unspecified back injury. Jan 8, 2018 NFL Knee Strain Grade 1 Clowney underwent arthroscopic knee surgery shortly after the 2017 season ended. Jan 23, 2017 NFL Knee Strain Grade 1 Clowney underwent arthroscopic surgery on his left knee after the 2016 season. Dec 24, 2016 NFL Arm Elbow Sprain Nov 27, 2016 NFL Arm Elbow Sprain Dec 27, 2015 NFL Pedal Lisfranc Sprain Nov 1, 2015 NFL Back Lower Lumbar Sprain Oct 8, 2015 NFL Pedal Ankle Sprain Grade 2 Nov 23, 2014 NFL Knee Meniscus Tear Clowney missed the final 5 games of the season dealing with complications from his September surgery to repair a torn meniscus in his knee. He had microfracture surgery in December. Sep 7, 2014 NFL Knee Meniscus Tear Clowney underwent surgery for a torn lateral meniscus in his knee. Aug 14, 2014 NFL Head Cranial Concussion Grade 1 Clowney missed about a week of training camp with a concussion. Jun 3, 2014 Non-NFL Inguinal Groin Sports Hernia Clowney played through a sports hernia in his final season at South Carolina and underwent surgery in June 2014.
  5. ...always liked the D line nickname 'Purple People Eaters"......Paige, Marshall, Eller and Larsen............
  6. ..LOL....I'd abort that "landing" in a nanosecond..........
  7. ...they added one viewer and are boasting about a 25% increase..........
  8. The inspector general's separate, broader review of potential intelligence community surveillance abuses remains ongoing. Earlier this month, it emerged that IG Michael Horowitz had referred Comey's case to the DOJ for a possible criminal prosecution, but that lawyers opted against bringing charges -- with one source telling Fox News it "wasn't a close call."
  9. ........my your nylons are all knotted up there Big Dawg.......I asked a DAMN question PERIOD with NO inference....don't fall off that high horse...long way down.....how sad..
  10. ...maybe Rikers......it's "all inclusive"...... James Comey violated FBI policies with memos on Trump discussions, IG report says By Gregg Re | Fox News Published 16 mins ago A scathing inspector general report released Thursday said that fired FBI Director James Comey violated bureau policies by drafting, leaking and retaining memos documenting discussions with President Trump. For Comey, who has cultivated the image of a by-the-book and irreproachable leader since his termination in 2017, the review shined a harsh light on his decisionmaking in the final, beleaguered weeks of his tenure at the head of the nation's top law enforcement agency. The inspector general's separate, broader review of potential intelligence community surveillance abuses remains ongoing. Earlier this month, it emerged that IG Michael Horowitz had referred Comey's case to the DOJ for a possible criminal prosecution, but that lawyers opted against bringing charges -- with one source telling Fox News it "wasn't a close call." Comey admitted to Congress in June 2017 that, after he was fired, he purposefully leaked several memos through an intermediary to ensure that a special counsel would be appointed. The media firestorm that followed the leak proved a watershed moment that led to Special Counsel Robert Mueller's appointment. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/doj-inspector-general-says-comey-violated-policies-with-memos-documenting-private-conversations-with-trump
  11. ...now I'm really depressed.........
  12. Report: Expanded NFL Playoffs More Likely Than Switch to 18-Game Season Paul Kasabian August 28, 2019 The NFL schedule has consisted of 16 regular-season games and four preseason contests since 1978, with the current 12-team postseason structure existing for the past 29 years. That structure may change, however, after a report from Mark Maske of the Washington Post revealed that owners are pushing an expanded postseason or an expanded regular season in lieu of dropping one or two preseason contests during current collective bargaining agreement negotiations with the NFLPA. "Amid mounting criticism of an uncompelling exhibition-season product with sparsely attended stadiums and star players being withheld from games to avoid injury, there is increasing conviction within the NFL to shorten the preseason. https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2851463-report-expanded-nfl-playoffs-more-likely-than-switch-to-18-game-season
  13. ...allegedly, don't current player salaries include 4 pre-season games?...and how many of the top echelon players even come close to playing 4 GAMES much less 4 QUARTERS?....anybody think that the NFLPA lets Owners skate versus demanding 18/16 of players' salaries?...and the asinine proposal of capping players' season at 16 games is ludicrous.....sitting out key players in the home stretch because you're finally in the hunt?.....
  14. ...maybe I'm overplaying my hand, but I see this Johnson kid as yet ANOTHER McBeane "late day struck gold" find.....
  15. ...has to be frustrating as hell to sit for a year, rehab like I believe he did and still come back less than 100% for 2019 camp......and now the purported high ankle sprain.....Grigson was probably in the top 5 or 10 as all-time GM failures....Luck took a beating because of this fraud's OL staff ineptitude and then had the cowardly bawls to blame the Luck extension as to why he couldn't shore up personnel deficiencies....why the 'eff would the Browns then hire him as a consultant?...LMAO....
  16. ...LOL...love that nickname......but my boy "Frank the Tank" is a close 2nd......the ageless RB wonder......Zay has a place though IMO....
  17. ...read a McBeane quote that was very interesting and telling about Duke (sorry, will have to paraphrase)......McBeane said, "with the signing of Duke Williams, it eliminated drafting a WR early on as a high priority for us"....doubt the paraphrased statement means a "roster spot locked" but it implies (to me) they have high hopes for the kid......then again, some of the "TBD Experts" chimed in right after the signing as"...pfft...nothing but camp fodder...".....THEY would know best, right?............
  18. ....they got caught by surprise at the game because Schefter had to be a FIRST d-bag to break the news...he's a cross between Rona Barrett and TMZ's Howie........Rappaport has FAR more class........
  19. ...maybe LaCanfora is his primary source?...just askin'............
  20. HINT; major, MAJOR sarcasm.......it is woefully inept, unqualified, vile, egotistical and financially driven scourge just like her husband and their "syndicate"....Clinton served two terms...then they prop up the cardboard Chicago cutout, a junior state senator at that with no experience, running solely on his race and propped up with the most scurrilous ex-Clintonites on earth for two MORE terms......so the "syndicate" had a 16 year stranglehold on US politics..imagine if the pant suit won and was re-elected?.....24 years of the syndicate?....ain't enough chlorine on the planet to clean up "that swamp".....sure as hell hope AG Barr has the gonads to do his "cleanup"........
  21. ...Rona Schefter had to break the news BEFORE the game because he's the NFL Howie from TMZ.....Rappaport has more class than that....LaCanfora does NOT know yet......sure the Colts fans were PO'ed......they've patiently waited for his return from injuries.....
  22. ....,Stumblin', mumblin' Joe picks Hillary as VP......."Bugsy Bill" has the syndicate "take care of business" and she slides into the "Big Dawg" chair....stay tuned.....
  23. By Philip Bump-Washington Post August 6, 2015 The 12th Amendment to the Constitution states that "no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States." And the 22nd Amendment, the political response to Franklin Roosevelt's impressive run of presidential victories, capped presidents to two terms. Ergo: No Clinton-Clinton or Bush-Bush. Or Biden-Obama, for that matter. Done and done, right? The answer seems straightforward. But it is less straightforward than it appears. Michael Dorf is a professor of constitutional law at Cornell University. In 2000, he argued that an Al Gore-Bill Clinton ticket could withstand legal scrutiny. And when we spoke by phone on Thursday, he said that he stood by that argument. The rough outline of his argument is this: The 22nd Amendment doesn't say you can't be president for more than two terms. It says you can't be elected president twice. If a Biden-Obama ticket won (which we'll get to), and tragedy were to befall Joe Biden, Barack Obama could become president, according to the letter of the law (which we'll also get to), since he wasn't elected to the position. As such, Obama is not constitutionally ineligible to serve as president. What's more, Dorf said, the case of Powell v. McCormack in 1968 established precedent for a narrow reading of what constitutes "eligibility." In that case, the House sought to prevent Adam Clayton Powell from being sworn in as a representative, arguing that the Constitution gave them the ability to "be the judge of ... qualifications" to sit in the House. The Supreme Court disagreed, deciding that the House couldn't add new qualifications (in Powell's case, that he faced legal problems) by which to deem someone eligible. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2015/08/06/could-joe-biden-pick-barack-obama-as-his-running-mate-yes-but/
  24. ...don't worry Tom...they'll be a chapter in his 65 MILLION DOLLAR book deal........R U kidding?.....oops, the Mrs. is included......
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