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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...Pegula's daughter does NOT approve of this message.....
  2. ....sorry, just got back from shopping...anybody surprised at BOTH Duke AND Ray-Ray?.....both to PS possibly?.....
  3. ...surprised about Duke....read a McBeane quote(paraphrased), "the signing of Duke Williams made drafting a WR early not a top priority"...interesting....didn't think Shady would be a definite goner, but he has one year left.....any GM in the league would wait out Bills cuts versus trading a pick for one year.....guys like Gore (36) and D (33) defy odds and just "keep on tickin'".....not so sure Shady is in that category..........
  4. ...LMAO!...nary a pimple on the NFL world's butt...........
  5. ...their cue cards are already printed.......and the headlines with be "AG Barr Knowingly Politicizes Investigations to Aid Trump Re-election".......Holder was stellar (COUGH) and had rope marks on his wrists from puppeteers......Sessions was a clueless joke....Susan Rice...??.....sad part is that Barr may be the best choice in recent memory but will forever be branded as "woeful" becaue of the TDS syndrome as a Trump appointee.....how does the US ever win?...SMH....
  6. ....when was there" EVER control" is the more poignant question?...rarified air on high horses constitutes oxygen deprivation in most cases...SMH....
  7. ..not unless you're a masochist who loves "wood splinters" as a pain inducer.......hell even GUAM residents know Allen will NEVER make your "Christmas List", right??.................
  8. ....just a senior moment thought, but I can't see AG Barr caving as it may appear now(no charges yet) if he does not have more damning and convincing evidence going forward to solidify prosecutions....he and DOJ have too much at stake to be branded as "political hacks business as usual" wimps....start with scurrilous Holder and his Clintonite directed gang for the DOJ .....therein lies the graft, corruption and politicization of a department ONCE though to the legal bastion of our democracy...........
  9. ..so do PS signings start at 1PM on Sunday then?.....
  10. ...think he's the Yugo "barn find" I saw on Ebay....top bid so far is $1.38............take it from there.........
  11. ....I AM settled and sipping the nectar of the Gods, namely Blanton's bourbon, to assist me in digesting some of your posts.....ANY chance your "Allen Woody" EVER goes way or will you ALWAYS be susceptible to painful "splinters"?...just askin'....
  12. ...so next up chime in with your woody about drafting Allen.....get some NEW 'effin material because your shtick is woefully stale.....SMH.....
  13. ...LOL...good luck Ki-GONE...... ...um ok.......SMH........
  14. ...sounds like a TBD enrollment pre-qualifier......SMH
  15. ...and the suitors?.......CRICKETS.......seriously??..............
  16. .....Pegula hired McBeane after McDermott, so the immediate inference was Sean called the shots.....does it matter?...next up McBeane goes out and hires a formidable staff with MANY former NFL VP's of Pro Player Personnel and NFL Personnel Directors ALL ON PEGULA'S NICKEL....something like 17+ strong.....a bunch of has been castoffs and those seeking a paycheck versus unemployment according to some "TBD Supporters (Fire McBeane..Fire McDermott)".....why I thought Pegula heeded the advice of the "Fire Gang""...blasphemy IMO....think THIS gang is the best since since the "drought era" going back to the "Polian Era" or perhaps even better than Pope Bill?...stay tuned....
  17. ..agree.....but nice to see these unifications of collegiate teammates happen in the NFL ala Rudolph/Washington.....hope it works out for them and the Steelers.....
  18. ...so far...."vet presence....locker room guy....fits Daboll's cloning of Pats' offense.....good blocker....etc...."......if memory serves me, Tolbert was a "vet presence....locker room guy" who was eventually released.....how precisely does he fit Daboll's "cloned Pats offense"?......isn't the "blocking back" issue somewhat resolved with "Frank The Tank"?.....guy is a beast STILL......so how exactly is DiMarco a critical fit?.....hasn't his play been essentially limited to say the least?.....what is the gainful return on committing a roster spot to him?...just curious....
  19. ......not to disrupt thread.....the Rudolph/Washington connection with Steelers seems to be growing though......
  20. ...dammit!...yet ANOTHER pair of Depends down the drain..................honorable mention to SoTier....
  21. ...Lindell was pretty steady......always liked the name "Booth Lustig" though.......
  22. ...where have you been?...we've been waiting patiently for your "comment".................
  23. ...yes he certainly was.......great depth...............
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