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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ....good Lord, how HARD and FAR we have fallen.......third rate cesspool of intolerance, hatred, vitriol, foment, violence because of differing opinions, etc.....and of course it is all on Trump....comical about through the years the battle cry was to elect a "Washington Outsider" to clean up the Potomac graft, corruption, stench, and whatever adjective you want to add...so we FINALLY get one who is brash, irascible, condescending, arrogant, speaks what others wanted to say or do ,but didn't have to gonads to say, do so or stand up....I am not a fan of his past business practices, but turning the corrupt, manipulative, politically partisan environment (people's business my royal azz)on its long needed and ugly head is nothing like anything this in modern history....biggest problem is that there is a chlorine shortage for "The Swamp"......
  2. ...ABSOLUTELY no racial overtones meant or implied.....it was meant to highlight Ali's superiority over his opponent (Smokin' Joe) much the same as Kamala highlights HER superiority over HER opponents (other Dems)...no harm...no foul here.....just the superiority inference.....
  3. ...sleepless nights without Booger??....just askin'......
  4. ...critical step is to stop cells from permeating the bladder wall because it can be aggressive and spread.....from your description, it sounds like all things are positive...Godspeed to cancer free...
  5. ....LOL.....I made $150 per week on salary(COUGH) for an 80 hour work week in 1976....do the math(don't tell hubby though)....
  6. ...the gorilla from the thrillah in Manila............. ...certainly sounds like chemo and radiation did NOT work....how sad..........
  7. ..well at least they are "taking this matter seriously (COUGH)".......pretty noble, right?..........
  8. ...great news!.......keep up the fight my friend.......lost my brother-in-law to it but he was stage IV and had bladder removed...cells permeated abdominal lymph nodes and fought major infections....another good friend of mine was diagnosed as Stage III and had the DaVinci surgery where they created a bladder out of his intestine....10 YEARS cancer free...my mother was diagnosed as Stage II at age 90......surgery to remove tumor and radiation, eventually diagnosed as cancer free (too old for chemo)....but cells escaped into the pelvic region and caused her death...a woman I work with had her brother diagnosed as Stage I....they did the surgery and actually inject TB cells into the bladder for Stage I or less...for some reason, tuberculous cells attack and destroy the cancer..2 years free......plenty of success stories out there...fight the fight and be strong bud........
  9. ....Rosenhaus said "he will be cleared"........he's a pillar of the truth.............
  10. ...so who gets more "Patsies Lives", Gordon or AB??...just askin'......prolly a "Competition Committee (COUGH)" decision.....it's a parity thing...........
  11. ...LMAO...the TBD "Boiled And Broiled List" is quite long.......several options (McBeane, McDermott and Pegula are on the TEMPORARY exempt list....for now).......
  12. ....just horrific.........I-90 in Ohio is 70 mph, but it's pretty easy to get in a caravan doing 80+...cannot imagine blowing a tire at those speeds...
  13. ....this guy is screwier than Martavius or Plexiglass Burress EVER thought to be COMBINED.....the whole timeline and sequence of events starting with Raider hissy fit, quick Pats signing with 9 MIL guaranteed and now this lawsuit ain't passin' the smell test....
  14. ,...isn't he the MSG guy who does Yankee interviews, other sports, etc?
  15. .....happy b-day SDS.....when you get to be my age, this is a helluva lot cheaper than candles............
  16. ...The Commish will come knocking not once, but twice.......think he'll investigate potential personal conduct policy violation(s) for threatening physical violence versus Mayock.....and all of this right after Helmetgate......bet Rog is thrilled.....
  17. ...as far as Rosenhaus being straight up, honest, forthright and a model of integrity, he IS the "Mother Teresa of NFL Agents" period......
  18. ...now that's quite the welcoming committee............
  19. ...yup...reservation at Applebee's.......
  20. ....agree "34"...just get a bit reticent about the "gunslinger label"....go back and read the 2004 pre-draft pundits' analyses...Losman was the "Favre heir apparent gunslinger going to the Pack at 23"....he woefully pales in comparison to Josh as does the current "McBeane/McDermott Regime" to Tom Terrific Donohoe...this kid takes nothing for granted, is mindful and respectful of the game and will work his arse off x 10 to get better for HIS team......tempering the cannon and focusing on the touch stuff have been a MAJOR focal point in his development...he gets "IT" IMO........
  21. ....Bledsoe made the Statute of Liberty look mobile.......
  22. ...speaking of Star, plenty of negatives here about him being" a bust....waste grossly overpaid, yada yada" etc...first was there a realistic expectation from TBD pundits that he would be a "stat guy" come Monday morning?...what do you see exactly as his defined role and does he meet your expectations?....thanks.........
  23. ...just hope it is earlier and more often...........stay tuned.........
  24. ..who really gives a rat's azz about some urinalist typing away from under the confines of his desk?....better to follow ex-players who offer critical analyses, both for and against.....after critical analyses, Allen favorables are Simms, Dilfer, Palmer and now QB Coach Dorsey....Baldy is another good one and MRob likes the Bills......Terrell Davis hates the Bills and is a constant knock......these guys are not afraid to give you a substantive analysis, albeit positive or negative and conclude their net assessment.....a urinalist?...seriously?.....post week 1 rankings range form 17 to 22.....which I think is about right for all of the offensive newness...
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