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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...me?...voice of reason?..I'm only supposed to be let out on weekend furloughs.....
  2. .....now Burned-Out has the Feds becoming "Howard Hanna Freebee"......SMH......it just never ends with these clowns..... Bernie Sanders says ‘housing must be a right’ with $2.5 trillion plan 17 comments Includes national rent control, community land trust, and housing assistance as an entitlement By Patrick Sisson Updated Sep 18, 2019, 1:19pm EDT Sen. Bernie Sanders unveiled a sweeping $2.5 trillion housing plan, a bold and far-reaching agenda that includes national rent control, ending homelessness, and turning federal housing assistance into an entitlement. He first outlined the plan in Nevada, a state hard-hit by the Great Recession and housing crisis, during a campaign stop in Las Vegas last Saturday, aiming to steer the debate over an issue of rising importance among Democratic voters, and perhaps make a mark in an early primary state, where talk of affordability and rising rents resonates strongly. https://www.curbed.com/2019/9/16/20867424/democratic-debate-bernie-sanders-affordable-housing-plan
  3. ...just trying to be reasonable bud.......2020 sweep AND the AFCE title would work, right?......
  4. ..Patsies split and 5th seed (1st WC) would be a significant accomplishment considering Allen and Dawkins are the only two returning offensive starters.....new OL Coach, QB Coach & ST Coach add to the newness.....anything better is a MAJOR accomplishment IMO.....stay tuned........
  5. ...The "Birth of the Madden Cruiser"?...... ...check this out ...$2.489 MILLION for a "cruiser"............ http://www.featherlitecoaches.com/inventory/featherlite-vantare-prevost-3915/
  6. ...so I take it you don't see the Jets & Fins resurgence??........just askin'.........or regurgitating perhaps.. .
  7. .....after much, careful and painstaking rumination, Sherwin Williams won my "derby".....
  8. ....pretty damn tough choices..... 1. TNF 2. The Weather Channel 3. Watching a can of Sherwin Williams dry in my rocking chair. 4. "I Love Lucy" reruns. ...damn conundrum...........
  9. ..."steady as she goes Captain Nemo"......no need to rush things if we're showing step by step progress....let 'em go and grow until week 16 when he locks up #1 WC spot vs #2(RELUCTANTLY saying Pats grab the AFCE title again....BUT...)............
  10. ...LMAO!...you're STILL "The Best".............
  11. ...we really need to get "The Hat" as a feared venue to play in like yesteryear.....in the "good 'ol days", "W" was not the question versus "by how much?".....
  12. ....two years ago, right??...just askin'........
  13. ...Valby"..."good ol Schwartz....."........stopping there to avoid ban....
  14. ...Sammy's foot issues were prolonged...and he seems to finally be ok.....hopefully Kroft can get beyond this as well.....
  15. ....LMAO...Fins??...BIG move(ment)?...seriously?......gotta be an irritated bowel...........
  16. ...MMA..."St Doug vs Ramsey II".....get your popcorn ready......
  17. ...AFCE title no doubt.............
  18. ...well that settles it...lost me as a viewer.............
  19. ...kind of surprised it took some urinalist THIS LONG....oh well............
  20. ....doesn't this conflict with SPOTRAC or am I reading something incorrectly?........
  21. ...so he's probably writing his "blame game presser speech" right now.....shocking............
  22. ...WHOA!!!......somebody spiked his gummy bears with purple pills??......... Man undergoes surgery to alleviate erection that lasted for 36 hours: 'They said my penis would die' By Madeline Farber | Fox News A 41-year-old United Kingdom man is getting very candid about an experience that nearly cost him his manhood. Elliott Rossiter, of Bristol, England, told South West News Service (SWNS), a British news agency, that he was visiting friends in France when he suddenly developed an erection. But he was not aroused at the time, he said. “We were all just sat around and it just came on. I tried to get rid of it but couldn’t,” he told SWNS of the “embarrassing” moment. “It wasn’t sexual in any way at all and I wasn’t feeling aroused.” After 19 hours with no relief, a friend took him to a local clinic. His penis was injected with anti-inflammatory and steroid medications, according to SWNS. But Rossiter remained rigid. https://www.foxnews.com/health/man-36-hour-erection-surgery
  23. ...well there's one from Arkansas........
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