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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...like how AG Barr quietly goes about his business, out of the spot light, low key and not offering any salacious tidbits to the urinalists......probably driving them crazier....just like Holder would (COUGH)......
  2. ....sad to see the "news industry" down the drain after industry stalwarts like Huntley, Brinkley, Cronkite, Edward R, etc were held in such high esteem....RIP fellas, it's fugly here today......
  3. ....Joe Citizen?.......Biden has only been "employed(COUGH)" in politics for his entire life......he epitomizes a "CAREER politician" PERIOD.....
  4. ...if I only could remember 40.....on second thought.............
  5. ...seriously Guido(I'm of Italian heritage so forget the ethnic bias crap) ?.....turncoat?......approved the NY Legislature to sue for his tax returns.....ranted, raved and pee peed away NY taxpayer dollars for numerous trips to PR to expose Trump's alleged Puerto Rico neglect post hurricane?.....downstate NY electorate has given us the likes of Cuomo, Schumer, Nadler, Gillibrand, etc with NO Upstate support.....sell it and Manhattan back to the Indians for 12 bucks and take the 12 dollar loss to get rid of this garbage............ Cuomo says ‘leftist’ Dems pressured Pelosi on impeachment, warns it will go 'nowhere' By Adam Shaw | Fox News New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Thursday said that “leftist” Democrats pressured House Speaker Nancy Pelosi into launching the impeachment inquiry into President Trump, and warned that the inquiry will ultimately go "nowhere." "I think we now go to a very long and unproductive road," he said during a chat on political civility at Seton Hall Law School with former N.J. Gov Chris Christie, according to The New York Daily News. “Speaker Pelosi was dealing with pressure from her caucus and...there is a heightened leftist component to the Democratic Party that she was feeling pressure for,” Cuomo said. “She is a deliberate, responsible person. She is not a knee-jerk person and I think she even resisted the pressure in her caucus admirably for a long period of time.” Pelosi announced the inquiry this week in the wake of revelations about President Trump’s July conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, in which Trump sought assistance in investigating former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter. In particular, Trump asked about Biden’s bragging that he secured the firing of the Eastern European country’s top prosecutor who had been investigating a firm to which Hunter had ties. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/andrew-cuomo-leftist-dems-pelosi-impeachment
  6. ...I know and you know what I meant.......
  7. ...I kid you not and cannot make this stuff up......at an extended family picnic, one of my illustrious "dyed in the wool Dems cousins (they ALL are)" said with a STRAIGHT face that, "she probably relaxed the President so he could do a better job"....I have NOT been been back to a family picnic in twenty years...SMH.......
  8. ...so how is an overall grade to his tenure (2017-2019 in progress) to date tied to ONE game?...just curious.....
  9. ...probably inappropriate and non PG-13 to identify three, right?........
  10. ...imagine if this wench was elected?.....Slick Willie for 8.......cardboard cutout Obama propped up by ex-Clintonites (an abysmal race candidate catapulted from Jr senator status) to the pantsuit for a probable 8?...TWENTY-FOUR years of a Clinton stranglehold on US politics?.....16 was bad enough.......and she STILL hasn't gone away............
  11. ...no change...both are somewhat dinged so it's a wash....-7.....
  12. ...Bflo has to be behind for the "magic to work".......if the Pats receive and run it back 101, I will cede to your request.....
  13. ...EASY fix....make Gitmo the "new" Ellis Island...........
  14. ...oh joy......Riveron's hanky fest for 7 MORE years...SMH............. NFL, NFL Referees Association announces new seven-year labor deal Posted by Mike Florio on September 28, 2019, 11:09 AM EDT The NFL still has to achieve labor peace with its players. The NFL has indeed achieved labor peace with its game officials. The NFL Referees Association has announced the finalization of a seven-year Collective Bargaining Agreement. The new deal runs through May 31, 2026. The current agreement was due to expires in May 2020, after the current season. The NFLRA explained that the Board of Directors “unanimously approved” the CBA, and that the membership ratified it. The outcome of the ratification vote, which depends only on a simple majority of the union members, was not announced https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2019/09/28/nfl-referees-association-announces-new-seven-year-labor-deal/
  15. ....Joe has it covered............... AIR AND SPACE Published 18 hours ago 3 monster black holes are going to collide By Christopher Carbone | Fox News Three supermassive black holes are poised to collide. These three monsters stand near one another in a system of merging galaxies that's about a billion light-years from Earth, according to a new study published in The Astrophysical Journal. https://www.foxnews.com/science/3-monster-black-holes-are-going-to-collide
  16. ...hopefully NOBODY.......hate to see an end to "Boy Danny's Failed Fantasy".....he's tied with Jurrah on "my list"......find a better set of matching azzclown book ends.....
  17. ....whoa...totally confused.....TBD pundits said Beasley is "only here for the money".....who or what should I believe?......skills are a ruse?...........
  18. ...damn good call bud..."get over it".....quickly in the QB arena, Brady was a 6th & Montana was a 3rd........swung on and missed......how about other positions?.....Bosworth?...or Kiper's proclamation that Tony Mandarich "was a man among boys.....sure fire HOF'er".....2004 draft..."Losman is the heir apparent gunslinger to Fave to the Pack at #23".....honorable mention to Jaws saying "Losman is extremely smart with the football"...OR...."Trent Edwards is the real deal".....OR .."Kaeperinck has the ability to be in the top ten QB's of all time".....the "shoulda....coulda....woulda...list" is LONGER than War and Peace.....SMH......BUT...Mahomes was a Whaleyism so it lives on......
  19. ...Osprey time....
  20. ...and how many pundits looked at an "Air Raid QB" as if he was from a leper colony?......plenty of quotes about an "Air Raid QB NEVER makes it in the NFL"..........so he defies the purported "never makes it" odds with a fantastic year 2 and great start to year 3......having Andy as his HC is certainly a benefit IMO.....how many of the alleged "never detractors (TBD posters included)" have switched camps piling on the "shoulda....coulda...woulda bandwagon"?.......correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Mariota's collegiate background "the spread" which employs a somewhat similar offensive philosophy?.....and he is working out....how?......let's be realistic about "missing"........
  21. ...it is "international".......one flight a month arriving from Toronto.............
  22. ...LMAO...Snyder attracts the "fatherly figures"......RG II 1/8 had "Papa RG" right by his side chirping......
  23. ...REAL good stuff bud...thanks for sharing..........dead on with "balanced" or one game at a time.......agree on 2017 playoff nod......how many years during the drought were there where "all we need is for this, this, this and this to happen and we're in"......came up empty every time...probably the closest was 2004 when Moo's club had to beat the Steelers 3rd stringers and we're in at 10-6, ending the schneid......you know the rest....so 2017 was more of a FINALLY the stars aligned in our favor", with thanks to Dalton's "divine intervention"...Bflo's "Immaculate Reception (of a playoff spot)"..........looking at the chronology from where we were NOT and the end of 2016 to where we are today is a pretty damn good accomplishment considering a new Owner maturing as well as a rook HC AND GM learning the ropes........steady as she goes.....
  24. ...my Uncle Nunzio should be pulling in your driveway shortly.......he drives a black stretch limo.................
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