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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...Walmart.....they raised prices......
  2. ....coincidence that NBC is becoming a mirror image of "Jeff's Lair"?....take a look at the brass.........
  3. ...damn good point bud....wouldn't surprise me one bit if he became a vociferous "locker room leader"....stay tuned.................. ...sure as hell has to put some "bounce in his step"....Bills fans love to embrace a hard worker/gamer.....
  4. .....actually he should say nothing.....why advertise your ignorance confirming what the masses thought?.......keep 'em guessing and trying to figure your sorry azz out...
  5. ....but...but NO 300 yd passing games yet.......could be blasphemy on the horizon.......in the meantime, guess we'll reluctantly settle on 4 W's........
  6. ...two?...seriously?.......forgot the "ONE and DONE Gang" did ya??........
  7. ...yup....he needs to play with his head first versus his heart....."game day adrenaline" gets pumping where he thinks he can do it all, wants to it all, but neither are for "ME" or personal accolades....pretty amazing size, speed, agility and cannon arm attributes......it's for his teammates, the city and the fans.....he doesn't want to let anybody down IMO.....trust the other 10 around you big fella.......
  8. ...think he is working hard at it.......sure he had some collegiate days screw ups and a couple of NFL tryouts that went nowhere......so instead of throwing in the towel, he went North to work on his craft, attitude and maturity.....McBeane said in an interview, "the Duke Williams signing made drafting a WR early not a top priority".....translation Duke: you have been handed the opportunity of a lifetime.....do NOT blow it.....
  9. ...another calamity just like "no 300 yd passer".....Josh will continue to grow and improve.......the offense will continue to grow and improve....Daboll will continue to grow and improve....in the meantime, 4 W's "ain't too bad", right?.....
  10. ....he's smart enough to know this is probably his ONLY shot at the NFL.......carpe diem lad....NFL pays a tad better than the CFL.......
  11. ...special thanks to FORMER Pack GM Ted Thompson for letting Hyde walk.....
  12. ...OMG....those poor tires and rims.............
  13. ....build a Golden Corral next to FedEx Field...he'll be there in a nanosecond.......Rob is already on the staff...........
  14. .....we'll have to look at the tape..".............(copyright Dickie Jauron)..........
  15. ...the bill for Excedrin could drive Pegula into Chapter 11..........DOUBLE NO..........
  16. ...another positive for the Deadskins (DIS) organization for Daboll to ponder......George's kid is Danny's empty suit.......... Love, Hate and why I'm done with Bruce Allen Matthew BerryESPN Senior Writer As you might imagine, especially given my position, I have heard it my entire life. It's been yelled at me, tweeted at me, asked pointedly to me on radio and TV shows, and it's been an accusation I've gotten from a few of my current co-workers. Fantasy football ruins the game. I remember former NFL quarterback Jake "The Snake" Plummer talking to ESPN about fantasy football. "I think it has ruined the game," he replied. "There are no true fans anymore. ... If I lost a game ... no Denver [Broncos] fan was mad because I lost, but happy because I threw three TDs." Former NFL coach Todd Haley, a true football guy, told Peter King, "It's anti-team. The way fans looked at what we did on offense was so fantasy football-driven." https://www.espn.com/fantasy/football/story/_/page/TMRlovehate191010/matthew-berry-love-hate-fantasy-football-picks-sleepers-busts-week-6
  17. ..longer than that......"He Hate Me" was the legend......
  18. ...so how did a guy like Bflo's own Billy Shaw, take time off from mixing cement in the 60's to come to Bflo to play ball for a whopping 18 grand a year, followed by a beer and butt every post game in front of his locker?......and then return home to mix more cement, which he did until age 66 to gain full social security because his NFL pension was so huge (COUGH)....what exactly has changed from then to now as far as the physicality of the sport?....bigger, stronger, faster?...sure..BUT it is on BOTH sides of the ball....isn't today's advancement in protective equipment technology FAR superior versus then?.....so what gives?.....
  19. ...could be a good landing spot for the Reilly kid.......hope Vince pays better....er pays players versus the AAF.......
  20. ...he made the moves that were necessary to establish what type of environment he and McDermott wanted......painful?...yes?....is there ever a good time to do it?...nope.....bite the bullet and "no guts...no glory...no bawls...no blue chips"......was comical to sit back and watch the "TBD GM Wannabees (NEVER hired yet so noted)" chime in with , "...fire McBene...fire McDermott...hell fire the beerman......our clueless Owner sucks...." yada yada......the visual of that gang typing away from the safety of their "under the desk fortress" caused me to "double my monthly Depends budget".....BUT...I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night...SMH...........
  21. ....safe to say the kid atoned for his collegiate mistakes, went North as probably his only option and seems to have worked very hard at his craft.....McBeane quote I saw was (paraphrased), "the signing of Duke Williams changed making a WR draft pick early on as a top priority"....kudos to the "TBD Experts" who chimed in after the signing with,"....pffft....nothing but camp fodder..."(they should be along shortly with their "mea culpas (COUGH))"........think this kid knows the could be his ONLY chance at NFL riches and I hope like hell he shows it..nice job in game #1 IMO....."carpe diem big fella"....
  22. ...yup...from where we were to where we could be, first WC seed with a 10-6 record would be one helluva accomplishment in 2019.....NEXT step if this happens would be a shot at the AFCE crown in 2020......
  23. ...officiating continues to become far more complex, with unclear definitions and more gray areas left open to interpretation.....and the quality continues to decline and the game suffers due to rampant inconsistencies.........should have Officiating OTA's.......gather 'em all up and start with intensive classroom study to learn the "spirit/intent of the rule(s)".......sessions to review significant prior year's calls that were dubious and what the calls should have been......then move them to Officiating TC with live demos, on field stuff, positioning, etc......a ton to digest in a play that last seconds, but something is needed.....who the hell am I kidding?........all we need is Riveron so ignore my useless babble...SMH....
  24. .....the old man probably means Peterman..........
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