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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...is that college Plagerism University?....with "honors" no doubt............
  2. ....hmmm....200,000.......now let's take into consideration highly susceptible elderly deaths (special thanks to Big Fredo), at risk preexisting conditions citizens, auto/motorcycle/gun shot wound deaths, fraudulent reporting et al, probably 70%, we're down to perhaps 60,000+ directly related Covid-19 deaths....the annual flu number....and the political capital in THAT is.....crickets.....
  3. ....well if Whoa Joe loses, bet they hire him...PERFECT fit.......
  4. ...he'll be Tib's house boy...so yes, jail IS correct......
  5. ...read an article said that 63% of the NYC 27,000 restaurants will close for good...ONE CITY......now calculate the lost sales tax revenues and lost fees for liquor licenses...maybe Big Fredo will donate his book proceeds......
  6. ...he would have shined as the "new sheriff in town" ....and lauded with, "perhaps THE best President in the nation's history as the much need law and order leader"...with special mention to his upstanding, honorable law abiding advocate AG as in Eric Holder".....hell he'd replace the legend of Matt Dillion and the legend of Gunsmoke......Michelle would be our modern day "Miss Kitty".....
  7. ...unfortunately, ethnic racism or even geographic racism ( see my previous description) are not as easily identifiable as skin color racism.....the old adage is "first impression is THE lasting impression".....thus your first visual is skin color.....which carries the MOST political capital......BLM is the epitome of a fraud period..it is "The Gimme Crowd" who says you owe me and does squat....the astute (COUGH) BLM Leader says, "looting is a form of reparations".....I emphasize with the MILLIONS of US blacks who have become educated to whatever level they chose, have successful jobs, entrepreneurial business owners (how many have been destroyed in these riots?)careers and solid nuclear families, only to be lumped into alleged BLM "gimme supporters" because of skin color.....sad inclusion IMO....
  8. ...for the helluva it, let's remove the name "Trump" and use President ????.......if President ???, regardless of party had "drained the swamp" and exposed the same level of graft, corruption, manipulation, potentially criminal implications et al, what would be your reaction?.....after all we peddle the US as "THE world's greatest democracy".....so are you shocked/surprised?....or" as expected because politics is a dirty game and we are not the thought of world's greatest democracy"?.....a/k/a the "good 'ol boys network" is what I thought but I ignore it"?.....just curious if you care to answer....
  9. ...I'd bet if you took out the highly susceptible/high risk elderly & and those with preexisting medical conditions, as well as the falsely reported vehicle/motorcycle/gun shot victims rubber stamped as "Covid-19", you'd get to the normal flu season deaths......BUT there is NO political capital in accuracy...my boss's daughter was sent home from 1st year in college after testing positive.....she has severe asthma.....he now tested positive and said based on his mild systems, "if THIS is why we shut down the country, it's a bigger joke than I thought".....and his daughter's asthma is just fine despite all of the published reports about respiratory issues with Covid-19......
  10. ....sorry but ending racism is a pipe dream..."racism is an infinite phenomenon with no elimination end game achievable"......racism because of skin color, ethnic racism (look around the world and its existence for thousands of years) or even geographic racism for some ( the US North vs South/Yankees vs Rebs STILL exists)...... you may, MAY make gains towards improving relations, but it will NEVER be eradicated......those "anti feelings" are ingrained forever in the gray matter of many.....
  11. ...if, IF Durham delivers a rubber mallet, the MSM feeding frenzy would be out of control starting with, "pffft....told you nothin' about nothin'"......stay tuned....
  12. ...with an 18% approval rating, I don't think those words belong in the same sentence.....classic oxymoron.............
  13. ..OR....play the FOUR YEAR OLD+ "Russian Card".......
  14. ....Antifa should have been "cancelled" long ago versus turning a blind eye while they gained traction......replicate the "ISIS Eradication" model......problem solved....
  15. ...so is the hammer coming or will we see a rubber mallet?......
  16. ...MUCH appreciated!...thank you....
  17. ...I'd start with the teachers' Unions and how they have the Dems bought and paid for...the same fine whiners about charter schools, school vouchers/freedom of choice et al....give some of these inner city kids with a "yearn to learn" an opportunity to get out of these miserably failing public school systems......billions and billions "thrown" at education and we're going backwards.....
  18. ...thought I read that somewhere followed the MSM refuting the number as misinterpreted.....................
  19. isn't that ranch versus bleu cheese??..............
  20. ...LMAO..."Alka" Seltzer strikes again....this guy is the epitome of a "clown suit in a barrel".....
  21. ...as anticipated, "Fecal Freddie" is right "on schedule" with his "daily droppings"......
  22. ...so in your view DR, does the announcement today about subpoenas amount to "nothing fluff" or a sign as to what may, MAY be coming from Durham?....
  23. ..."I'm Joe Biden and I approve of this message".....should be done here then??........
  24. ...sorry there counselor, a "contempt of Court" post......conservatively, I'd bet 65% of the deaths were due to highly susceptible elderly (ask Big Fredo), preexisting condition candidates, auto accidents, motorcycle accidents, gun shot wounds et al......which brings us to a more realistic total of 70,000 deaths, right in line with annual flu deaths......
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