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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...a buddy of mine is best friends with the Bloomberg co-founder.....Mike ordered the downsizing of all soft drink cups in their office venues to control the caloric intake of employees in "their best (controlled) interests"......seriously?....could make oversized cups a Federal crime as part of his platform to be monitored and adjudicated by the squeaky clean FBI and DOJ.....perhaps a FEDERAL ban on plastic straws as well......SMH....
  2. ...assume from a state with no Leash Law?.....
  3. ...safe to say (IMO) that all of the laudatory "Browns Are SB Contenders" articles were and remain "fools gold".....at 2-6, they'd have to run the table for a WC spot...they're bickering and Kitchens is a green horn......hate playing wounded animals though who are unpredictable......-3 at home (FG nod) would be the usual......forget dissecting the line and play the damn game....17-14 Bills, with Money coming through in the clutch despite Lake Erie winds......
  4. ...maybe he wants Kasik as his running mate..............
  5. ...did you ever the that "Dirty FBI Era" on Hoover's watch could be equaled or exceeded in this modern era?........or how about the DOJ/AG starting with the Clinton Dynasty and equally dirty?......and here we are peddling the "world's greatest democracy" to corrupt nations with our own HUGE "closet full of skeletons"?......SMH......how noble......
  6. ...he doesn't pay ANYBODY so why should anybody pay him?.....probably needs to hire Michael "Stormy" Avenatti as his lawyer.....
  7. Victor Davis Hanson: Socialism guarantees failure and suffering – So why do so many Americans support it? Victor Davis Hanson | Tribune Media Services Multiple forms of socialism, from hard Stalinism to European redistribution, continue to fail. Russia and China are still struggling with the legacy of genocidal communism. Eastern Europe still suffers after decades of Soviet-imposed socialist chaos. Cuba, Nicaragua, North Korea and Venezuela are unfree, poor and failed states. Baathism — a synonym for pan-Arabic socialism — ruined the postwar Middle East. The soft-socialist European Union countries are stagnant and mostly dependent on the U.S. military for their protection. In contrast, current American deregulation, tax cuts and incentives, and record energy production have given the United States the strongest economy in the world. So why, then, are two of the top three Democratic presidential contenders — Sens. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., — either overtly or implicitly running on socialist agendas? Why are the heartthrobs of American progressives — Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) and Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) — calling for socialist redistributionist schemes? https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/victor-davis-hanson-history-socialism
  8. ..he'd probably call collect......out of work............
  9. ...exactly what every one thrown his way would end up being..........to catch.................
  10. ...I reserve the right NOT to tell you how old I was in 1977......senior moment prolly prevents me from remembering anyhow............
  11. ...sorry (FWIW) but EXCELLENT i s a bit over the top.......if EXCELLENT pervades , why one year stops on his resume', with the Cleveland stint being 2 years with Mangini?....who lets excellence escape?......he is very inconsistent and has relied too heavily on Josh to bail him put particularly in the run game.....we are far from innovative & creative game plans matching up well versus the opposition....sure the Allen kid has skills, but being the weekly leading rusher connotes long term career viability?....ok so last year he got a pass because it was "the personnel stupid".......so tell me how Singeltary goes from the Witness Protection Program to nominee for "Offensive Player of the Week"?.....this guy has a LONG way to go as a long term viable OC.....and the fear mongers about losing him to the HC ranks?......um...ok........
  12. ...r u still in the same hi-chair?....just askin'...............
  13. ...but can't deny it was fun watching them both......Fins with Greise, Kiick, Czonka, Warfield, Nick B and the Killer Bees, Marks Brothers, etc.....Joe and the Niners...you know that drill well.....fun times with Eddie B as Owner until the York power play......pissed that we had tix for 1976 ND-Pitt game with Dorsett as Pitt's horse and Joe as ND's QB.....unfortunately Montana was on IR and Pitt prevailed with TD running for 181 a 31-10 "L".........
  14. ..STILL think a Steve Young (yup...HIM) quote I read long ago apologies today....."more collegiate QB's fail versus succeed at the NFL level because of the speed and complexity of today's game".....some make it....others do not......some make it quickly while others need more time....some hit the limelight quickly with new wrinkles but get figured out by opposing DC's.....and we have not even touched on coaching philosophies or quality of developmental staff.....what is the legitimate window of development judging/grading (forget TBD; a career is 8 games or less)?.....remember reading an article about Kaep when he hit the limelight.....think it was around 20+ career games....NFL exec in the interview said ," we generally use a 50 game window for for legitimate assessment".....sure as hell didn't know about the "TBD Window of Assessment"......
  15. ...heard the Smuckers is marketing his "Toe Jam" for your morning toast....enjoy..............
  16. ....agree......not so much about Marino...here's an old list (2013) of top 8 players with longest careers (20+ years).......many are from earlier eras before the money explosion......love of the game?...competitiveness?.......get outta the house from the wife?...who knows...... 8 NFL Players with the Longest Careers by Colleen Caseyon November 23, 2013 SPORTSCASTING According the the NFL Players Association, the average National Football League career lasts 3.5 seasons. It cites a career extending to anything around 10 or 12 seasons as an anomaly and not something an average player should count on. But some players remain in the league even longer — take a look at eight players who played 20 seasons or more in the NFL, holding the records for longest length of service. All information unless noted otherwise comes from the NFL and the Pro Football Hall of Fame. https://www.sportscasting.com/8-nfl-players-with-the-longest-careers/
  17. ....exactly why it's called "Monday Mourning"......can't tell if it was a "W" or "L" without checking on ESPN.......SMH...........
  18. ...good call CB..... Offensive coaches Offensive Coordinator – Brian Schottenheimer Quarterbacks – Brian Daboll Running Backs – Jimmy Raye Wide Receivers – Noel Mazzone Assistant Offensive Line/Tight Ends – Mike Devlin Offensive Quality Control – Brian Smith Coaching Assistant – Dan Shamash
  19. ...not that pundit quips matter to me, but isn't inference that Buffalo is " a lousy 6-2 football team"?.....kinda doubt you'll have a sleepless night over Terry's "assessments(COUGH)".......know that Chandler 81 won't......here's his quote about my Bradshaw thread.... "(we decided unanimously that Bradshaw took too many snot-knockers to the Mellon and he’s a Hick.)? "
  20. ...well Terry Bradshaw said, "Buffalo is a lousy 6-2 team" so it MUST be gospel, right?....
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