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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...DEAD on IMO.........he is a forward thinker, something sorely lacking since the Polian era..........
  2. ...we agree 138% on this.......the acclimation process depends on the individual versus where they were drafted.......coaching and surrounding personnel are also significant factors IMO....sadly, you and I are well as others know the label BUST exists.....as I have previously said, invent the "Head 'N Heart Meter" and you'll be a billionaire overnight....what is in a draftee's head and heart?.....cash and coast?......love for the game wanting to be the best ever at his position?.....who knows.....clubs (I think) do their best effort with due diligence only to be rewarded for their efforts or to be woefully disappointed...nature of the beast......
  3. ...maybe Fred Goldman invites him over for Thanksgiving to watch the Bills game......
  4. ...so then if I understand you correctly bud, noting jury is "still out", we are nowhere near the definitive assigning of A LABEL just yet, correct?...if "evaluations pre-draft as having exceptionally high ceilings due to athleticism" came with a warranty or money back guarantee, "bust" nomenclature NEVER exists...will always be a paralysis by analysis crap shoot IMO....
  5. ...but I think there are OBD openings for a Sanitary Engineer and beerman......"top pay and benefits"......
  6. ...have your dog take you for a walk......then use IGNORE....no harm no foul lad...SMH.........
  7. ...Rudy has game.......Mike?....NOT........got his shingle on Amazon....now back to the thread......
  8. ....sure as hell hope the "Carolina Connection" is DISCONNECTED for this clown......could NOT stomach his "Purple Rain Look Pressers" at OBD.......
  9. ...he's safe......probably moves to a sanctuary city..............
  10. ...knees, right??.......... ...agree....nicely done bud......now put on the kevlar and take cover from the "TBD Star Fan Club (COUGH)".......
  11. ...disagree with "boom or bust" label......what 1st rounder comes with a warranty or "money back guarantee"?....that label woefully under estimates the transition form collegiate ranks to NFL....1,696 are "privileged" annually out of how many?..... 2. Our recent first round picks (Allen, Edmunds and Oliver) were boom or bust types to a degree when drafted, and they all seem to be a work in progress. I really don't know whether Edmunds is playing well or not. Does he have the instincts to be the long-term answer at MLB? Does he move over to OLB if Lorenzo Alexander retires after this season? Way too early to make judgments about Oliver, but I would like to see more, even in his first year. ...I certainly agree on the Allen progress....1st round rooks get a VERY short porch in "TBD Land" and they know best (COUGH)......why would the kid continually work closely with Palmer ON HIS TIME if he didn't feel he needs major improvement?......wouldn't a smug diva (no need to mention names) say, "I'm good enough"?......in deference to NOT derailing the thread. I''ll leave the "Daboll Debate" for another time elsewhere regarding regarding proper utilization of players, game planning to play to personnel strengths..... 1. It is comforting to see Allen showing improvement in his ability to throw the short passes. He is clearly a work in progress, and he will need to show that he can connect on the long throws like he did last year, but he does seem to be showing that he can get better. Overall, Allen is a great fit for McD, the team and Buffalo in terms of his work ethic, demeanor and personality, but he will need to continue to improve and show that he can have success throwing the ball when the Bills need it (i.e., when they get behind in games or in a high scoring battle).
  12. ...D&C's Sal says 24-16 Browns.......not surprising with him though............ "I had a strong hunch a couple weeks ago about the Bills being in a bad spot when the Eagles came calling (I was right), and I have a similarly pessimistic view about Buffalo’s chances Sunday in Cleveland. The Browns are overdue for a get-well game, and it feels like the Bills are the right opponent at the right time for that to happen. " https://www.democratandchronicle.com/story/sports/football/nfl/bills/2019/11/09/buffalo-bills-vs-cleveland-browns-preview-predictions-josh-allen-baker-mayfield/2522001001/
  13. ...was he like that before just coming to OBD?......would seem to be a pretty rapid decline if he was not......perhaps lack of motivation in that his contract has a pretty hefty cap hit if released...thoughts?...
  14. ...heard that Michael "Stormy" Avenatti is looking for work....just a suggestion.......
  15. ....the TBD cache of 3,842 budding GM's with resumes' in hand tend to lash out because no club calls them for an interview...that would be NFL, AAF, XFL, Lingerie League, Pop Warner, Lackawanna HS et al.......it is disheartening waiting for the phone to ring.....
  16. ....and a $65 million dollar book deal from.....The National Enquirer didn't hurt either, right??............
  17. ....very fair assessment.......and I agree...BUT....we are in the "TBD House Of Unreasonable Expectations" for ANYBODY drafted in the 1st.....the "he sucks" label is awarded quickly...."Too Small" Ed and Josh come to mind......of course there is little or no difference between the collegiate game versus the NFL, right?......hell I'd stay in school and get TWO Masters and a PhD before wanting to be drafted by OBD and face this "firing squad"...SMH...
  18. ....very fair assessment IMO.....hate to use " stop gap" because it connotes desperation......"plug and play" sounds far better and McBeane knew what he was getting.....cap hit(s) say he may be here for awhile......
  19. ....but he may come across as a tad more rational than the current "Dirty Dozen Cast"......versus socialism, medicare for all, open borders, student debt elimination, etc.......could be interesting.....
  20. ...yup....would be a critical task assignment for my HR Department to keep employees "happy...happy..."....right after I outlawed "biggie fries"......all about priorities (COUGH)...
  21. ....so Mike is back to wearing the Democrat hat?.....has 'em all on his closet shelf... Bloomberg served as the 108th Mayor of New York City, holding office for three consecutive terms, beginning his first in 2001. A Democrat before seeking elective office, Bloomberg switched his party registration in 2001 to run for mayor as a Republican. He defeated opponent Mark Green in a close election held just weeks after the September 11 terrorist attacks. He won a second term in 2005, and left the Republican Party two years later. Bloomberg campaigned to change the city's term limits law, and was elected to his third term in 2009 as an Independent on the Republican ballot line.
  22. ..pretty sure he did it in his offices where courts would have no jurisdiction though..........
  23. ...knowing that ALL you deal in is "facts", PPP unanimously takes this as "gospel"......
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