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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ....three 200 yd surrenders last year were a bit of a concern here......a bit puzzling of late to see how we get gashed in the 1st quarter+ and then he adjusts for the 2nd to stop the bleeding...a bit strange that Frazier's Run D comes out soft in Q1 (lately) and Daboll comes out lethargic in Q3 (usually)..........
  2. ...he's as crazy today as he was back in his playing days for the Rochester Americans as well as his HC stint there.....a bunch of us were close friends with Bob Malcolm and we used to get the inside "Grapes stories".......OMG.....
  3. ...he was at a "loss for words" at that point....
  4. ...only in California......infringing on the rights of decent people to be subjected to this doesn't make a damn bit of difference......SMH.......... San Francisco's new DA pledges not to prosecute public urination, other quality-of-life-crimes By Louis Casiano | Fox News San Francisco's newly elected district attorney has promised not to prosecute public urination and other quality-of-life crimes that have plagued the lucrative Bay Area amid a crippling homelessness crisis affecting urban communities across California. In response to an American Civil Liberties Union questionnaire reported by The San Francisco Chronicle last month, Chesa Boudin said such crimes should not be prosecuted. "We will not prosecute cases involving quality-of-life crimes," he said. "Crimes such as public camping, offering or soliciting sex, public urination, blocking a sidewalk, etc., should not and will not be prosecuted. Many of these crimes are still being prosecuted; we have a long way to go to decriminalize poverty and homelessness.” https://www.foxnews.com/politics/san-franciscos-newly-elected-da-pledges-not-to-prosecute-public-urination-other-quality-of-life-crimes
  5. ....EMPTY podium......how symbolic and fitting...............
  6. ...her new book, "It Takes A Village....To Watch My Husband" is due out shortly................
  7. ...committed due diligence and rumination do take time.....
  8. ....been saying for awhile that his one year stops as OC are questionable.......maybe Saban has a return clause that he'd honor.......this guy is another Fairchild pffft........
  9. ....nice write up bud...thanks...........I'd bet they hardly share your accurate assessment......"head scratching repetition" is the "mother of all battles with this gang".....definition of "insanity" is sure as hell a good fit.....this cast doesn't seem to get "IT".......you can name names so I won't bother.....Belichick is THE Master of Adjustments.....we just do NOT seem to get any better from week to week, learning from mistakes albeit HC, OC/DC, personnel deployment versus what the opposition tendencies are, in game adjustments, clock management et al....could we conceivably be heading towards an "oh well 8-8"?........stay tuned...... 1. Yesterday was a foundation shaking moment with the coaching staff that questions a bit the long term viability of this staff. You play to win you don’t play to tie. On the final drive the offense is moving and the moment they hit FG range the coaching staff panicked. The NFL is an offense driven attack league and you are rewarded for doing so. To not go for the win was as bad as Rex punting agaisnt Miami. Long term the defense will not be great with free agency, salary cap, age etc that set in. Your going to have to win with your QB and scoring. My faith they understand and will do this is shaken at this point.
  10. ...you need an "adjuster" to "adjust".....seems like more and more we have a "cluster" versus "adjuster".......somebody get Saban on the phone so we can talk to the " 'Bama Returns Department"....
  11. ........series of one year stops as OC with the exception of two years at Cleveland with Mangini, are very telling IMO....certainly NOT reasonable to expect an OC to turn around a fledgling offense in one year......assuming a GM/HC combo like what they see, you keep him.....but he's gone after one.....I'm probably reading too much into this (as usual)...... ....and we have Cleveland at #24 for rush defense and Singeltary gets "overworked" with EIGHT carries.......go figure..... ATT YDS TD 24 Cleveland Browns 9 250 1214 8
  12. ....TWELVE rushes....he's NOT the culprit......guy is good..........
  13. ...he comes in boxes...,reassembly required.....Liquid Nails recommended...."Purple Rain CD" included......gawd NO......
  14. ,,or ...Craigslist OC ad?.......one year or less OC experience so noted...oh wait...what we have now...........
  15. ...I have to agree that Allen and Money were the "L" culprits......OC Daboll was on top of his game with dialing up 12 rushes......need to extend this guy...........
  16. ....Dopey Dickie Jauron II......great....ad nauseam......should go far......
  17. ..shall we give honorable mention to Dabumble with his TWELVE rushes?.....OC wizardry......
  18. ...Daboll is not the problem.....may I say Daboll> Marchibroda + Coryell......his resume' laden one year stops as OC were obviously managerial misfits letting " a good one get away"......
  19. ...Daboll is not the problem.....may I say Daboll> Marchibroda + Coryell......his resume' laden one year stops as OC were obviously managerial misfits letting " a good one get away".......
  20. ....could this be indicative of his resume' showing one year stops except for Cleveland with Mangini?....wouldn't you retain the good ones?......I'm probably old school, senior moment fickle though.....
  21. ..NEVER should have gotten to this point......12 freaking rushes?.....
  22. ...I agree...Daboll is a meld of Marchibroda and Coryell........his one year OC stops were teams letting a great one slip away......SMH....
  23. ..FOURTEEN rushes (Josh excluded) has NO bearing...YAWN.......versus 29th rush defense....perfect sense....
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