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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. Paladino?......Ciminelli?.....don't say a word.......
  2. ....huh?...I checked my McDermott Thersarus......when I looked up "fearless", it said "scared to"; .....what should I believe??..........
  3. ...in Tib's "Black Book"?.....hmmmm......looks like a Dem..........
  4. ...obviously no one told you about the official TBD "He's An Idiot" petition was 43,852 signatures from your closest supporters...it worked....
  5. ...well, I do have the official "Italian Race Card" in my top drawer...should I?.....Uncle Nunzio promises to "support" me in his own ways.....
  6. ....fiscally conservative and pay my own way......LEANINGS: over the American Standard vomiting daily with the current state of (DIS) repairs in this country....no more personal responsibility, socialism on the doorstep, Antifa, millenials with 50 weeks of paid vacation(Soros Distribution Corp) to facilitate city to city protests, etc......we are woefully effed up.....our moral and social fiber?.....we're a 3rd rate mess........and it has NOTHING to do with Trump.....all the clamor for a "Wshington Outsider" and we have one...the "good 'ol boyz network" has been turned inside out (FINALLY)....the graft, corruption, presidential coup, etc exposures are never things I thought I'd see in my lifetime at age 66......yup and MAGA was a fraud...he ran to accumulate personal wealth (HUGE salary) , power, a book deal, his very own library and to attend funerals with the Clintons besides other formers.....
  7. ...because individuals are no longer responsible and need the government....ask Bernie or Lizzie......I effed up royally by putting my two through college who graduated with ZERO debt.......can I get a rebate?.....
  8. ...I could see opposing attorneys interviewing him ending up in the latest "Epstein Model Pine Box" by choice with the same ligature marks.....
  9. ......a jaywalking case with the death penalty on the table?......sounds like they selected THE best.....'effin GPS for the jury box...SMH........... ....Photo Op Chuckie"....another one of our true gems in the illustrious New York State......the NYS landscape is littered.......starting with Fredo's brother......
  10. ...so we have a potential "8 Cylinder Star" lead by a "Two Stroke Briggs & Stratton OC"....we should go REAL far..............
  11. ...probably right......close mindedness is not for the good of the team IMO...........
  12. .....I'm "senior moment confused" about the "next two games being huge"..........I thought the Cleveland game was HUGE....guess we just keep kickin' the HUGE can down the road until game #16 looking for "Dalton Intervention" AGAIN?...guess I'll wait.....
  13. ...interesting.....we could have the deja vu "Wade Conundrum" regarding staff......wonder who wins?......RW demanded Wade make the change in '99 who refused.....initiating the pee pee contest over "you fired me....no you resigned" squabble.....arbitrator agreed with Wade and RW had to pony up whopping 800 grand HC salary owed Wade....wonder what would happen in the Pegula Court if McBeane contradicted McDermott's staffing choices?....
  14. certainly agree....NOT offering excuses (HATE 'EM), but it is interesting how many HC's (including their time coming through the coaching ranks) STILL bungle clock management despite YEARS of NFL experience.....how come?....... "On clock management and care about offense, fair cop and he needs to step up or he'll fail. "
  15. ...you my friend may have hit on an interesting, VERY interesting question in my view (FWIW).......back up to the "cart (McDermott) before the horse (McBeane" hiring hierarchy...where does control of final decision lie (doubt we'll ever know)"?.....is McD protective of his staff with hiring authority like Wade was?.....can or does McBeane (and his well traveled staff of 17) have any input or recommendations in staff hires or even "O" or "D" philosophies?.....how would they know what players to draft, what UDFA's to consider or who to chase in FA with no philosophical input?.....plenty of unanswered questions from the "outside looking in" IMO.....are we running on "6 cylinders versus 8" because of it?.........
  16. ...so then is it Allen's inability to go through his reads and progressions timely?......hence failed execution?....how do you see it and where is/are the faults?......
  17. ...sorry I'm not buying a "Czar bureaucracy level" albeit an "Offensive Czar or Czarina"....McBeane has a staff of 17+, with a significant component being NFL execs at the VP of Personnel level and Director of Pro Player Personnel level.....they're the ones recommending players either drafted, UDFA signings or FA recommendations...can't convince me they don't also evaluate coaching personnel who seem to get the most out of draft/UDFA potentials that would fit OBD's offensive philosophy......but the $64,000 question is, what "exactly is THAT offensive philosophy"?..... and WHO is making THAT call?.......
  18. ....how about his UNWAVERING loyalty to vet players?........start with Anthony "A Train (a/k/a caboose)" Johnson.......can't remember the game, but Dopey Dickie called the "Caboose's" number three times from the one and ....nope.......in the mean time Fred Ex was riding the pine......and this guy's pressers resembled a wake, serving embalming fluid for refreshments and the "have to look at the tape" refrain 37 times.....Tasker referred to Dopey Dickie's speedy defense as "bugs on your windshield".......
  19. ...NEXT QUESTION: if, IF we do, are you comfortable with the current OC coaching and guiding your new talent?......plenty of fingers being pointed at the WR corp....I'm reading "best WR class in years" here.....if so, is Daboll YOUR guy?.....
  20. ...why not?....should we have tested Browns' 24th ranked Run D?.......c'mon, Singeltary had EIGHT carries.....not a "test (COUGH)"??............
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