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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ....sorry...his value today is less than a Yugo on a used car lot in Nogales......
  2. ....nauseates the hell out of me how historically we've been smoked in the seam by opposing TE's......teams faced with "3rd and long" continually smoked our azz for 1st downs....they laughed at "3rd and long".....how about the Pats with the Gronk/Hernandez duo and their damage?....will never understand how Post Kelly era the QB spot at #1 and the TE spot at #2 were the most neglected.....
  3. ...fill me in on your views to my previous post.....I'm curious......if not, why not?..... ...how exactly would you define MAGA?.....is "make America great again" a fallacious ruse?.....did he seek the presidency for power, substanial salary, wealth, a book deal, his own library and free transportation on Air Force One and Marine One?....how many times has the fickle electorate yearned for a "Washington outsider" to clean up the stench?.....and how many times have "Washington insiders" run fraudulently as "outsiders" to no avail?....so we finally get a real "Washington outsider" who is crass, abrupt, condescending, abrasive, abusive, irascible, etc and is doing exactly what the establishment "good 'ol boyz network" needed?.....isn't it upside down on its ugly head?....haven't we found out so far that the "world's greatest democracy" has been exposed to unparalleled graft, corruption, misuse, abuse, subversive underhanded political partisanship, etc?....the same squeaky clean democracy we've tried to force feed on nations ripe with political corruption?...kinda like the "pot calling the kettle black"?.....so now we have the progressives continually on the attack to tear down this repugnant, imperialist nation, making us the world's apologists, destroying capitalism in favor of socialism to dilute the concentration of power with handouts to the "gimme crowd" so deserving.....where exactly do you stand on these issues, for or against?...just curious............
  4. ....my nylons are knotted and I have sand in my jockey shorts about tomorrow....other than that, life is good (?)....
  5. ...seriously?....we now need coach's messages as to how to play the "high paying big boyz game"?......maybe seances or ouija board sessions next?......just go play the effin' game for 60 minutes that you're getting paid megabucks to do so....softer than the Lingerie League...SMH......
  6. ...how exactly would you define MAGA?.....is "make America great again" a fallacious ruse?.....did he seek the presidency for power, substanial salary, wealth, a book deal, his own library and free transportation on Air Force One and Marine One?....how many times has the fickle electorate yearned for a "Washington outsider" to clean up the stench?.....and how many times have "Washington insiders" run fraudulently as "outsiders" to no avail?....so we finally get a real "Washington outsider" who is crass, abrupt, condescending, abrasive, abusive, irascible, etc and is doing exactly what the establishment "good 'ol boyz network" needed?.....isn't it upside down on its ugly head?....haven't we found out so far that the "world's greatest democracy" has been exposed to unparalleled graft, corruption, misuse, abuse, subversive underhanded political partisanship, etc?....the same squeaky clean democracy we've tried to force feed on nations ripe with political corruption?...kinda like the "pot calling the kettle black"?.....so now we have the progressives continually on the attack to tear down this repugnant, imperialist nation, making us the world's apologists, destroying capitalism in favor of socialism to dilute the concentration of power with handouts to the "gimme crowd" so deserving.....where exactly do you stand on these issues, for or against?...just curious............
  7. ...THERE is the home run ball my friend.....dead on....play fearless yet coach "fearful".....SMH.....Grandma always told me, "no guts...no glory....no bawls....no blue chips sonny"......she never missed.....
  8. ...head scratcher how we go from the penthouse to outhouse so quickly, last year and this year with current streak......why?....sure it's scoring and I'm an old fart guy spoiled by the prolific Gretzky, etc years....BUT...the Sabres had their share of snipers that found the net......how do we continue to starve?..
  9. ...um ok...got my rosary beads, Bourbon, Depends and popcorn ready......
  10. ...well, we're gonna play "fearless" right?.....no Dickey Jauron "fearful not to lose" ball.....so no slow run D start from Frazier's gang, surrendering 100 yds early..........no cutesy crap from Dabumble as in challenging Fins' 30th ranked run defense or 3rd quarter lethargy.....high level clock management and challenge flags discretion....we should be in good shape....see y'all at 4:05 on Sunday......
  11. ...Dez, AB & TO are en route.....the new NFL saga, "Keeping Up With The Kardash....oops....Kaepernicks" is in full bloom...........farce..... Colin Kaepernick is bringing his own receivers to his workout Posted by Mike Florio on November 16, 2019, 10:10 AM EST The NFL has kept Colin Kaepernick in the dark about multiple aspects of his dog-and-pony show about nothing workout. As a source with knowledge of the situation tells PFT, the league’s failure to provide information to Kaepernick includes the identity of the receivers who will be available to catch passes from him. Thus, Kaepernick has made arrangements to bring his own receivers to the workout. https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2019/11/16/colin-kaepernick-is-bringing-his-own-receivers-to-his-workout/#comments
  12. ...the hypocrisy of the "convenience card"....if roughly 80% of the 1,696 privileged to play in the NFL are black, criticizing any one of them within the 80% also means you're racist, right?...BTW, I could care less about his politics or stances.......only interested in football and he is not that good, now with 3 years of "ring rust" besides...
  13. ....skip the OTC stuff.......infection needs antibiotics and they usually prescribe Zithromax (Z-Pack).......I've taken it and had it NOT work, moving to stronger Augmentin......now I tell tel doc to skip Z-Pack and just go to Augmentin.....
  14. ...she had one that was >100 grand.......spent 18 grand on FAKE flowers....4 grand to rent fancier chairs......bride and groom were disappointed because they wanted to hire Sam Hunt (country music star) for the reception, but he was booked.....
  15. ...the reception cost (food, beverage, oyster bar, etc) was $65,000.......my daughter books weddings for some of the more prominent families in the community......three "brides to be" who were all close friends, booked their weddings......after the 1st one, the 2nd one added a bunch of stuff to outdo the 1st one........the 3rd one gets married in 2020 and she is doing the same "add" thing.....she is already over 100 grand just for the reception and.....rising...SMH......
  16. ...and I'd say your assumption is correct......if he opted out of $12 mil from the Niners, isn't it a safe assumption he wanted MORE?........ summary post from Quora: "Kaepernick had a contract with the 49ers set to pay him $12 million. John Elway’s Broncos needed a quarterback and were willing to trade for Kaepernick, but they didn’t want to pay him $12 million. John said he’d go through with the trade if he only had to pay Kaepernick $7 million. The 49ers didn’t want to subsidize the Broncos and Kaep didn’t want to take a $5 million pay cut. "
  17. ...have to agree.......think the youngsters Knox & Sweeney will develop nicely....either Kroft or Smith will be gone.....
  18. ...thinking that is a BIG if........besides he wants a long term deal with big money along with the BIG if.......don't see it.........upcoming WR draft class sounds pretty lucrative according to the TBD folks versed in collegiate ball........
  19. ...if you're serving a 12 game suspension, after multiple suspensions and fines, firmly planted in the Commish's cross hairs, shouldn't you keep your mouth shut?....but as Ron White said, "you can't fix stupid"...SMH....
  20. ...interesting.....so it took losing two of the last three to hatch this mantra?.......shouldn't that have been the ONGOING message from day one?.....then perhaps "losing two of the last three" does NOT happen??..........
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