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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...LOL...."Obama Administration" is a woefully sad ruse....he was an unqualified, inept Clinton cardboard cutout prop solely based on race....and the fickle electorate took the bait....so "pay for play" was an extension of the Clinton Political Dynasty period....can't we be realistic here?......look at who held the cardboard prop in place.....
  2. ...is he the same Bob from Accountemps?....just askin'......sounds like a temp.....
  3. ...best I could find bro.......sorry..............
  4. ...so comparing players with a FIFTY YEAR spread in the careers is a valid comparison?...um....er....uh....well....thanks.....
  5. ....HOUSE, you have now outdone yourself.......
  6. ...do any of them have power??............
  7. ...agree Augie.......but it was sad to read many posts over time about the late RW being a racist.....yet TWO of the top five black QB's were BUFFALO BILLS.....SMH.....
  8. ...Rikers for turducken......
  9. ..can or will LA even support ONE team?.......Kid Spanos messed this up big time......yet another example of Daddy handing the kid the keys.......
  10. ...huh?...TBD calendar and game schedule says 2PM start......somebody better let McDermott know......
  11. ...when would be your calling hours?...........
  12. ...over play...kid is a baller and I'd expect him to be nothing but straight up with McVay......
  13. ...last three years?....the destructionists are riding the crest of "progressives" who are regressives, wanting to wipe out the nation's history, whether good, bad or indifferent, bound solely by political correctness, and orchestrate the "US World Apology Tour" for being the world's superpower modeling capitalistic imperialism, a bully mentality if you will, LOWERING our standard to those of others....a "middle of the pack or less nation".....why should we?....forget the hundreds of thousands who made the ultimate sacrifice that helped us "climb the mountain"?....seriously?...
  14. ...Frazier has to dial up a similarly aggressive game plan like last week to exploit....offensively, Cousins who surprisingly leads the league in play action, and carved up Denver's D, should be a good starting point for Daboll's game plan...stay tuned....
  15. ...of course he will......he will be looked upon as a warrior who took on the corrupt presidency......win, lose or draw......I thought being stuck in NYS with Guido, Fredo's big brother was bad.....Cali-effed-up-ya?......good Lord.......I'd buy a guillotine on Amazon........
  16. ...uh oh...Don "Squeeze 'Em" Lemon does not approve of this message.....
  17. ...astonishing that this putz boy was elected in 2018 with 78% of the vote........and I'd bet he tops 80% in 2020.......then again, we're talking California.....Moonbeam Jerry has been recycled more times than a year's worth of water bottles....
  18. ...the "Pantsuit Fatigue" is about as nauseating and overwhelming as the effin' Kardashians....only place she should be is on the buffet line of a luau with an apple in her mouth....COOKED....go away.........
  19. ...you should be.....somebody please don't miss.....SMH..........
  20. ....nicely done DR......shocking, abhorring yet interesting to see the alleged "world's greatest democracy" is as corrupt or more so than corrupt foreign governments we've been trying to force feed our democracy (SMH).....as far as Obama, he was nothing more than an unqualified JUNIOR State senator, a cardboard cutout propped up by the Clintons as a candidate based or race and public speaking skills....when I look at who he was surrounded and propped up, namely ex-Clintonites like Sperling, Emmanuel, Podesta, Blumthenal, Begala, Carville, et al, it is safe to assume that the Clinton Dynasty was FULLY engaged and intertwined with most if not all of the Obama Administration dirty deeds you have eloquently outlined....and if Hillary won in 2016 and was re-elected in 2020, it give the "dynasty" a 24 year stranglehold on US political power....they ushered in the dirtiest era of graft, corruption, manipulation, "play for play foundation scam", malfeasance, dirty tricks, orchestrated coup attempt of a sitting President, etc in this nation's history.....once thought to be bastions of the democracy namely DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSA, are equally corrupt culprits, politicized on a grossly partisan basis....J Edgar's FBI reign?......Watergate?....u r kidding me?....not even a blip on today's radar......
  21. ...nice neighbors..... Mexico's annual homicide count on pace to be highest in decades as nearly 100 killed daily By Greg Norman | Fox News The homicide count in Mexico is on pace to reach its highest overall annual total since the country’s government started keeping track in 1997, with new statistics showing nearly 100 people are killed each day. Figures from Mexico’s Secretary General of National Public Safety state that there have been 29,414 homicides there so far in 2019 – up from 28,869 over the same period last year. https://www.foxnews.com/world/mexico-homicide-count-gang-violence
  22. ...if I remember correctly, one of the very first RB's to cash in on MAJOR money was Shaun Alexander ('Hawks)...signed 8 year, $62 million dollar deal back in 2006.....production dipped 1,000 yds for 2006 and kept going down hill...
  23. ,,,,yup...it was Spitzer.....he was AG and then governor..........
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