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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...by proxy.....
  2. ...not to worry!!....Schiff will be available shortly and has already hired Colombo and Matlock to lead the "rigging accusations".....SMH....
  3. .best bet is an "A-hole"......
  4. ....NEVER thought that Lamar could or would hit this type of stride early on......Ravens vs Niners should be a TRUE test.......their D is formidable....
  5. ...interesting...DMV says this is registered to.....Tibs.....I had a feeling.........
  6. ...probably Gase's daughter in law..........
  7. ...with the OBVIOUS playoffs in their near future, why not?.....their HC has an "eye" on things anyway............
  8. ...."Tough Talkin' Tomlin" shines.....as usual....
  9. ..absolutely......and declining the 5th was the right choice.....but McBeane can still negotiate a FA deal with him, including a reasonably significant bump if he's interested...
  10. ...um....er....uh....perhaps....well........maybe....ok......we'll wait...SMH...
  11. ...Denver Airport just radioed in their version of "global warming" today....
  12. ..the Dynasty's "Puppet in Chief" has spoken........... Obama warned he would intervene to stop Bernie, had cutting words for Biden: report By Ronn Blitzer | Fox News 11/26/19 Former President Barack Obama once warned he would intervene to stop Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., from winning the Democratic presidential nomination, according to a new report that sheds light on Obama's personal views of the jam-packed primary field with no clear front-runner. Obama has largely stayed on the sidelines to date, refraining from any endorsements though he has issued general warnings to the party to avoid calls for radical upheaval in their policy pitches. These warnings were seen as a swipe at candidates like Sens. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and Sanders. But a new Politico Magazine report gives a clearer picture of what Obama is worried about -- claiming he has said in private he'd speak out against Sanders if it looked like he could actually win. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/obama-warned-he-would-intervene-to-stop-bernie-from-winning-nomination-report
  13. ...sure as hell hope they think it's a gimme.....ditto for Jurrah....
  14. ...never imagined Lamar hitting the limelight like this.....NEVER.............
  15. ...that's a negative (yards)...........
  16. ....Ravens vs Niners should be a good one on Sunday..................
  17. ...big yawn....after all, I keep reading how we're an 8-3 team, with a weak schedule and not having played anybody......we're the AFCE "ruse"......"Browns are SB Contenders"..."Jets are on the rise"......perfect...
  18. ...that could never be a criteria for me bud....how many laws do we have on the books NOW that are ignored or unenforced?.....I loathe any of the 535 that want to thump their chest over proposed and accepted legislation......just a "me s*^t show"......however you are correct in my view about an EFFECTIVE GOVERNMENT.....ain't happenin' though....too many partisan agendas....doing the "people's business"?.....r u kidding me?....
  19. ...yet another Massachusetts gem chimes in......We have the Kennedys, Chappaquidick Town Council, Markey, Dukasis, Weld, et al that paved the way for THIS?....Dizzy Lizzie...good God.....is this where we are??.......... Bureaucracy bonanza? Warren’s plans would create plethora of new federal offices By Tyler Olson | Fox News Elizabeth Warren has a plan for that. And often, she's got a new federal agency for that, too. A Fox News analysis of the Democratic presidential candidate's myriad and much-touted plans reveals that Warren's ambitious agenda of policy prescriptions would not only prompt sweeping change in everything from health care to clean energy, but would come with the creation of at least 20 new offices, bureaus, agencies, divisions or councils. Some of these are entirely new; some would replace existing agencies, only on a bigger scale; and some would represent a relaunch of old agencies disbanded years ago. Taken together, what is proposed is a significant expansion in the size of the federal bureaucracy. If elected president, Warren vows she'll oversee the establishment of new offices that would be responsible for educating members of Congress on technology, investigating ethics violations, ensuring the U.S. is trading with green countries and much, much more. For instance, a new Secure Democracy Administration would have the power to take over the administration of federal elections from state governments that run afoul of certain standards. A White House Budgetary Office of Tribal Affairs would "track and advance" Native American-related spending. From Warren's perspective, it's just more evidence of the detail-rich policy pitch that has defined her candidacy. But Republicans see more evidence of an over-reliance on big government -- and a political liability. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/bureaucracy-bonanza-warrens-plans-would-establish-plethora-of-new-federal-offices
  20. ...Jesus "81"......in Buffalo Lore, we have SO MANY in the unworthy category......albeit GM's (or those thought to be), HC's, OC's DC's , players and an OCCASIONAL beerman.....the list could rival "War And Peace".....
  21. ...just curious as to what would be the preference, a typical "Washington Insider President", keeping in the tradition of the "good 'ol boys' network of SOP", that selects his cabinet, advisors, etc and keep them unless the resign.....OR...A "Washington Outsider President" who dares to run as a non-traditionalist more in a business like environment, and has no problem firing non-performing Cabinet members, staffers, advisors, etc as we in business do in the "real world"?.....
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