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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...so define your "slippery slope" and who goes first.........
  2. ...but, BUT EVERYTHING is in the BEST interest of the country right?......I highly doubt power & control are the end game (COUGH).............
  3. ...unfortunately nothing prevents the SC from being expanded if the votes are there.....so if the Dems win, rest assured they will scheme to gain a liberal majority IMO......
  4. ...hope he's right but I doubt it.......keep her home safe......
  5. ...well if they ever do, call 'em the "Peacefuls".....plays right into Goodell and company kowtowing/caving......
  6. ...and the Dems hunkering down in fear is beautification......
  7. ...LMAO 'House.......Russ?...not......STFU..............
  8. ...'eff pro sports with NFL on the top of the list....used to be my panacea on Sundays from the daily work grind devoid of any political BS......good chow, smooth Bourbon and a stogie watching the game.....now?.....the panty waist cave to "cancel culture".......now toggle back and forth between "The Weather Channel, "I Love Lucy" reruns and "Wicked Tuna....."...
  9. ...LMAO...let Smitten Mitt and The Pantsuit commiserate and lick their wounds together.......dual losers....maybe J&J will give them first aid kits with abrasion cream and band aids.... ..YOU and MORALITY in the same sentence?.......oh Gawd, we're sinking to depths unknown..............
  10. okay so DR, but when do WE take control?.......when do we stop the out of control Antifa promulgation, something that should have been crushed long ago?.......and when do we identify the fraudulent "BLM Gang" and crush that as well?...their purported "leader" said, "looting is a form of reparations".....what the hell are you and "The Gimme Gang" of handouts for nothing contributory due?......seriously?.....that whole damn movement is a MAJOR insult to black Americans who became educated, have good jobs, are raising nuclear supportive families, have taken the entrepreneurial risk and started successful businesses (how many destroyed in "peaceful protests"??) et al?....how many of THEM are now identified as "BLM supporters" because of skin color when they are NOT?......sad, sad commentary for those folks IMO....like blaming Asian-Americans for China's Kung Fu Flu.......
  11. ...LMAO.....the pain and suffering that TBD's "Fecal Freddie" will need to endure is........well...er....uh....oh...worth the popcorn .....Boy Scouts should reap BILLIONS.........
  12. ...LOL....Trump supported HCQ so we know damn well it was DOA......now if Biden did, he'd tell us how he parted the Red Sea....'eff Moses.............
  13. ....with absentee ballots having Biden leading 5-2, CNN is projecting Joe as the landslide winner........
  14. ...all you need to know is that Gruesome Newsom is the former Mayor of SF........'nuff said.......
  15. ...isn't Covid-19 cured and everyone vaccinated?.....been looking for my daily MSM updates and all I find is....crickets......where is our resident stat boy SoTier when we need him?......
  16. ...LMAO!...ahhhh Georgie, your dream job at CNN awaits.....as the Wolf said, "CNN is fair and balanced"......PERFECT fit............
  17. ....I'm gonna wait until Fredo and Alka Seltzer weigh in FIRST......."Bar Rescue" is a tad unhinged.....................
  18. ....LMAO.....the Dems are making reservations for Peace Bridge railing space.......PERFECT..............Justice Kavanaugh approves of this message.... Tom Cotton says Senate will move forward on confirming Ginsburg successor 'without delay' while top Senate Dem alleges hypocrisy Cotton was recently added to Trump's Supreme Court list; ***** sits on the Senate Judiciary Committee By Tyler Olson | Fox News Sen. Tom Cotton said on "Fox News Sunday" that the Senate "will move forward without delay" in confirming a new Supreme Court justice to the seat of late justice and women's rights pioneer Ruth Bader Ginsburg -- as Senate Judiciary Committee member Sen. Chris ***** said Republicans are being hypocritical by moving to advance a nominee. "My condolences to Justice Ginsburg's family and my regard for her lifelong dedication to public service," Cotton, R-Ark., said of the justice, who is regarded as one of the lions of the legal profession and was the face of the liberal bloc of the Supreme Court. "The Senate will exercise our constitutional duty," Cotton said, saying the Senate would process the nomination and hold hearings. "We will move forward without delay." https://www.foxnews.com/politics/tom-cotton-chris-*****-fox-news-sunday-supreme-court-ginsburg
  19. ...show some respect...he STILL blames his mother for his conception....and who doesn't anyhow??...............
  20. ...LMAO!...just wet myself...dammit.....only problem with Trump reelection is that we gets four more years of our own "Fecal Freddie's Fodder"......but him writhing in pain is WELL worth it.....as the late, great Jim McKay said, "...the thrill of victory....the agony of defeat".........
  21. ....WHOA!.......according to CNN which is "fair and balanced" according to Wolf "Blitzed" Blitzer, you've listed "fake news"......now who should I believe to resolve this MAJOR conundrum??.............
  22. ...this society gets sicker by the day.............the anthrax days returneth..........
  23. ....pretty sure the "fumble card" has been way overplayed....................
  24. ...with him in existence, she would NOT be safe...................
  25. ...this society gets sicker by the nanosecond........
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