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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...he'll get paid as the nature of grossly overpaying for the position continues......Desperation 101 and has nothing to do with "pay for play"....
  2. ...is it him or is it the infrequency of the call has hampered his timing?.....no smart azz here...just a quick question.....could it be a rhythm thing?....
  3. ..because China has been a willing and talkative partner in these talks?.....SERIOUSLY?.....so we should repeat the Obama tough talk "red line in the sand" crap for the same NON results?....we should just cave to DC Tom's all knowing "We Can Be Friends Foreign China Policy"......um...er...oh...ok.......SMH......Kiss Azz II......
  4. ...gotta love it...the progressives pat themselves on the azz for undoing the nation's history to claim "job well done" only to hide their gross ineptitude to face today's and tomorrow's problems head on, MOST of which are their fault.....their hatred and vitriol for this nation are unparalleled.....
  5. ..put Halite in their martinis......
  6. ...combine 4.66 and his elusiveness counts for SOMETHING, right?..... ..."Singletary’s game tape shows a player with shiftiness and short-area quickness to excel at the combine events tailored for those skills, such as the 3-cone drill and the short shuttles..".....
  7. ..eff that and the parasites....I pay 20+ grand a year in NYS income taxes and Fredo Sr is whining abut the pending 8 BILLION dollar deficit.....he'll get reelected just like Schiff will.....dual frauds.....
  8. ..I understand how this would be blasphemy, but can we EQUALLY assess blame on "both sides of the aisle" for making this nation China's lap dog?.....the "tough China talk" again, on both sides was a wet noodle for YEARS....ditto for Russia...didn't Bush (yup a REPUBLICAN) say about Putin, "I can see the man's soul through his eyes"?......huh?.....think 'ol George missed the "indelible KGB tattoo"?.....but of course China and Russia are our "friends".....um right....so now we have a "fraudulent" Washington Outsider who takes them both head on as should have been done through many previous (ON BOTH SIDES) administrations....but MAGA is a ruse.....wealth, power, book deal and a personal library are the TRUE focus of this administration, right?...what did I miss??........
  9. ...Euell Gibbons just choked on his granola........
  10. ....ONE THIRD or 6.4 million of NYS residents are on Medicaid.....this effed up state dolls out $62+BILLION annually, 3rd in the country.....bet your azz we're 3rd in the country in Escalade sales too.....SMH....
  11. ...have to agree bud.....not part of the "Yeldon Hate Gang"....kid has some talent, especially hands....with "Frank The Tank", you know what you're getting, the "Freightliner" up the gut.....I would think the Singeltary/Yeldon duo provides more options and weapons for Allen....just a thought....
  12. ...Garrett's cousins versus Jurrah's clan ??.......
  13. ...as much as I'm in "shock and awe" over the ageless "Frank The Tank", a youthful modern day Derrick Henry type should be on McBeane's draft day list......
  14. ....but...but 25+ mil heard "free" so they're on board.....the "Gimme Gang Wagon" is at full capacity......SMH.....
  15. ...terrible news......whether an athlete or not, the sanctity for human life today is an after thought....sad how far we've fallen..........win the battle son.....
  16. ....singing "Cry Me A River" mic'd up cannot get any better.....
  17. ...calling this kid's number and having him hit the century mark against the 'Girls was the perfect fit for Jurrah to "choke on his turducken".....LOVED IT.........
  18. ...which did increase cardiac arrest incidents by 37% in WNY......
  19. ...just had cataract surgery.....the new lens is CRYSTAL clear (HINT)...hell even I can now tell the difference between offensive PI versus defensive holding....thinkin' this could be a prerequisite to getting hired??.......
  20. ...even if they balk at full time refs because the League can't afford it (COUGH), couldn't you still require the current part timers to attend officiating TC and OTA's while getting paid for it?.....then again, that may NOT be in the "budget".....
  21. ....maybe Goodell signs up "America's Best" as a sponsor??.......
  22. ...but it's only in Miami, right?.......
  23. ...Medicare is at 1.45% unlimited......but if you earn over $200K, you pay an additional .9% on top of the 1.45%.........
  24. ...LMAO...could hear Berman with his "Mike Alstott sound track"..........
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