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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...I still have some for the victrola............
  2. ....well we still could, right???.........
  3. ...yup...and Duckie thumped the Browns......
  4. ....don't think anything could rival 1991.......I had no power for 9 days....looks like everyone came through this weekend relatively unscathed.......RG&E reporting 300 outages....
  5. ....a tribute to our old ball Coach??..........
  6. ...do you have ANY idea how badly you have devastated the "300 Yards Or A Bust" crowd?......the Peace Bridge rails are jammed.....
  7. ...hope so...kid needs a reality check...but then again......never saw this type of success this early on...........
  8. ...can't take that chance....Microsoft subjects us to an annual license audit......I can't afford the negative publicity if we were not in compliance and hits with fines....it would be an embarrassment to our company....they love to publish a "poster child of non-compliance"...a local architectural firm got nailed for $95,000 on fines....
  9. well he owns Delaware, right?....ask their fickle electorate......walks on water......
  10. ..."out of work since May 2019"...huh?....prior "employment"??........heard "The View" is hiring.....
  11. ...Microsoft is the master extortionist.......end of life cycle also includes my server software platforms.....and I need to upgrade the Exchange engine for my Outlook mail system as well.....so not only do I have to purchase the new software, but all of my current licenses are invalidated which means spending 75 grand on new licenses.....the old volume licensing benefit is gone and becomes punitive for small and medium size businesses....their Office 365 subscription is a bigger farce....with no Office Suite loaded local, everything is cloud based.....stop your subscription and your docs are no longer accessible..........
  12. ...pretty freakin' sad my friend....almost like they hope the Bills collapse down the stretch so they can say, "see I told you so...they suck".......and it's not only the team, it's INDIVIDUAL players.....pretty bold 'n brassy to be a keyboard coward from under one's desk to launch tirades....and OF COURSE they ALL come back with "mea culpas" when wrong, correct?....but that is the nature of the electronic MB beast......how you guys show up daily to be MODS is beyond me.....special thanks to "Fisher Price Wi-Fi"...SMH...
  13. ....seriously?......who is the BIGGER gaffer here??........SMH....... Hunter Biden demands financial records be kept secret in child support suit: report By Adam Shaw | Fox News Hunter Biden filed a protective order this week in an effort to seal his financial records from being released publicly -- amid his fears that the information would be used “maliciously” by the media and cause him public “embarrassment,” according to a report. Former Vice President Joe Biden’s son filed the motion in Arkansas on Wednesday as part of an ongoing child support suit, according to the Daily Mail. His attorneys claim the details would be used by the media, considering his high public profile, to cause him "undue prejudice, annoyance, embarrassment, and/or oppression." https://www.foxnews.com/politics/hunter-biden-demands-financial-records-are-kept-secret-in-child-support-suit-report
  14. ...SAME question Willie asked.......he would know..........
  15. ...anybody know where Fred is working next year?.....heard Haslam needs dishwashers at his truck stops.....positions get rebates too..........
  16. ...Augie, you're FINE...consider the source......
  17. ....well at least he wasn't in line at Popeye's to get a sammich........ Virginia man arrested on Black Friday after being found naked in Kohl’s parking lot, police say By Stephen Sorace | Fox News A Virginia man was arrested Friday after police say he was found sitting naked in a car in a North Carolina Kohl’s parking lot on America’s busiest shopping day of the year. Tylik Shawdu Little, 28, was spotted after a patrolling officer smelled marijuana coming from a row of vehicles, the Knightdale Police Department said in a news release. The officer ordered Little to put clothes on and exit the vehicle, but he instead tried to escape by driving behind and between nearby buildings, according to authorities. He was stopped a short distance away and taken into custody, wearing pants and a shirt. “This sort of public behavior on the busiest shopping day of the year is particularly appalling,” said Police Chief Lawrence Capps. “We are glad no citizens were adversely impacted and pleased that our emphasis on proactive patrols paid off in this instance.” https://www.foxnews.com/us/virginia-man-arrested-black-friday-naked-kohls-police
  18. ...according to our TBD collegiate ball gang, WR class in the "best in years".....although we seem to be having an epiphany on offense, think I'd still pick WR early on......
  19. ....cue up the "Taps" tape....he is in uncharted waters.....and you are VERY easy going.....
  20. ...has nothing to do with shiny stadium....couple of my buddies were watching a game with UPPER echelon NFL brass at a famed location (who and where don't matter)....they were surprised that the focal point was NOT the game, but rather merchandise sales....I believe those revenues go directly into the NFL coffers.....it is conceivable with Bills' current level of winning and the BillsMafia showing up everywhere, that a prime time game is in the offing for 2020, depending on the opposition......
  21. ...."Crowd" is the same size as ones on Clinton Book Tour..........
  22. ....good....first hand pain payback...........
  23. ...bad gas.....spoiled nachos.............
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