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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...never understood why some flaunt their ignorance rather than trying like hell to hide it..................
  2. ..uh oh....Jurrah's meltdown.......there goes the 38 plastic surgeries too..............poor guy........... Jerry Jones swears on the air, gets dumped from live radio interview Posted by Michael David Smith on December 6, 2019, 11:57 AM EST Cowboys owner Jerry Jones has never been known for his filter, but he was particularly unfiltered in a radio interview this morning. As Jones talked about all the ways he’s disappointed in his 6-7 team, he was heard muttering, “bulls–t,” before the confused hosts on 105.3 The Fan in Dallas lost contact with him. At that point, the station’s program director got on the air to explain that the station’s system that prevents callers from using curse words live on the radio had cut Jones off. Jones apparently swore twice during the interview, and the second time they tried to bleep him, it dumped the call. https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2019/12/06/jerry-jones-swears-on-the-air-gets-dumped-from-live-radio-interview/#comments
  3. ...bet she has one of those "BEST IF USED BY" stickers on her arse like the steak I just bought.....
  4. ....she'd put ten bucks in the collection basket and take out a twenty...................
  5. ...guess Jurrah meant starting NEXT week.......poor guy.............. "Jerry Jones: Nothing in my mind says we can’t take it to the house" Posted by Josh Alper on December 3, 2019, 10:19 AM EST
  6. ....yup.....just ask him....you'll get an ear full..........
  7. .....I put a covered bin on my steps marked DELIVERIES and they ignore it....SMH..........
  8. ...Europe is the mirror image of "California across the pond".............
  9. ..I'm armed and ready....Bourbon, Depends and plenty of Redenbacher's.....may head to the Peace Bridge to watch jumpers.......
  10. ..Joe got a bit testy today...how the hell could this azzclown even be on the radar?......more farcical than the GOP propping up Dole in 1996......or dubious McCain in 2008.....maybe Joe picks Harry Reid as his running mate......SMH....
  11. ...FWIW, Sherman came out and said, "...no harm...no foul....I'm not offended.....and Ryan is not a racist".......
  12. ..nicely done bud....it's been a slow & methodical process to get to this point......too many expected instant gratification leading to the "...fire everyone" TBD Clown Show.......yet here we are on the cusp of...er..uh..um.........we'll see.......BTW, the "older than dirt crap".......I came over with Columbus in 1492 and you were "NOWHERE TO BE FOUND".......time is running out in my 57th year of following this club....already have my reservation in "Hell's Kitchen" where reception sucks, LCD's are NOT heat resistant and all foods are "fried"......just gimme ONE Lombardi and we're good.....
  13. ...who really cares?....Haslam, Kitchens & Baker are Lake Erie's Moe, Larry & Curly.......maybe even OBJ as Shemp......
  14. ...could EASILY be some clowns here.......feel free to fill in the blanks.............
  15. ..very sorry for your loss friend....66 is way too young.........
  16. ..take Joe for a ride in your swift boat...just another on the long list of gems from Massachusetts......SMH.....
  17. .....will his ego fit through the tunnel?...just askin'............
  18. ...and this is the type of garbage Stanford employs and Nadless invites to testify?....SMH....... Pamela Karlan says she once crossed the street to avoid a Trump hotel in DC By Danielle Wallace | Fox News The Stanford Law School professor who sparked backlash from the White House Wednesday after invoking the president’s minor son during the first day of the House Judiciary Committee’s impeachment inquiry previously stated that she once crossed the street just to avoid passing one of President Trump's hotels. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/pamela-karlan-trump-hotel-cross-street-impeachment-eric-swalwell-barron
  19. ...Colorado to file Chapter 11...........
  20. ..so when does Rev Sharpton land in SF?........
  21. ....memories of Tom Brookshire............
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