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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...would it be safe to assume they did NOT make your Christmas list for 2019?....just askin'.........
  2. ...my project had the makings of a GIANT cluster "F", so PLEASE do your due diligence and homework.....I first called my Town.....they are only responsible for flows within the 15' easement and said there was "flow"...next Town guy who came out said to abandon the existing service line from front of the house to catch basin and run pvc through the side yard and let the water leech......NEXT Town guy who came out said if I did this and the was water ponding in the street, causing ice conditions in the Winter, I would have to rip everything up or extend the piping an additional 100' around the curb to the catch basin....typical municipal azzclowns....contractor wanted to excavate a portion of my patio and adjacent sidewalk and run 30' of pvc to tie into existing clay tile pipe (open ended T&M starting at $7,500) hoping that was enough, but if not, "we'll keep going($$$$)"...seriously?.....I run the financial ops for a MAJOR electrical contractor and open ended T&M would NEVER happen (ain't my first rodeo).....finally said abandon existing clay tile system and run new pvc to catch basin......
  3. ...isn't there some reluctance from your power company to buy back excess energy from your solar system?......
  4. ....you probably have a service line from the house out to a storm sewer catch basin in the street.........material used depends on the age of the home.......started having water issues with my sump pump....2 inches of water in basement after heavy rain....threw TWO submersibles into the crock and the 3 could not keep up...I estimated inflows to be 75 gallons per minute.....had a dual sump pump system installed which could not keep up with next heavy rain ($2,200).......turned out the service line was constructed of clay tile pipe with pressed joints circa 1957......tree roots rendered the line unusable...abandoned it and had a contractor run 80' of 4 inch schedule 40 pvc to catch basin ($5,000)........never a problem since....unbeknown to me, my homeowner's insurance changed coverage the year before to INCLUDE sanitary and service line issues....after my $500 deductible, they sent me a check for $4,500.....suggest you check with your municipality to see what type of material was used for both service and sanitary lines (in the 50's, there was widespread use of orangeburg pipe for sanitary which is nothing more than cardboard fiber, like the spool for a roll of carpet; major, MAJOR issues in my town; idea was to conserve cast iron during Korean War).......then check your homeowner's policy regarding coverage for sanitary/service lines....hope this helps....
  5. ...sure as hell is......and he sounds like he knows his stuff......roll out the "welcome mat" for sure......
  6. .....Brandon & Whaley are lookin' for work.............
  7. ...jeez, choose some other words.....currently not a strong suit...
  8. ...we sure as hell have been there and done that during the 17 year "Reign of F Troop"..............
  9. ...deeply touching......
  10. 6 teams on upset alert in NFL Week 14 Jesse Reed, Sportsnaut 10 hrs ago Baltimore Ravens (-6) vs. Buffalo Bills Sure, the Ravens have ripped off eight straight wins and just knocked off the San Francisco 49ers in epic style. But, the Bills have the kind of makeup on defense to do what San Francisco did against Lamar Jackson. Furthermore, quarterback Josh Allen is playing outstanding football in his second season. This game will tell us plenty about Buffalo, which has lost just three times this year and could potentially knock the New England Patriots off their AFC East throne in the next few weeks. If Allen continues to take care of the football and Buffalo’s third-ranked defense continues to dominate upfront, this could be a huge stepping stone for Allen and Co.
  11. ...WHOA!!!.....you're contradicting DC Tom?.....this could be blasphemy in the making......
  12. ...don't we call this a business, and a very high paying, privileged one at that?....sorry Steve, but OBD can't be "Happy Valley" if they put in a waiver claim.....wake up time I guess....
  13. ...um....er...uh....well....ok...Tom......same sand in those jockey shorts I take it.......if you say so..........
  14. ....well there you have it......only place this one belongs is with an apple in her mouth at a pig roast....... Rosie O’Donnell defends law professor over Barron Trump joke: ‘I don’t think she did anything wrong’ By Melissa Roberto | Fox News Rosie O’Donnell does not think Stanford Law Professor Pamela Karlan owed the First Family an apology after she made a joke about the president’s son at a House Judiciary Committee impeachment hearing this week. O’Donnell, 58, said Karlan’s words were “taken out of context.” Karlan initially received backlash on Wednesday for using Barron Trump’s first name as an example while discussing the Constitution. https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/rosie-odonnell-defends-professor-pamela-karlan-barron-trump-joke
  15. ...it sure as hell is........
  16. ...LMAO....how low can you go?...... CNN ratings plummet to lowest primetime viewership in almost three years CNN managed only 643,000 average viewers. It was CNN’s worst performance in nearly three years and the liberal network’s worst turnout among the key demographic of adults age 25-54 in over five years.
  17. ...Tibs does NOT approve of this message....YAWN.........
  18. ....who "paved (COUGH) his way" and Canadians took the bait.......
  19. ....bowling center is her PERFECT backdrop.......think 7-10 split...."IMPOSSIBLE to pick"...just sayin'..........
  20. ...LMAO....RJ's instantaneous one liners are the bomb.com......watching a game one night and Miller makes a miraculous save.....immediately RJ says, " call a cop...call a cop....Miller just robbed him blind".....
  21. ....with NO disrespect to others, I'm picking Allen......humble, mindful and respectful of the game.....knows he has work to do to get better and NEVER bats an eye as far as the necessary effort...works his tail off with Palmer as well as with Dorsey......favorite quote was/is, "this is OUR team and OUR family"......laid substantial groundwork as a Buffalo community man as well.....size, speed, cannon arm as well as agility for a big man....no ME yap that we see from Mayfield, RG II 5/8, Kaep, Purple Rain Scam, etc.....loathe the ME types in a team game.....find fault with this kid and I don't know what the hell you're looking or hoping for as Bflo's franchise QB......
  22. ...have to think a recount is forthcoming....gotta be some hanging chads out there.....why some astute TBD'ers said "Too Small" was a "wasted pick at #9" and earned the official "bust label"......this is quite a conundrum.......
  23. ...sure as hell hope MRS 'Dawg doesn't post here.........you could be facing a "dry well" ...........
  24. ...the ten was counterfeit.............
  25. ...astonishing to think this POS putz has no bounds, checks or balances, was elected with 78% of the vote and probably cracks 80% in his 2020 reelection bid......brought to you by the elite California electorate with special thanks to Diane "I Got Billions" Feinstein, Moonbean Jerry who has been recycled more times than a plastic water bottle, Barbara Boxer, Gruesome Newsome, et al.......a tip of the hat to NY for Big Fredo, Nadless, Bruno, Silver, Spitzer, Schneiderman, Senator Billary, Photo Op Chuckie, Anthony the Weiner, etc...and a tip of the cap to Massachusetts for Swiftboat Kerry, Dukasis, Lizzie Warren, Chappaquiddick Ted, etc......wow........
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