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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...doesn't she go to the same one as Jurrah Jones?......didn't know THAT much plastic existed...........
  2. ...could see letting Murphy go...he was a stop gap crap shoot for McBeane during cap constraints........if I remember correctly, Shaq's 5th year was $10 mil...based on YTD 2019 production, what type of deal would you offer him?..............
  3. ...not to mention SIX Lombardis to show for it.....and Kevin Colbert has been their GM since 2000.......BTW, their 2009 SB club featured 19 of 22 starters acquired through the draft......
  4. ...thought he was a bit smallish (better keep my day job) , but worth a shot in the 5th.....sure enough, McBeane & Co find another late gem......funny how some TBD'ers moaned when he was out with the injury only to return and be questioned as "a liability".......hmmmm....NOT...........
  5. ...and by unanimous vote, the "eyes" have it.............
  6. ...think it would be a good idea to have that size and someone who will go up to fight for the ball vs Steelers defense.....
  7. ...."paging Mr. Edmunds......pick up the lobby phone for your assignment"...........
  8. .....$20.92 million each for Mariota and Winston......
  9. ....and I'd bet Tony is just as honest, forthright, above board and clean as a whistle just like brother John, right?......a card carrying Dynasty member......
  10. ...Fredo and The Lemon do NOT approve of this message..............
  11. ...Comey did not develop this criminal culture overnight......many pieces were already in place and function with Sleepy Bob Mueller in charge.....and he was the Special (Independent) Counsel?......seriously?.....Comey just made it dirtier.......and J Edgar is pissed, having lost his "luster"...........
  12. ...and they're already signing up the 2020 Mob just in case........ Democratic lawmaker open to pursuing impeachment again if Trump wins in 2020 By Owen Daugherty - 12/11/19 10:22 AM EST Rep. Karen Bass (D-Calif) indicated on Tuesday indicated that the House could bring more articles of impeachment against President Trump if he wins reelection next year. Bass said in an interview with TMZ that she would be inclined to take a second stab at impeaching Trump, particularly if both chambers of Congress are controlled by Democrats after the 2020 election. https://thehill.com/homenews/house/474043-democratic-lawmaker-open-to-pursuing-impeachment-again-if-trump-wins-in-2020
  13. ..probably one of my senior moment crotchety "pet peeves" EVERY time I see this......how the hell can EVERYONE based on party be 100% lock step in line?.....must be voting their minds as far as "doing the people's business" without any fear of reprisals......um ok......."I promise I will call you tomorrow"..... The committee adopted both articles, alleging abuse of power and obstruction of Congress, on a party-line vote of 23-17.
  14. ...um is this something new?....OR now unacceptable?........and why did the Dems rattle the "eliminate Electoral College" sabre?........perhaps the results?....SMH.....
  15. ......damn electorate won't tow THEIR line...............hell just cancel elections altogether...SMH......... Al Green - “My fear is if we don’t impeach him, he’ll get re-elected” Jerry Nadler yesterday - “We cannot rely on an election to solve our problems “
  16. ...agree......he is a true Washington Outsider who has pierced the "political good 'ol boyz" enclave.....they hate the results and want to set a precedent for any true outsider down the road who dares to consider upsetting the enclave ever again........
  17. ...never would happen...look at the long, long, LONG list of "career politicians".......power mongers who the fickle electorate just keep re-electing.......look how many hang around into their 80's or even 90's.......Strom Thurmond (98)?......Bob Byrd(90)?.....Helms (83)?.....Hollings(83)?......."effective legislators"?.....seriously?.........
  18. ...as "Wolt" Garrison would say, "just a 'lil pinch between your cheek and gum".................
  19. CNN producer resigns following misconduct claims, report says By Joseph A. Wulfsohn | Fox News A CNN producer abruptly resigned, according to a Thursday report, just weeks after he was implicated by another network staffer of sexual misconduct, in leaked videos from the controversial conservative watchdog group Project Veritas. In October, Steve Brusk, CNN Politics' supervising producer, was accused of "making advances" at female employees at social gatherings. He allegedly would "put his arms around them" and "try and touch their leg" as well as being "flirty and inappropriate" in email exchanges, according to Rick Saleeby, whom Project Veritas identified as a senior producer for "The Lead with Jake Tapper." "I'll tell you this. In this climate that's going on right now, he definitely would have been fired," Saleeby told an undercover journalist for Project Veritas, who was secretly recording the conversation. Saleeby recalled an incident in which he saw Brusk approach an intern who was intoxicated at a party. The producer said he could "see the hand," suggesting that it was about to go up her skirt, and said he "grabbed her" to keep the intern away. He also claimed that Brusk "had already been accused of things prior." https://www.foxnews.com/media/cnn-producer-steve-brusk-resigns-project-veritas
  20. ...uh oh....sounds like Big Ben will be trade bait.......
  21. ...LOL......yup......for how many YEARS did people talk about the need of a Washington Outsider needed to clean up "The Swamp"?....and for how many years did Washington Insiders fraudulently try to run as a "Washington Outsider"?...so we finally get a real Washington Outsider ( I abhorred his business practices in my business world for the record), obnoxious, brash, bold, irascible, caustic, turning the "good 'ol boyz network upside down and inside out, "calling a spade a spade" without giving a rat's azz whose offended....BUT.......whoa?....we got the Outsider whose MAGA slogan is a ruse so he can cash in on the presidency, lucrative salary, accumulate wealth, free room and board at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, get his own library and lifelong security detail.....I always knew the SOB had ulterior motives.......
  22. ..paychecks should be direct deposited into the Treasury and let them send you back what they think you need.....problem solved..........
  23. ...suggest we start with making the utterance, "535 here working hard to do the people's business" a Federal crime punishable by death.......ranks right up there with, "I promise....I WILL call you tomorrow".....
  24. ..laughable how all of the Trump predecessors talked "tough with China talk" and did squat....and they built a formidable war machine with those trade imbalance dollars...and here we are with the hammer instead of being hammered........SMH.......
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