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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ..quick question Doc....could the maneuvering delay actually resonate with swing voters in that the hesitancy sends a message about the legitimacy of the whole circus?...........
  2. ...wonder if the docs are being housed in the Clinton Library for safe keeping?....just askin'..................
  3. .....do "CNN" and "reform" seriously belong in the same sentence?......Fredo would be devastated.............
  4. ...Chuck Todd?...SMH......poor Tim "Go Bills" Russert is rolling over in his grave......
  5. ...I don't either nor was I advocating it.......but anything is possible today regardless of the arena (unfortunately)......
  6. ......Tibsmobile or Buseyride??..........
  7. ...Flores and Plunkett ?...should they be in?......both we're accomplished, but I've often wondered in this day and age of "political correctness" why Tom (Hispanic) or Jim (Native American) have not been brought up more frequently......
  8. ...I was there...what did you want to know???.............
  9. ..ESPN does need a MAJOR shakeup......I'd start with hiring Whoopi and Joy for SportsCenter......ratings would soar......
  10. ...my Cliff Notes Two Cents from Steve Young (yup, HIM)......his quote was, "more collegiate QB's fail versus succeed at the NFL level due to the sped and complexity of the game"......"early on" successes do happen no doubt.......but how they individually deal with it is another story.......RG II 1/8 lost his focus with ME pressers for the W and faulting teammates for the L....Kaep became enthralled with tats 'n poses, becoming his "this is easy" major focus (getting paid for football?)....opposing DC's figured them both out...Cam the Scam is now into his "Prince Pressers"...SMH.......Russell Wilson honed his craft, never lost focus and has developed into a real winner....will be interesting to see what direction Lamar takes with the "fork in the road" eventually looming....Allen just keeps working his arse off to get better with Professor Palmer and Dorsey.....and it's sure as hell not for him but for his TEAM.....he knows his strengths and his weaknesses.....and I think his mindset to to strengthen his weaknesses while strengthening his strengths to become the franchise QB......it will take time...but denying his ethic, intent and potential ability?...um ok......
  11. ....wonder if the investigators THEN are as squeaky clean as what we're finding out NOW as far as lily white, FBI, DOJ, CIA, etc(COUGH).......hmmmm......
  12. .......uh oh Joe.....time for that 2nd opinion from Dr Ruth.............. Joe Biden Published 53 mins ago Obama's former doc says Biden 'not a healthy guy' after reviewing medical info: Report By Sam Dorman | Fox News One of President Obama's former doctors reportedly disputed a letter released by former Vice President Joe Biden's campaign in which the former vice president's own doctor praised the 77-year-old presidential candidate as a "healthy, vigorous" man. “He’s not a healthy guy,” said Dr. David Scheiner, who previously served as Obama's physician. According to the Washington Examiner, Scheiner read Biden's medical history and said the presidential candidate "has a lot of issues." “He’s not in bad shape for his age, but I wouldn't say he’s in outstanding health. Could I guarantee he won't have issues for the next four years? He has a lot of issues that are just sort of sitting there," Scheiner said. Scheiner previously told the Examiner that Biden "looked frail" during the first Democratic primary debate. "I sort of got the feeling he wasn’t very strong. It was similar to the feeling I got when Republicans started attacking Mueller so fiercely," he said. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/obamas-doc-biden-not-healthy
  13. ...or sit on a BIG sharp arrow there Tonto.....Kemosabe says "yup"...........
  14. ...seriously?...dialogue?...constructive conversations?....r u kidding?....years ago, I read a book on the Nixon years (don't have it anymore nor do I remember the title or author......dammit...senior moment)...BUT......I do remember the author stating one of Nixon's mantras was, "always attack....never defend (positions, statements, etc)".....sound familiar a/k/a a page torn?.....said MANY times I ignore/avoid my extended family, all dyed in the wool Dems (ie. CNN is gospel, voting for ANY Republican is blasphemy and an act of treason, etc) because constructive dialogue is non-existent....they swarm like flies on s&$t, attacking and demeaning anything you say....eff them.....
  15. ...and from the Cory Dane song, "Pow Wow"......."my teepee is cold and empty"............. https://genius.com/Cory-daye-pow-wow-lyrics
  16. ..best of luck bud.......they can do some amazing stuff today in medicine......
  17. .....read an article suggesting that the Czar was going to announce his retirement at the end of the season, but the Owner wanted to send a "change message" first, so he did not go out unscathed....
  18. ...nope...lookin' pretty good from here............
  19. ...certainly.......despite the TBD naysayer pundits.....no need to regurgitate....icing on the cake would be to have McBeane selected as NFL Exec Of The Year......EQUALLY deserving IMO....
  20. ....Jesus...talk about used car salesmen....."we'll fix u up here at Beat Um Cheatum Used Cars"............. ...just curious...r u Carville or Begala?.......
  21. ...up for WHAT?........execution?.....poster girl for relaxed mental hygiene?.......yet another Left Coast Gem......
  22. ..so which does CNN cover??...this is quite a conundrum............
  23. ...I have figured it out.....PPP has been infiltrated by Carville & Begala....you connect the dots....... ...."Bull" Durham looks like a nasty SOB...BUT......he'll be labeled a partisan hack....just wondering how the "labelers" explain why former AG Holder (Dem???) assigned many high profile cases to him as a US Attorney.....yup, poor Eric was duped..............
  24. ...and dressed in black?...shouldn't the Princess be dressed in lily white?......or is she is in mourning??.....
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