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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...will have to check......but he is a ruthless SOB.....remember when Bflo got hit with the 86" snowstorm, shutting down I-90 from Bflo to PA line?...a Thruway Authority official came out with critical statements about Guido.....according to my NYSDOT friends, he conveniently lost his job within days......
  2. ...but their cardboard cutout prop job, SOLELY fueled by race and oratorical skills did one helluva job ....ON THIS COUNTRY.......YOU can name names..............
  3. ...lightning bolt did you some damage?.............hmmmm.............
  4. ...OFF THE WALL forum bud...............
  5. ...California?....look what we have ourselves here in NYS with Big Fredo..........the only skank in NYS Government without an email address so nothing is in writing.....the "NYS Political Hall of Fame" includes, Guido, Silver, Bruno, Carpetbagger Hillary, Photo Op Chuckie, Spitzer, Schneiderman, Anthony the Wiener et al...Impressive right?............ JUDICIARY Published 3 hours ago Cuomo vetoes bill letting all judges officiate weddings – because some were Trump-appointed So much for reaching across the aisle. New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo just vetoed a bill that would have allowed all federal judges to officiate at weddings in New York — saying he can’t stomach the idea that even some of the jurists might be President Trump appointees. “I cannot in good conscience support legislation that would authorize such actions by federal judges who are appointed by this federal administration,” Cuomo said in a statement Friday as he shot down the bill — which was passed overwhelmingly by the Democratic-controlled state legislature. “President Trump does not embody who we are as New Yorkers,’’ the Democratic governor said. “The cornerstones that built our great state are diversity, tolerance, and inclusion. Based on these reasons, I must veto this bill.” Under current New York law, all state judges can preside over weddings in their official capacity — as can the governor, mayors, former mayors, some city and deputy city clerks, local justices, clergy members and any member of the public ordained especially for the occasion. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/cuomo-vetoes-bill-letting-all-judges-officiate-weddings-because-some-were-trump-appointed
  6. ...not so fast........more to follow...SMH....... Trump Impeachment Published 4 hours ago Republicans fume over Dem threat of new impeachment articles: ‘Time to cut them off’ Republicans ratcheted up their accusations that Democrats are overplaying their impeachment hand after court filings from the House Judiciary Committee indicated the two articles of impeachment adopted last week may only be the beginning. GOP lawmakers already were fuming at Speaker Nancy Pelosi over her surprise decision to delay transmitting the articles to the Senate in a bid to extract favorable terms for President Trump's trial. But in the latest twist, the Democrat-led Judiciary panel referenced the possibility of yet additional impeachment articles in briefs filed Monday related to their quest for testimony from former White House Counsel Don McGahn and secret grand jury material from former Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation. If the court allows them to obtain the information they seek, their attorney wrote, "new articles of impeachment" could be considered based on the evidence. GOP lawmakers reacted with stunned disbelief. "Democrats are treating impeachment as an open bar tab," Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., tweeted Monday afternoon. "Time to cut them off, take their car keys away (put GOP in control of the House), and end this insanity." https://www.foxnews.com/politics/republicans-fume-over-dem-threat-of-new-impeachment-articles-time-to-cut-them-off
  7. ...good call and dead on bud.......gonna have to talk some down from the Peace Bridge railing here now...SMH..............
  8. ...maybe we should wait until year 2 and/or 3 until we crown Lamar the next "Brady + +"..............not a chance he could be the next RG II 1/8 or Kaep that DC's figured out.....
  9. ...."up to his eyeballs in cash" I take it?...just askin'...............
  10. ...Merry Christmas and a safe, prosperous 2020 New Year to all.....BEST gift we could all receive here is some positive news from our open heart surgery TBD'er........
  11. ....how about the scumbag who went into a Safeway grocery store, headed for the toilet paper aisle and and dumped right there?.....sick............
  12. ...c'mon Tom, it's ME....you can LOWER your expectations...I won't be offended............
  13. ....we differ but CERTAINLY respect your opinion.....how it's supposed to work here...........
  14. ...exactly bro......just had my first surgery in 66 years for cataract (NOTHING like our TBD brethren's heart surgery)....was scared to death...BP went to 190/90.......prep was an hour and actual procedure was 20 minutes......could actually see the surgeon's tool inside my eye....100% success......they say that BP escalates most with heart surgery, eye surgery and brain surgery....sure hope we hear good news soon.........
  15. ...line 'em up....agree Augie......can make some head cheese...........
  16. ...so Ben may retire and they'd trade their playmaker for draft capital?......hell, I'd bet if Brees retires we can get a shot at Michael Thomas for "draft capital", right??..........
  17. ...I would say Mack is equally a force but McBeane was not in that foot race.....why would he change now for Donald with a higher tariff?..........
  18. ...my view of Obama was a woefully unqualified Jr State Senator, hand picked by the Clinton Dynasty based on race and oratorical skills period......he was their cardboard cutout to carry on the Dynasty surrounded by multiple ex-Clintonites.....Manuel, Podestra, Sperling, Holder, Begala, Blumenthal, et al...Hillary runs and wins in 2016 s well as reelected in 2020...gives the Dynasty a 24 year lock on US Politics......where did I go wrong?.....
  19. ...well Massachusetts HAS supplied us with some REAL political gems....Lizzie, Lurch, Dukakis, Markey, Chappaquidick Teddy, etc....quite the political "Who's Who".....rates right up there with our NYS gems.....
  20. ...perfect!!...the mouth is open and nothing but useless coming out.......you nailed it...........
  21. ...donate it to North Korea for target practice........plus they can scrap the needles for their economy and use the feces for their crops......."good faith" gesture IMO....
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