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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. EXACTLY......and 2,997 pages were NEVER read by the 535 parasitic hangers on (BOTH SIDES).....my pet peeve for 45+ years with these 535 skanks alleging to "doing the people's business".....alleged "Health Care Legislation" is offered......yet on pages 2,643 to 2,651, the 535 were granted free haircuts, manicures, pedicures, condoms for discreet encounters, allowance for sex change operations et al...any Amendment that does NOT pertain to the true spirit of the legislation should be denied......yet this garbage is surreptitiously slipped in that NONE of these clowns read, and becomes law at the taxpayers' expense....18% Congressional approval rating so noted....they could care less............
  2. ...uh oh....cue up the MSM attack dawgs.....BUT let's follow the political capital transition from Covid-19 (crickets) to "peaceful protests (crickets-NEVER were; honorable mention to BLM FRAUD)" to KamalaVirus (crickets) and now to "SCOTUS Barretitis debunking attacks"..... Florida Gov. DeSantis lifts major restrictions on restaurants, other businesses, in push to boost economy The order allows restaurants to immediately reopen at full capacity By Julia Musto | Fox News Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announced on Friday that he is lifting major coronavirus-era restrictions on restaurants and other businesses in a push to boost the state's economy. The Republican governor's move comes even as he acknowledged that the pandemic was far from over. “We’re not closing anything going forward,” he told reporters, insisting that the state is prepared if infections climb once again. Florida has long been a COVID-19 hot spot, with almost 700,000 people infected by the virus since the pandemic gripped the nation in March. According to data from the Florida Department of Health, nearly 14,000 Floridians have already died. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/florida-gov-desantis-lifts-major-restrictions-on-restaurants-other-businesses-in-push-to-boost-economy
  3. ...well at least her statements are offered in velchro so changes can be made daily.......
  4. ..ObamaCare was actually HillaryCare that the Clintonites launched via their cardboard cutout prop job after the pantsuit lost......a cobbled together disaster from the get go authored by politicians, the epitome of health care experts ON BOTH SIDES (COUGH)....health care lobbyists?.....naw.....Cliff Notes version of our company: 200 Union electricians covered by self-insured policy and I pay $6+ million annually in their premiums (100%).....12 non-Union employees and I pay 60% of their premiums...ObamaCare mandates cast my non-Union folks from "community rated pool" to block rated pool", resulting in a 35% increase in premiums....they panicked and were going to drop coverage....We threw an additional $25,000 in premium sponsorship to help them.....certainly Excellus/Anthem health care premiums are spiraling.....I'm moving my 12 to a local Excellus buyer's group of 3,000 members and my 2021 savings are $49,000.....ask yourself how well the government has done with Medicaid or Medicare........uh oh......
  5. ...wonder how her non-essential constituents feel about "fair and balanced"?...... Whitmer offers free college to 625,000 essential coronavirus workers Michigan will invest a total $24 million in the program from March's CARES Act By Audrey Conklin | Fox News Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer on Thursday detailed a plan to offer free college to some 625,000 essential coronavirus workers who helped provide frontline services between April and June. Futures for Frontliners, first announced in April, would cover community college tuition for employees without college degrees working in industries ranging from manufacturing to retail, according to new details provided Thursday. "This initiative is Michigan’s way of expressing gratitude to essential workers for protecting public health and keeping our state running,” Whitmer said in a statement. "Whether it was stocking shelves, delivering supplies, picking up trash, manufacturing PPE or providing medical care, you were there for us." She added that the initiative will give essential workers the "chance to pursue the degree or training" they have been "dreaming about" to help themselves and their families. Michigan will invest a total of $24 million through the Governor's Education Emergency Relief Fund (GEERF), which is part of the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. Congress passed the CARES Act and President Trump signed the bill in March. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/whitmer-free-college-essential-coronavirus-workers
  6. ...for the MSM (including that woeful putz azzclown Bill Maher) to even bring it up as a potential disqualifier is beyond repulsive.....
  7. ...bet Sleepy Joe moves Camp David to Beijing so Hunter has free digs when "visiting"...................
  8. ...are you sure that PPP is your ONLY buzz source?......fess up......
  9. ...agreed......apples and oranges vs Kamala the Thrillah.......correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Trump's initial list included BOTH males and females......and he subsequently said a female is likely...replacing a female with a qualified female is a bad strategy?....Biden said "black female for VP" from the onset......sickening to see the MSM vultures circling in on Barret's Catholic religion......this society gets more effed up daily......religion is a qualifier?.....
  10. ......BTW.....registered and eligible voter for 49 years and have NEVER received a call from a pollster..............
  11. Curtis Hill: Black Kentucky AG wrongly attacked by other Blacks for not charging cops in Breonna Taylor death Cameron is one of only two Black Republican state attorneys general in the U.S. I am the other. By Curtis Hill | Fox News A co-founder of Black Lives Matter has absurdly compared Daniel Cameron — Kentucky’s first Black attorney general — to the infamous White supremacist Bull Connor, following Cameron’s announcement Wednesday that no police officers will be prosecuted for the shooting death of Breonna Taylor, a 26-year-old Black emergency medical technician. Cameron announced that a grand jury determined that two police officers were justified in firing their guns in Taylor’s apartment March 13 because Taylor’s boyfriend shot at them first after officers used a battering ram to force their way into the apartment during a drug investigation. Tragically and inadvertently, one of the officers fatally wounded Taylor, authorities concluded. Cameron is one of only two Black Republican state attorneys general in the U.S. I am the other. Comparing him to Bull Connor is an insult that makes no sense and is disconnected from reality. Bull Connor was public safety commissioner in Birmingham, Ala., from 1957 to 1963, and was a staunch segregationist with ties to the Ku Klux Klan. He ordered police to use dogs and firehoses against peaceful civil rights demonstrators, and allowed KKK members to beat freedom riders — who sought an end to segregation — before police officers belatedly responded to the scene. https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/breonna-taylor-killing-no-charges-curtis-hill
  12. .....articulate, accomplished and a powerful voice................... Herschel Walker accuses Democrats of denouncing violence 'yet you don't really mean it' 'We need law and order right now in the United States of America,' former Heisman winner tells 'The Story' By Charles Creitz | Fox News Democratic political leaders have given token statements denouncing violence and rioting in cities across America, but have failed to take meaningful action, former NFL running back Herschel Walker told "The Story" Friday night. "It's not [a] peaceful [protest] when they say you have got to disperse," Walker told host Jon Scott in response to reports of a third night of unrest in Louisville following a grand jury decision in the Breonna Taylor case. "It means you have got to go home, [but] they didn't go home. They moved to another place." Walker, who won the 1982 Heisman Trophy as a junior at the University of Georgia and who addressed the Republican National Convention last month, added that "every governor should be punished who is going to let people be injured because there is not a peaceful protest when you have police officers that were shot earlier. "We need law and order right now in the United States of America." https://www.foxnews.com/us/herschel-walker-democrats-dont-mean-violence-denouncing
  13. ...so "Sleepy Bob" is actually "Sleazy Bob"........and we should believe that Comey sullied "Squeaky Clean Bob's " by the book FBI culture.......that joint needs its own sewer system....
  14. Probe into 'discarded' ballots becomes campaign outrage fuel By CHRISTINA A. CASSIDY and MARK SCOLFORO Updated: September 25, 2020 - 3:03 PM HARRISBURG, Pa. — (AP) — The news release from a U.S. attorney in Pennsylvania was provocative: Nine mailed-in military ballots had been “discarded” by the local election office in a swing county of one of the most important presidential battleground states. All of them were marked for President Donald Trump, it said. Then came another news release with key details changed but still little explanation of what had happened and whether investigators believed a criminal act had occurred. Despite the information vacuum, the White House press secretary told reporters “ballots for the president” had been “cast aside.” The Trump campaign’s rapid response arm pushed out the release from Trump’s own Justice Department under the headline “Democrats are trying to steal the election” — ignoring the fact that the local government, Luzerne County, is controlled by Republicans. Conservative voices used the news release as rocket fuel to amplify the investigation on social media. https://www.fox23.com/news/politics/probe-into/VOZHUO2VJ3LWHS46CCNCD4SPMM/
  15. ...the "New Doo" says "nope"......bet she forwarded her message to Joe's teleprompter.............. Pelosi doubles down that Biden shouldn't debate Trump: 'Why bother?' Pelosi claimed Trump and his 'henchmen' have no 'fidelity' to facts or truth By Megan Henney | Fox News House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Friday doubled down on her argument that Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden should not debate President Trump, claiming the Republican incumbent and his "henchmen" have no "fidelity" to facts or the truth. Asked during an interview on "Morning on CBS" whether she still believed the former vice president should skip the three scheduled debates, Pelosi said: "Oh, I do. Not that I don't think he'll be excellent. I just think that the president has no fidelity to fact or truth and, actually in his comments the last few days, no fidelity to the Constitution of the United States." https://www.foxnews.com/politics/pelosi-doubles-down-biden-shouldnt-debate-trump
  16. ....well "practice makes perfect"....ALMOST................ Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announces 134 felony voter fraud charges in connection with 2018 Dem primary The allegations include election fraud and mail-in ballot fraud By Michael Ruiz | Fox News Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced four arrests Thursday on dozens of felony charges in connection with an alleged vote harvesting scheme during the 2018 Democratic primary elections in Gregg County. “It is an unfortunate reality that elections can be stolen outright by mail ballot fraud,” Paxton said in a statement. “Election fraud, particularly an organized mail ballot fraud scheme orchestrated by political operatives, is an affront to democracy and results in voter disenfranchisement and corruption at the highest level.” Gregg County Commissioner Shannon Brown, Marlena Jackson, Charlie Burns and DeWayne Ward face 134 felony charges in total, according to Paxton’s office. The allegations include election fraud, tampering with a governmental record, mail-in ballot fraud and more. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/texas-attorney-general-ken-paxton-voter-fraud
  17. ...the Clinton/Obama (The Prop Job) Era" is the dirtiest in this country's history.......Nixon looks like an altar boy compared to them............
  18. ...so "Sleepy Bob" is actually "Sleazy Bob"........and we should believe that Comey sullied "Squeaky Clean Bob's " by the book FBI culture.......that joint needs its own sewer system....
  19. ...LMAO......they despise capitalism, embrace socialism and work for minimum wage......yup......and protected by tenure to boot......
  20. ...how the hell we EVER let Antifa promulgate to their current level unchecked is beyond me......so now we have the proliferation of the likes of ISIS, Taliban, Hamas, Hezballah et al on our own damn soil and the best we can do as say MSM "peaceful protests"?.....we're screwed...............
  21. ...I'd bet Biden has a Cabinet "position" for you already.....
  22. ...BUT...you cannot discount the level of protectionism within those ranks of the "bad ones"......weed them out dammit......do so and increase your credibility......the Electrical Union will NOT do it......so I need five guys from the Hall and out of the next five, #1 and #2 are widely known lazy skanks.....so I have to take all five and spin #1 and #2 right back...make ANY sense?.....OR....if the local is at full employment including the skanks and a out of state Union member who is in the local territory for six months and wants work, as well as being excellent, I can hire him, BUT STILL have to keep a Local skank....I want to dump the skank but it's a no-no...make sense?..traveler can't displace a Local member......we pay $9+ mil/yr in Union benefits for this crap?....
  23. ...yet ANOTHER 43+ year putz hanger on, another downstate gem, who has done squat......my extended family JEWISH relatives call his ilk "mashuganas".....
  24. ...LOL.....can't remember the Biden clip I was watching......but as he was prepared to start speaking, live mic caught him saying, "can you move that up a bit"?......check out the Brett Baier interview with a Biden spokesperson minion when Baier drilled him about teleprompter use (may have been the clip origin).....instantaneous knotted nylons blaming Trump campaign...
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