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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...well it used to be NOVEMBER....Nix started hibernatin' before Thanksgiving and got up Draft Day at 11:59AM, right?.............
  2. ....not having the opportunity to see college ball, I would not know where to turn for collegiate analyses other than our TBD Collegiate Gang......sounds like you have other sources that you depend on.....I'm jealous..
  3. ...sounds like a matter of personal preference which I certainly respect....for me, it's easier to head to the COLLEGE FOOTBALL forum to see what our collegiate TBD experts say versus wading through numerous redundant threads on the STADIUM WALL forum because people want their thunder versus using SEARCH function............
  4. ...way, WAY back when it was only the Rose, Cotton, Sugar and Orange, a separate forum was probably not necessary.....but today, the bowl picture has been woefully diluted into what, 38 or 39?.....and .500 record is "IN"?............hell I could see expansion to include the "Tidy Bowl", the "TDS Bowl (seating ONLY on the LEFT side of the stadium)", the "Chunky Chicken Soup Bowl", the Vlad Friendship Bowl", the "Almost Bowl(records less than .500)" et al.........the opportunities are endless...SMH.........
  5. ...Sam was laughably insane......BUT...the BEST live performance I EVER saw was Dangerfield.......oversoaked my Depends and the damn auditorium backcharged me for the cleanup...
  6. EXCELLENT perspective.....not sure if guys like Krugman are confounded or PO'ed........when I took my current CFO position 20 years ago, there was a guy who started as an electrician and eventually became a Maintenance Project Manager.....loud, boisterous, obnoxious and lazy POS who was retiring....EVERY 'effin day he had his "countdown to retirement clock" and would announce how many more days....he had NO qualms about announcing, hoping and praying how the company would go out of business upon his retirement....20 years hence, we have quadrupled revenue and are in 4 states employing 225 Union electricians.....he is the PERFECT Progressive....hoping and wanting the "Big Bully USA" to fail and become an also ran.....Krugman and his ilk are fueled by TDS yet the economy has defied their wishes and odds, stealing what was hoped to be a MAJOR weapon of criticism, a/k/a economic failure.........
  7. ....they need to hire Whoopi and Behar for "SportsCenter"............RIP Tom Mees.......it's gone to the dogs........wonder where we'd rank in the "Sports Resiliency Index"?...naw..........
  8. ...didn't miss anything.....moving on..........
  9. ...why does it sound like you're insulting my Italian heritage?...just askin'.............
  10. ....gonna check FLIGHT TRACKER to see "who may be en route (COUGH)".........perhaps a job awaits??............ Uruguay seizes 6 tons of cocaine worth $1B in country’s largest bust By Lucia I. Suarez Sang | Fox News Naval and customs officers in Uruguay seized a staggering six tons of cocaine this week, with authorities calling it the country's biggest bust ever. The National Armada said in a press release that on Dec. 26 officers at the Montevideo port were checking four shipping containers with soy flour destined for Lome, the capital of Togo in West Africa. https://www.foxnews.com/world/uruguay-6-tonnes-cocaine-1b
  11. ...if I remember correctly, he was obnoxious, belligerent and rode a "mighty high horse".... same mantra in his BBMB days.............
  12. .probably "WAAAAAAAAAAY LEFT"...................I knew it..............
  13. ...I agree......then they are all consolidated........I don't get to see college ball so I go to the COLLEGE FOOTBALL forum to learn from the TBDers who follow it closely.....with my thanks...
  14. ...excellent point....the downward spiral into the sewer is unconscionable.....EXACTLY the direction the Progressives want the "World's Bully" to go IMO............
  15. ...uh oh.....No Show Joe............. Biden says he won't comply with Senate subpoena in Trump's impeachment trial By Louis Casiano | Fox News Former Vice President Joe Biden said Friday that he would not comply with a subpoena to testify in the Senate impeachment trial against President Trump, should one be issued to him. Any testimony from the 2020 Democratic contender for the White House before the Senate would draw attention away from Trump's alleged wrongdoing and would effectively let the president off the hook, Biden claimed in an interview with the editorial board of the De Moines Register in Iowa. "What are you going to cover?” Biden said to Register Executive Editor Carol Hunter in response to a question about the possibility of his participation in the trial. “You guys are going to cover for three weeks anything that I said. And (Trump’s) going to get away." https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-says-he-wont-comply-with-senate-subpoena-in-trumps-impeachment-trial
  16. very fair assessment bud....Gase is about GASE..........McDermott is about TEAM.......he's in lock step with McBeane...Jets have been a dumpster since the Woody Johnson/Tannebaum duo......now they have brother Chris Johnson & GM Joe Douglas....oh boy.............
  17. ....didn't duh Raiders take a PK in the 1st as well?.....a/k/a Janowski?...............
  18. ...allegedly here for some, McD is the conservative impediment to the offense...so "unleash" Daboll and as they say in Mizzou, "show me"....stay tuned.....
  19. ...assume "sunny side up"??...just askin'...................
  20. ...Pioli resigned as Assistant GM in May 2019....he and Dimitroff were former Patsies FO boyz together....I think Dimitroff reported to Pioli who then left for KC......then Dimitroff hired him for HotLanta......
  21. ...ironically the NFL concentrates their matchups on merchandise sales potential which shocked me when I heard it from some friends connected with NFL teams....think the NFLPA states players get 48.5% and League gets 51.5%...........
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