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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ....don't go....Arkancide is opening a branch office there and they will find you.............
  2. ....and the rag strikes again......SMH.......... NY Times reporter's tweet of Soleimani reciting poetry draws backlash By Danielle Wallace | Fox News A New York Times reporter received backlash Friday after posting a video on social media showing slain Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani reciting poetry. Farnaz Fassihi, an Iranian-American journalist who covers Iran for the paper, shared the video in the early morning hours after the Pentagon confirmed President Trump ordered a targeted drone strike that killed Soleimani and other military officials at Baghdad International Airport in Iraq. https://www.foxnews.com/media/new-york-times-reporter-sympathy-soleimani-poetry-fake-news-propoganda
  3. ...damaged eyesight at age 17 while working a fast food job...........passing at 56 was far too young...............
  4. ...or $5.00 pay toilets........stadium experience is now WELL beyond the average fan/family...........
  5. ....uh oh......expected?.......officiating?.....cash cow outta milk?....other ideas as to attendance tank?...interesting....... NFL attendance hits a 15-year low Posted by Mike Florio on January 3, 2020, 1:28 PM EST More people are watching the NFL on TV. Fewer people are watching the NFL in person. According to David Broughton and Andrew Levin of Sports Business Daily, the NFL averaged 66,648 attendees at home games in 2019. That’s the lowest average since 2004. The Cowboys averaged 90,929, leading the league for 11 straight seasons. Fifteen teams saw a decline in attendance, led by the Jaguars (8.7 percent drop), Raiders (7.6 percent) and Bengals (7.0 percent). Two teams saw an increase of more than five percent. Washington’s audience grew by 7.3 percent (the stadium was still at less than 80 percent capacity), and the Bills have a 6.0-percent jump. https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2020/01/03/nfl-attendance-hits-a-15-year-low/#comments
  6. ...WHOA!!...TIME OUT......what if I LEGALLY steal $949.99 in laundry soap but use too much water to clean my clothes ?.....I've been entrapped....
  7. ....well for Nix that was pre-Thanksgiving when the season was "officially over" and his alarm was set for 11:59AM on Draft Day.........so perhaps we're in a bit better shape......SMH.............
  8. ......Hagman could not have dreamed up a better "Dallas" saga...and I love every minute of it.......Plastic Puss is the NFL's "Susan Lucci".......think he wants more attention than the Cleveland "Mistake By The Lake" mess......misery loves company......
  9. ...I'm sure sympathy cards are in the mail......just waiting for calling hours............
  10. ...your main squeeze...thought so......personal taste so noted.............
  11. ...should be at Gitmo.....we have plenty who will keep them company.......
  12. ...my son's Bull Mastif-Pit mix was a rescue......one of his friends took him in after he was found on the side of the road, beaten and suffering from tumors as well as Parvo....she nursed him back to health and gave him to my son in 2008......we think he was around 3, a freakin' beast at 100lbs........about 3 years later, the big dope ingested a pine cone (?) which became lodged, requiring immediate surgery.....at that age, we had to give him a second chance at life....and my kids said, "about $2,500 Dad"...um ok.......so his blood goes toxic and he ends up in emergency for 6 days with a 25% chance of survival...."um Dad, looks like the bill will be $5,000"....um....er....cough...ok........so they bring him home that year on New Years Eve Day, less 20 lbs and wobbly as hell....and my kids said, "um...Dad, the final bill was a bit more.....$7,300"........and the old man just keeps on working........kids and pets .......
  13. ...thanks for sharing....appreciate your service.........
  14. …..not buying it either...….not McD's style...………..
  15. ..put the game away and put Lorax on "O" to score 6....Kyle style...…………..
  16. ...yup....Wicky Wacky Wyche"...…<.500 career coaching record but he was entertaining.....way too young to pass at 74....
  17. ...nicely done...….fair and accurate assessment.....
  18. …......that was a "Wyche Classic"...……..LMAO...defines Cleveland (Browns) today...……….
  19. OPINION Published 2 hours ago Marc Thiessen: Trump's Iran strategy is working. Pompeo right to call out ex-Obama team members By Marc Thiessen | Fox News Secretary of State Mike Pompeo accused members of the Obama administration of undermining President Trump’s maximum pressure campaign on Iran by telling the Iranians to “just hang on” until Trump loses in 2020. “I'll be straight up with you,” Pompeo says in an interview for the American Enterprise Institute’s national security podcast “What The Hell Is Going On?,” which I co-anchor with my colleague Dany Pletka, “you have folks who served in the previous administration who are telling the Iranian leaders today, ‘Just hang on. President Trump will lose in the election in November and we'll go back to appeasement. America will write you a big check, we'll underwrite your terror campaign around the world, we'll give you a clear pathway to a nuclear weapon system. Just wait until the Trump administration is finished.’” This is outrageous. When President Trump came to office, Iran was on the march across the Middle East, its expansionism fueled by cash it received from the Obama nuclear deal. https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/trump-iran-strategy-pompeo-obama-team-members-marc-thiessen
  20. FBI Published 49 mins ago McCabe apologized for misleading investigators on leak, transcripts show By Gregg Re | Fox News Former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe apologized for lying to federal investigators concerning an October 2016 leak to The Wall Street Journal about the Hillary Clinton email probe, newly released transcripts indicate -- underscoring McCabe's legal jeopardy as U.S. Attorney John Durham continues the Justice Department's criminal probe into bureau misconduct. The transcripts specifically raised the possibility that McCabe, now a paid CNN commentator, could face a false statements charge similar to the one leveled against former national security adviser Michael Flynn. The account of McCabe's remarks was released by the Department of Justice (DOJ) inspector general (IG) because of a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, D.C. The IG concluded in 2018 that McCabe "lacked candor" when speaking to then-FBI Director James Comey and DOJ Oversight and Review (O&R) internal investigators about the leak to the Journal on May 9, 2017. In the transcripts, released Thursday, an unidentified O&R investigator asserted that McCabe had claimed "he did not grant anyone permission to divulge the information to the media" and that he "personally hadn't shared the information" or "granted anyone else permission to." https://www.foxnews.com/politics/mccabe-apologized-misleading-investigators-leak-transcripts
  21. ...go to your confessional.....probably nobody in their right mind would want to hear you.....dominus vobiscum......
  22. ....LMAO...this is "breaking news ???".......should be TMZ stuff......wadda think Brian?...... Daily Dawg Tags Cleveland Browns News: Todd Monken told opposing coaches team was 'total mess' by Randy Gurziabout 8 hours ago You could be forgiven if you didn't realize Todd Monken was the offensive coordinator of the Cleveland Browns. The fact is, no one ever really heard much from him. Really, the only time Monken would be mentioned was when now-fired head coach Freddie Kitchens would say he's not turning the play-calling over to Monken. And apparently, there may have been more to Kitchens' refusal to give up his duties. On the surface, it appeared to be stubbornness, but it was likely that animosity between the two factored in as well. Reports have now surfaced that Monken and Kitchens didn't see eye to eye. https://dawgpounddaily.com/2020/01/02/cleveland-browns-news-todd-monken-told-opposing-coaches-team-total-mess/
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