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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...interesting...I don't get to see college ball but Shenault is highly spoken of as "the pick" by TBD collegiate ball gurus......
  2. ..interesting......IMO, Duke seemed to confirm that with the WHOPPING three games he played.....still go back to a McBeane quote (paraphrased), "the signing of Duke Williams made drafting a WR early not a top priority".....could this be a Daboll issue then?.............
  3. ....not me....the pre-draft hype, glitz and glitter was a big whiff....and his crap attitude on Draft Day, "nine mistakes were taken before me" is the topper......Mom has room in the basement sonny....SMH.........
  4. ...EXACTLY....thought he heeded McDermott's wake up call and was ready to go......at the same time, his use was inconsistent and so was he when he played......oft injured Kroft was a gap filler IMO....if McBeane knew he'd land Knox AND Sweeney, Kroft signing never happens......
  5. Ken Starr, Dershowitz join Trump’s impeachment defense team By Adam Shaw, John Roberts | Fox News Ken Starr, the former independent counsel who led the Whitewater investigation into then-President Bill Clinton, and attorney Alan Dershowitz will join President Trump’s impeachment defense team, Fox News has learned. The prominent lawyers were among several attorneys added to the team as the president's impeachment trial gets underway, with proceedings kicking off a day earlier and moving into full swing next Tuesday. The team will also include former Florida attorney general Pam Bondi, former federal prosecutor Robert Ray and Jane Raskin -- who was part of the president's legal team during former Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe. Both Starr and Dershowitz are former Fox News contributors. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/ken-starr-dershowitz-join-trumps-impeachment-defense-team
  6. ...Cliff Notes Version......"nine other mistakes before me".....hope putz boy forever eats those words as far as an NFL career......
  7. ...CERTAINLY agree.....still a youngster......BUT plenty of TBD naysayers...SMH............
  8. ...Jesus and I thought Ted Turner had "issues".....must be a hiring "prerequisite"......sure are a couple here that would be shoo-ins....just sayin'......
  9. ....LMAO...ever wonder why some people don't try to hide their known ignorance versus flaunting it?....
  10. ...NYS is a close 2nd to California but closing fast....Big Fredo makes his SEVENTH trip to PR to hold hands after the earthquake.......first six were for the hurricane damage because Trump/FEMA screwed them....and the 92 BILLION went where?........... Cuomo accompanies National Guardsmen to Puerto Rico after quakes By Bernadette Hogan January 14, 2020 | 10:33pm ALBANY — Gov. Andrew Cuomo flew to Puerto Rico Tuesday with 115 members of the National Guard, blankets, pillows and emergency kits, hoping to help the island hit hard by earthquakes over in recent weeks. “Puerto Rico is still hurting from the destruction caused by Hurricane Maria and the federal government’s protracted recovery over two years ago,” he said. “Now the island is once again being dealt a devastating blow with a series of earthquakes and tremors that have caused widespread damage and power outages, leaving thousands of families in shelters.”
  11. .........candidates Tibs and Busey need a Campaign Manager....who's in??................... Russian government resigns after Putin proposes reforms that would weaken his successor Posted 9:21 AM, January 15, 2020, by CNN Wire, Updated at 10:51AM, January 15, 2020 The entire Russian government is resigning, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev announced Wednesday, after Vladimir Putin proposed sweeping reforms that could extend his decades-long grip on power beyond the end of his presidency. Putin thanked members of the government for their work but added that “not everything worked out.” Putin added that in the near future he would meet with each member of the cabinet. The mass resignation includes Medvedev. https://fox61.com/2020/01/15/russian-government-resigns-after-putin-proposes-reforms-that-would-weaken-his-successor/
  12. ...so a couple of quick questions............ 1. Don't GOOD coaches develop schemes that exploit their personnel's strengths versus forcing the "round peg in the square hole"? 2. Is Daboll's offense too complex, especially with NINE new starters on offense (Allen & Dawkins only returnees)? Is he the modern day version of Al Saunders, former KC OC, who Deadskins hired along with his rumored 700 PAGE playbook? 3. "Play fearless" but "coach fearful"?-maybe it's just me, but why does he get the offense in a play calling rhythm which is working, and then abruptly abandons it? Pleny of comments about McDermott reigning him in to play conservative, but is that really the case?
  13. …..FINALLY!!….an utterance of truth from the "FOSSIL Fuelers"...……….
  14. ...sorry.....Kate Smith before ANY of them...………….
  15. ...anybody have Ickey Woods on speed dial?....added entertainment...……...
  16. ...the shocker to me is how Turley and Dershowitz, known non-Trump supporters, continually write op-ed pieces supporting him?....what did I miss??...........
  17. ...we use malwarebytes collectively...but I've had good luck personally with supermalwarebytes and run it in conjunction (as well as use it at home).....
  18. ...LMAO.......89 days with my late wife?......somebody is overboard at day EIGHT and it ain't ME......
  19. LMAO....Prime's logo fits...after all, the progressives say we are the "World's Pr**ks", right??........
  20. ...an uber rich cousin is taking his wife on an 89 day around the world cruise on Crystal (2nd one)....cheapest penthouse is $65,000 per person.....top of the line penthouse is $175,000 per person.....seriously?.....he does have major bucks.....I could afford Crystal's rubber raft..................
  21. LOL...I tell them "I'm just spending your inheritance money".....Business Class at $2,900 is a bit more palatable....and you do get a sleep pod on an Airbus 380.....and of course they said, "well.....that's not bad Dad".........WTF?
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