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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...don't get to see college ball, so I depend on the TBD collegiate ball experts.....why so many negatives, contrary to your forecast, about the Shenault kid?.....what are his perceived negatives?.....also, what about the Higgins kid from Clemson?......unless I'm mistaken, he seemed to be highly talked about here...was the LSU game an opinion changer?...........
  2. and to his credit, he has forged an all inclusive "we're in" environment....Bickering Bills idea is LONG gone......yet plenty of clubs are faced with that nonsense currently.....in a "high paying big boyz league", stroking/massaging egos is pure BS.....employment is a privilege afforded to 1,696 annually and not a right......
  3. ...wasn't my real estate taxes that were the thump.....I live modestly relative to my home.....loss of NYS income tax deduction on 1040 was the killer............
  4. .....initially agree BOE.....probably up to the individual(s) choice.......hometown discount to keep the nucleus intact with a potentially fast rising club like Bflo?....OR....a couple of million elsewhere with a long term pretender?....as McBeane was quoted (paraphrased), "we establish a value for a player and that's it"...stay tuned..........
  5. .especially ones from Vermont......funky stuff growing in them hills................
  6. ...in the land of "Big Fredo", NYS......my NYS taxes remained flat......but I paid more to the Feds starting with my NYS income tax deduction/property tax cap which is $10,000....lost net deduction of $25,000.........
  7. ...LMAO....best he'll do is "ball boy".....and complain about the other 9 assigned before him..............
  8. ....think that perhaps TBD negative opinions about them may be influenced or amplified by the number of mistakes happening relative to your percentage of contribution...dumb penalties (especially FS) are inexcusable.....drops are a lesser gaffe...they happen IMO....can't buy that they're getting "rusty" because of 70-63% (flip side of your number) on the bench....
  9. ....using IBM 386-SX16's I presume?............
  10. ...agree that he values veteran leadership and it makes sense.....but, isn't it a fair expectation that the vet must also be a contributor on the field when called upon (NOT spot duty)?.....even if at worst, it is a 50/50 percentage?.....go back to the days of Bobby April and special teams.........he had WAY too much say in the final 53.......when the injury bug hit, virtually NONE of his guys could fill in at their natural positions......that woeful imbalance had Jauron shopping at Walmart for bodies....
  11. ..."tax cuts for the wealthy ( I am NOT)?".........how come I ended up paying MORE?.......
  12. .....in their defense, at least when they ask Quid Pro Joe questions, they're multiple choice..........
  13. ...quite the insult to Wade who was paid LESS as HC versus Garrett as OC...typical Jurrah...............
  14. ...whichever one that can beat Jurrah twice annually.......can't wait for his "fine whine"..........
  15. ....Jesus....if he goes to a tanning booth, gonna be one helluva grease fire....SMH............
  16. ...saw some posts here citing Daboll's offense as "far too complex".....fact or fiction?....allow time for nine new starters to adjust?...OR.....Al Saunders type with purported 700 page play book?.....
  17. ...apologize for the confusion...the Allen kid is the heart and soul of this offense and a BIGGER heart 'n soul locker room guy......certainly his strides were significant.....and yes his shorter game needed work to temper the cannon and he responded......but many have said his long game disappeared.......is that assessment accurate?.....if so, why?...if not, why not?.......
  18. .....sad how we finally get a Prez who is nasty, indignant, irascible and forceful, refusing to capitulate world wide with a "Bully Apology Tour", and takes on worldly situations that his predecessors "talked tough" about but did squat....and gets results.......refortified military, economy, new trade deals, better employment, renewed world respect et al......so s the famed Wendy's commercial said, "where's the beef"?............
  19. ...it has to be CB......he got a pass in 20128 because "it's the personnel stupid"......so McBeane upgrades the offense and yes, there were nine new starters (Allen & Dawkins returned), but Daboll was inconsistent as hell.....things would start working and clicking followed by abandoning what was working.....Daboll or McDermott turtle ball?...who knows.....resume' shows two one year stops as OC followed by two years in Cleveland with HC Mangini.....why one year if the guy shows something?...regime change victim?......plenty of unanswered questions that feed into Bflo's 2019 inconsistencies......so yes, 2020 IS "make it or break it" as you precisely stated.....
  20. ...for 2018, Daboll got a pass because "it's the personnel stupid".......does that hold for 2019 as well?......OR.........
  21. ...think he'd be a major project......we can do better in the draft ala rounds 3+ (no idea who; don't get to watch college ball) for a Derrick Henry type thumper to compliment Singeltary.....and I think there's room for Yeldon.....any draft suggestions later bud?..........
  22. ...um, some may want to rethink that if in OBD's plans and having to face the legendary "TBD Draft Review Squad"......hell, you could be labeled a "bust" anywhere from pre-season to a MAXIMUM of six starts in your career......could twist an ankle dodging the pigeon droppings on their "red carpet welcome mat".....tough crowd.......
  23. ...but if you read about Yeldon 'round these parts, I thought he was Tiki Barber fumbleitis BAD........he had a stretch with 35 in four seasons.....
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