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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ..Weissmann is a wipe.......perhaps I'm wrong and totally missed, but with Schumer, Nadler, Schiff, Weissmans, Feinstein, Blumenthal et al, all Jewish people, why is there so much hatred, foment and vitriol among their ranks?.....what did Trump do to offend Israel?...aren't the recent peace accords HELPFUL to them and ME stability?.....if anything Obama was anti-Israel...special thanks to SOS Swiftboat Kerry for his peace work....with Iran......
  2. ...LMAO...Joe buddies with KKK's Bob Byrd...gotta love it....yet ANOTHER prime example of term limits REGARDLESS OF PARTY....think he was 90...the author of the $140 million dollar "WVU Monorail To Nowhere" on Fed dollars......or REPUBLICAN Strom "Lousy Hair Dye" Thurmond at 98......special thanks to the connected voters of WVA and SC....honorable mention to Alaska's Ted Stevens (HINT: REPUBLICAN) and his "Bridge to Nowhere"...........now you know why bacon is six bucks a pound...........
  3. ...EVERY police force has expertly trained negotiators for a multitude of situations......c'mon ALF you know that....aren't they regularly dispatched in SWAT investigations?.....
  4. ...poor guy....tell 'em to file a Workers Comp claim................
  5. ...LMAO.......DeNiro has become a wack.......honorable mention to Michael Moore, a/k/a Rosie O'Donnell with a ball cap......................
  6. ...Joe is deferring to her because she'll be running the show anyhow, right?..................
  7. Well, was she right? Here’s the picture, to refresh any memories that need it: ...that skank and Chelsea Manhandler are two woefully irrelevants still yearning for the spotlight.....female versions of DeNiro..........
  8. ...now Biden wants a "mute" button......hell Joe, we'll make it "The Gong Show"...........
  9. ...but the closed culture, what I affectionately call the "Good 'Ol Boyz Network" with faithful guards FROM BOTH SIDES has been breached......and volumes of their "dirty little secrets" exposed.....NEITHER side was ready for a REAL outsider........
  10. ...Comey is the epitome of a scurrilous, untouchable FBI clown well above answering any questions "under oath", something foreign to him...and don't tell me the SAME omnipotent , untouchable "culture" did not exist on Sleepy Bob's watch....it is ingrained......these clowns make J Edgar look like an altar boy........he has the same untouchable tendencies as the other clown named Brennan......
  11. .and maybe Garcetti recommends no bail.......SMH......we just had an arrest in Rochester NY of a guy charged with 2nd degree murder and the Judge released him with NO bail because he didn't consider him "a flight risk"...seriously?...Murder 2 and NO bail?......
  12. ...out of sheer respect, he did NOT want to let you down.................
  13. ...,anybody know if there is an expiration date on the "Russian Card" or is it infinite like the "Race Card"?...just askin'.................
  14. ...precisely DR......how many YEARS did people cry for a Washington outsider to "clean up the mess"?......how long has Congressional ratings lumbered in the teens?....how many times did Washington "insiders" fraudulently claim to be THE outsider "new Sheriff in town" to clean up the mess?.....name names?...waste of time and not ONE was elected....so now we get one, the "Good 'Ol Boyz BOTH Sides Fraternity" has been invaded.....and look at all of their dirty little covert secrets, graft, corruption, manipulation et al that has been exposed.....Jesus, "The Swamp" may be deeper than the Pacific.....SMH......."world's greatest democracy" my butt......sad.....
  15. ...and maybe Garcetti recommends no bail.......SMH......we just had an arrest in Rochester NY of a guy charged with 2nd degree murder and the Judge released him with NO bail because he didn't consider him "a flight risk"...seriously?...Murder 2 and NO bail?......
  16. ...quite frankly, I did NOT bother to watch the debates nor do I want to discuss my political views.....at the same time, Trump is a bombastic, caustic, irascible and TYPICAL New Yorker.....there are times when he needs to STFU and even have his thumbs taped so he's "Twitterless"......sure he's a bonafide outsider who the "Good 'Ol Boyz" political network hate and it's ON BOTH SIDES......their "closed fraternity" has been invaded and the graft, corruption et al exposed makes Nixon look like an altar boy....so have many said, last night was a "shi#sh%w" from both sides.....anybody expecting Trump to abandon his NYC brashness in favor of "warm 'n fuzzy" were pipe dreaming....
  17. ...I posted this elsewhere and am NOT a lawyer...so perhaps PPP's counsel Koko 78 can chime in as to where I'm (probably) wrong......tell me how well Portland, Seattle, et al are doing upholding the 14th Amendment for its citizenry (COUGH)??......and also The Insurrection Act of 1807 ....it would seem to me if states fail to uphold their charter regarding the 14th Amendment and if the violence fits the description of The Insurrection Act of 1807, the Feds can act accordingly, unimpeded and with NO Constitutional trampling as some of the MSM yipsters are crying about..... DUKE LAW JOURNAL I. THE RIGHT TO PROTECTION IN THE ANGLO-AMERICAN CONSTITUTIONAL TRADITION A. The Origins of the Right to Protection"[E]very member of society," asserted the Pennsylvania Constitution of 1776, "hath a right to be protected in the enjoyment of life, liberty and property."'13 This declaration-which was soon echoed in the constitutions of Delaware, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire'4-ex-pressed a fundamental principle of American constitutional thought by the time of the Revolution. The right to protection did not originate in America, however, butw as inherited from English constitutionalism. Its roots lay in the common law tradition and natural rights theory. It is necessary to explore these sources to understand the concept of protection in American constitutional thought. The Insurrection Act of 1807 The Insurrection Act of 1807 is a United States federal law (10 U.S.C. §§ 251–255; prior to 2016, 10 U.S.C. §§ 331–335; amended 2006, 2007) that empowers the President of the United States to deploy U.S. military and federalized National Guard troops within the United States in particular circumstances, such as to suppress civil disorder, insurrection and rebellion.
  18. ...I do remember him and he was an "old school type" reporter a/k/a providing objective coverage NOT laced with personal views.....I highly regard Lamb......
  19. ...Scully was a reporter in Rochester as well as an adjunct professor at two local colleges......, never realized Chris Wallace was Mike Wallace's kid...NO comparison..... Scully (via Wikipedia): He returned to WSEE after completing his graduate studies in 1984.[3]After a stint as a Washington, D.C.-based correspondent for WHBF-TV in Rock Island, Illinois, he joined WHEC-TV in Rochester, New York in 1986 as a correspondent covering business, politics and local government. He also taught courses on media and politics as an adjunct faculty member at Nazareth College and St. John Fisher College.
  20. ...ABC?...Raddatz?.....Herridge at CBS??......who gets fired first for NOT towing the company line??..............
  21. ...he's a primary reason as to why the border remains closed......good Lord.................
  22. ...hmmm...went to the cemetery on Sunday........low and behold, there was an "Absentee Ballot Drop Box".......with ballot cards to fill out AND pencils......so the "residents" are assuredly "absentee" so the inducement must have been for relatives to fill out their ballots as a "surrogate".....sounds legally copacetic to the Dem way to me......
  23. ....so what?...only in blue states/cities......like right NOW......they own it.....
  24. ...probably more like a "dead heat"...........the repulsive "Blue Bookends" choke the remaining lower 46......
  25. ...just a quick thought SDS....I could see development of a structure as an arduous task and undertaking.....I can only assume that such structure would result from a consensus among MODS....even with an agreed upon structure, it would STILL be open to individual interpretation as the current "structure" is.....I'll guess (COUGH) that there are some now who are heavy handed interpreters and others not so, resulting in inconsistencies of infractions....that's human nature period and NOT unique to MODS here......and some MODS have their favorite personal targets to impugn with points, etc.....you can't change that either...it's human nature......I'd say all forums are well under control except for the "wild wild West PPP".......BUT...it is a release forum which helps to keep all other forums civil and more MOD manageable, a wise move..however there are some posters who exploit that relaxed moderation and become beyond obnoxious, only to troll post for the purpose of incite, foment, vitriol et al......certainly politics are rough and tumble, but there are those there daily who have NO interest in minimalist decorum or discussions of opposing views....apologize for my ramble babble.....
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