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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...better keep an eye on Schifty….$3 mil could entice him... Iran Published 3 hours ago Iranian lawmaker announces a $3 million cash reward for 'whoever kills Trump' By Greg Norman | Fox News An Iranian lawmaker apparently has placed a $3 million bounty on President Trump’s head. Ahmad Hamzeh made the declaration Tuesday during a speech to parliament in Tehran, although it’s unclear whether it has any backing from Iran’s top leaders, Reuters reported, citing the ISNA news agency. “On behalf of the people of Kerman province, we will pay a $3 million reward in cash to whoever kills Trump,” Hamzeh was quoted as saying. https://www.foxnews.com/world/iran-lawmaker-3m-cash-bounty-kills-trump
  2. ...OR.....is the message, "you the general electorate are not smart enough to decide, so we are here to assist and eliminate the obvious negative choice"??.........seriously?...you mean Nancy and Shifty aren't like the "good hands of Allstate"?....
  3. .understandable....the plate in one's head being revealed certainly raises a question mark.............
  4. ...kind of like football statistics...EASILY manipulated to prove one's point.....the parameters are "interpretatively flexible (COUGH)"........."convenient omission" is an adder.......
  5. ...the BIGGER and SADDER "edge" is how do those who have the technology available abuse it for personal gain?....how many employed in the security surveillance arena, albeit government agencies or private firms are actually "surfing" for unintended reasons?....how the hell do you police that?.....control now is certainly dubious....
  6. ...Jesus....this wack job makes Richie look like Mother Teresa......think the new Rapper needs to go clubbing with Plexiglass Burress for shooting lessons.........
  7. ...Jeremiah did say during Bowl telecast that this could be the "deepest and fastest WR class in years".......do does McBeane go WR in the 1st?......or with that type of forecasted depth, does he trade down to grab an extra 2nd for his WR pick?......sorry to ask, but I don't get to see college ball, having to depend on our TBD collegiate experts....
  8. ...as archaic as it sounds, "building from the ball out" still works.....Niners O Line is stout....and I believe Lynch has 3 or 4 1st rounders on the DL which makes a huge difference for their DB's.....LB's as well........
  9. ...certainly agree...he took the "High Road Out"......but the post about Shady>Thurmal in their respective Bills tenure?...seriously?.....SMH.......
  10. ....Jeremiah said this WR class could be the deepest and fastest in years......could change the dynamic for McBeane as far as a WR in the 1st......perhaps he trades down in the 1st to pick up an extra 2nd?......who knows....
  11. Hillary Clinton unleashes on Bernie Sanders in new documentary: 'Nobody likes him' By Tyler Olson | Fox News In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter about "Hillary," the new Hulu documentary series on her life, Hillary Clinton bashes 2020 Democratic contender Bernie Sanders, building on what had already been a news cycle filled with bad press for Sanders in advance of the Iowa caucuses. "He was in Congress for years," Clinton says in an excerpt from the documentary. "He had one senator support him. Nobody likes him, nobody wants to work with him, he got nothing done. He was a career politician. It’s all just baloney and I feel so bad that people got sucked into it." When asked by The Hollywood Reporter if that statement still holds, Clinton said, "Yes, it does." https://www.foxnews.com/politics/clinton-bernie-in-new-documentary
  12. ...and our very own here in NYS, "Big Fredo" made SIX trips to PR to emphasize with hurricane victims because Trump screwed them out of aid.......a $92 BILLION dollar "screwing" and now this.....how many PR legislators have been arrested or resigned?....and oh BTW, where is all the money?......Big Fredo is back there AGAIN because of the hurricane and NJ's Senator Bob "Honest Abe" Menendez is demanding Trump release earthquake relief....stroking your constituents there Bob?....care to help account for the $92 BIL?.....naw it's just taxpayers' money......no need then.......
  13. ...still is amazing to me that Dershowitz, a lib and a non-Trump supporter, has been as vocal pro-Trump in the news, topped off by being a part of the legal team.....
  14. ...he could be making your license plate for many years to come............ Michael Avenatti Published 11 hours ago Avenatti allegedly took settlement money from football fans By Lee Ross | Fox News LOS ANGELES – Disgraced attorney Michael Avenatti is accused of stealing money from dozens more clients than previously known, according to newly unsealed documents and recent interviews with Fox News. It’s alleged that Avenatti, currently behind bars awaiting trial in New York on unrelated charges, directed up to $1.3 million in settlement funds – intended for approximately 170 clients – to cover his own expenses. It’s the latest example of alleged malfeasance by the lawyer who was once a fixture on cable news and flirted with a presidential run. “We didn’t receive any of that,” Donald Albaugh, one of Avenatti’s clients, said by phone Monday. Albaugh said he and his wife, Tracy, went to the 2011 Super Bowl in Dallas but, like hundreds of other ticket holders, had problems with their seats and sued the NFL. “The whole thing is so ludicrous,” Arianne Dar told Fox News about taking her son to the game as a graduation present. Dar said she made sure to buy tickets that were not “obstructed view” but they ended up behind a metal pole. “I never heard about a settlement." https://www.foxnews.com/us/michael-avenatti-nfl-football-fans-settlement-money
  15. ...plenty of comments about "league trending towards....".......but when a club has a balanced attack, one where an OC can "adjust from a original game plan to what the defense is giving him quickly" been a bad thing?.....why is it "either or" according to an alleged trend?........
  16. ...budgetary constraints only allow for 19 cent BICS............Nancy has more pull...........
  17. ...perhaps....he's in the perfect situation so far...BUT...what the hell is Belichick waiting for?......I obviously missed the "wait memo".....
  18. ...to the NFL's credit, they've made it MORE affordable for the Average Joe Fan to acknowledge how their unwavering support made continuance possible...I shed a tear......Willie Sutton is jealous.........
  19. ...LMAO..."referral to the UN Security Council"?...r u effin' kidding me?....that is definitely a "boot shaker"......can't we evict them?......
  20. ...bigger surprise is that it appears to me (FWIW-COUGH) that Belichick has done virtually nothing as far as a Brady successor...."gonna play until I'm 45"....so the tail is wagging the dog??.......
  21. ....apparently you're exempt from "hindsight is a beautiful thing" based on you adept "clairvoyance".....NEVER expected a negative Bills comment from you.....next up is draft and FA.....sharpen your darts....SMH..........
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