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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...despite it being the condescending norm today with social media, he should use it selectively and rise above the fray on the nonsensical stuff.......... .....uh oh......YOU'RE FIRED!!............ MSNBC's Ari Melber says Dems didn't 'provide enough evidence' to prove Trump obstructed Congress By Joseph A. Wulfsohn | Fox News Very little criticism has been heard on MSNBC of the Democratic House managers during their opening arguments in the Senate impeachment trial of President Trump, but anchor Ari Melber argued Friday that the managers didn't make the case for one of the two articles of impeachment. Much of the focus on the third day of opening arguments from the House managers was on the article accusing Trump of obstructing Congress. During a panel discussion, Melber, an attorney, said Democrats made a strong argument for Trump's abuse of power, but a weak one on obstruction. https://www.foxnews.com/media/msnbc-ari-melber-impeachment-trump-obstruction-of-congress
  2. ...caveat emptor.........he'll outlaw slurpees and biggie fries..............
  3. ...I paid the total education costs for both my kids so they could start their careers debt free.......can I send my application for "Tuition Reparations" directly to Lizzie's teepee?.....
  4. Hold On, I'm Coming - Re-Recording (By Original Artist) Dave, Sam Don't you ever be sad Lean on me, when times are bad When the day comes and you're down In a river of trouble and about to drown Just hold on, I'm comin' Hold on, I'm comin'
  5. ..is this an evidentiary proceeding where Justice Roberts plays an actual role or is he the peacemaker with Senate vote being ultimate decision?..........
  6. Presidential Primary Candidates-Sanders, Biden, Warren Leading House Impeachment Managers-Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler ..JFK has to be rolling over in his grave regarding the quicksand depths his once proud Party is mired in......
  7. .....whoa!......you mean once you're in you're NOT a protected species?........so the parasitic, protected gooberment employees could never by a big part of the 'BLOAT "problem?.....private sector model certainly sucks then.............. Fox News Flash Published 40 mins ago Trump on Yovanovitch ouster: 'I have a right to hire and fire ambassadors' President Trump told Fox News' "The Ingraham Angle" in an exclusive interview Friday that he did not instruct indicted Rudy Giuliani business associate Lev Parnas to engineer the removal of Marie Yovanovitch from the post of U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine, but added: "I have a right to hire and fire ambassadors." "Were you relying on Lev Parnas to get rid of your Ambassador [Yovanovitch?" Raymond Arroyo asked Trump. "No, no, but I have a lot of people and he's somebody that I guess, based on pictures that I see, goes to fundraisers," the president said of Parnas, before adding: "But I am not a fan of that ambassador." The president was responding to an ABC report which claimed Trump told a group that included Parnas and his associate Igor Fruman in April 2018 that he wanted Yovanovitch removed "tomorrow." "Get rid of her!" Trump purportedly told the group during a recorded dinner conversation. "Get her out tomorrow. I don't care. Get her out tomorrow. Take her out. OK? Do it." "But were you telling Parnas to get rid of her?" Arroyo asked. "I mean, you have a State Department." https://www.foxnews.com/media/trump-on-yovanovitch-i-have-a-right-to-hire-and-fire-ambassadors
  8. ...my SINCERE apology....I thought it was the "Nobel POS Prize"............
  9. ...yes but despite all of the Josh negatives out there albeit press or posters, the interesting fact remains that ex-NFL QB's like Palmer, Sims, Dilfer, etc remain very high on the kid.....they lay out the pluses and are critical in the minuses, but the net is positive......Dorsey seems to be on board......and don't even waste time bringing up their collective NFL careers as a rebuttal.....I'd trust them WAY before some "journalist (COUGH)".......
  10. ...tragic...Jeremy & family are being tested......I lost five in 16 months (including my wife and mother) and every time I asked, "why me?", nobody answered......Godspeed Jeremy .....
  11. ...actually pretty simple...just use the "Ko Simpson Defense"....problem solved.........
  12. ...and of course they could do so with NO party reprisals.......why Nancy was reelected as Speaker "fair and square", right (COUGH)?....who in their right mind would even bother to get into politics hoping to change things for the better when you'll get stepped on like an ant for NOT "towing the line"?.......keep draining the swamp but double up on chlorine........
  13. ....could very well be the next RG II 5/8 or Kaep, both who hit the limelight hard, but were eventually figured out by opposing DC's....think the Watson kid has skill set to become better balanced.....Wilson is just....Wilson......guy has honed his skills and craft exponentially......
  14. ...not saying he would have stayed here, but it was just a short while ago that posters thought Rams paying Robert Woods $8 mil/yr was crazy money....think that's what Pegula pays the Rockpile Beerman now........
  15. ...thought he agreed to a WSU extension through 2024...……….
  16. ……."take her out"??…..isn't he using an Arkancide line??………...
  17. ...dumbazz me........government's "well NEVER runs dry".......in the "true spirit of fairness", I would propose legislation whereby, "ALL paychecks will be direct deposited into the US Treasury and we will send you back what WE think you need"........sarcasm touche'......
  18. ..."they" as in taxpayers?...so they should have to fork the "more" to be further wasted?..I'm a bit confused...........
  19. ...if you do NOT spend 100% of your allocated budget, it could be reduced the following year as well as being denied the "across the board percentage increase"......no impetus to save....hell it's only taxpayer money anyhow.......as construction industry contractors, municipality departments would be in panic mode as their fiscal year end was coming, scrambling how to find ways to spend a potential surplus (a/k/a "WASTE IT")....it was an embarrassment to us........
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