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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...Lizzie's on a role........Lurch 'n Lizzie...two of Massachusetts finest............"paging Mike Dukakis"............. Trent England: Elizabeth Warren wants to nullify the Electoral College -- and silence Middle America By Trent England | Fox News Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., talks about her Oklahoma roots but rejected them long ago. She settled in Massachusetts, the state that made her its junior senator in 2012. Now Warren wants to be president and, along with many of her fellow Democrats, she’s calling for an end the Electoral College. This makes sense. The Electoral College sets a high bar that irks politicians whose base is in the big cities. But this is by design. Right from the beginning, one reason for the Electoral College was to check the power of big cities and to require some geographic balance in our politics. https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/elizabeth-warren-electoral-college-trent-england
  2. ICYMI: Chuck Schumer Somehow Believes Adam Schiff Is Comparable to Martin Luther King Jr. Beth Baumann Jan. 26, 2020 Democrats continually say far-fetched things, especially as President Donald Trump's impeachment trial is underway. But Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) might take the cake (at least for this week). Once the House impeachment managers wrapped up their case on Friday, Schumer hit the airwaves to talk about the arguments his Democratic colleagues made in the Senate. And the Senate Minority Leader somehow believes House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) is comparable to Martin Luther King Jr. "There are certain speakers who are quite compelling, I mean the greatest of these I think is Martin Luther King. He forced American to listen to him even when people didn't want to hear it, when, you know, bigotry had been swept under the rug for a hundred years," Schumer told CNN's Chris Cuomo. https://townhall.com/tipsheet/bethbaumann/2020/01/26/icymi-chuck-schumer-somehow-believes-adam-schiff-is-comparable-to-martin-luther-n2560124 .....the "Fredomobile"??
  3. ....drool over Schiff's "dazzling performance".....are you kidding me?.....and Photo Op Chuckie compares him the MLK....SMH.......... Bozell & Graham: Adam Schiff's avalanche of media accolades — here's what they conveniently forget By L. Brent Bozell III, Tim Graham | Creators Syndicate Our media elites arrogantly lecture about our democracy being undermined by robotic propaganda, but do they ever listen to themselves talk about the Democrats? Somehow, they think their robotic propaganda is just the "truth." The press came to witness the Senate impeachment trial, and Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., had them at hello. No member of Congress has been more dramatically partisan in this war on the Trump presidency than Schiff. Did you know he's the second coming of Abraham Lincoln at Gettysburg? Check out this list of the media's responses to his opening statement at the trial. https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/bozell-graham-adam-schiff-avalanche-accolades
  4. ...so the Dems premise is that the electorate is too stupid to decide what they think should be the legitimate outcome at the polling booth?.....and the Rooskies interfered with the 2016 election?....SERIOUSLY?......reelect Schiff 2020......honorable. forthright, truthful and America at heart........
  5. ...LMAO....I'm a conservative leaning Independent.....but I've already blown my Depends budget watching these fickle azzclowns clamoring for a "lightning rod to clean up the DC stench".....and NOW that he has arrived, it's "whoa....wait......we didn't mean this.....the swamp was just fine.....all is good....we have 535 with OUR interests as FIRST....yada yada..." ...effin hypocrites.......more chlorine please...........
  6. ...I'd have to say the likes of Huntley, Brinkley, Edward R, Cronkite et al are rolling over in their graves as to how their once proud industry is now guttural.....special thanks to Dan Rather for starting the downward slide.....hell even Waste Management wouldn't be interested in today's garbage.....a shame...........
  7. ...Mr, President my effin' arse......an unqualified Jr Senator cardboard cutout propped up by the Clinton Dynasty (check out the ex-Clintonites in HIS circle) only because of race and oratorical skills......and the fickle electorate took the carp bait hook, line and sinker......
  8. ..I understand what you are saying, but here are a couple of quick observations.....Reagan era and Trump era are distinctly different....Reagan era saw the usual disagreements, but the discourse was more civil.....the existence of social media in the Trump era is decisively different (how about journalism (COUGH)?).......social media is a platform to say whatever you want without substantiation from the safe confines hiding under your desk cowardly....admittedly and rightfully Trump fights back but he should be somewhat reticent so as not to feed the foment....he has made major accomplishments for this country and should let them speak for themselves IMO........
  9. FULL DISCLOSURE Joe: as a businessman myself, I did not like his style period......a much larger discussion for another day....HOWEVER, how long has the battle cry been for a Washington Outsider to end up in DC to clean up the mess?.....and how long did KNOWN Washington Insiders try to fraudulently try and run as an "Outsider"?....stupid enough to bite the hand that has fed them and peddle that crap in their platform?....so now Trump arrives on the scene...brash, bold, obnoxious, irascible, demeaning, insulting, no holds barred, etc.....and the political "good 'ol boyz network (BOTH sides)" has been permeated, turned upside down and inside out, NEVER expecting their SWAMP to be drained....as Grandma always said, "careful what you wish for sonny" and the "outsider wish" came true.....they're scrambling like cockroaches after the Orkin Man sprayed.....and I love EVERY DAMN MINUTE OF IT.....this whole impeachment fraud is to send a message to any outsider who has aspirations in the future to change the political network...need more chlorine for the swamp...........
  10. ...and the Califickle electorate is primed to reelect Shifty in a 2020 landslide......so noted.........
  11. ...he tried...but missed.....shot himself in the foot "Plexiglass Burress style"........oops.........
  12. ...you're absolutely right and I agree.....the "tit for tat"nonsensical crap demeans him PERIOD.....he should STFU and let his accomplishments to date do the talking IMO (formidable)....had to listen to the "grocery store line babble today.....liar....fraud.....cheat.......impeach him.....dirt bag....yada yada"......his tweets add to the foment.....grow up despite the crap being the social media norm today (SADLY)....yup MAGA is a farce.....he was only after free rent at 1600 Pennsylvania, exorbitant salary, a book deal, his own library and every opportunity to grow individual wealth.....AMERICA is non-sequitir...he doesn't give a rat's azz, right?.....BUT...I sure as hell love EVERY minute of the "good ol boyz political network" getting turned inside out and upside down REGARDLESS of party affiliation.....
  13. ...care to explain why an "oath proceeding" would make a damn bit of difference to Schiff?.....SERIOUSLY?................
  14. ....is the "whistleblower" required to wear a blue dress or is it optional?...just askin'..........
  15. ...LOL...certainly agree......only problem is that "demolishing Schiff" would be a "22 second assignment for a Law Clerk".....what's even sadder is the the Califickle electorate reelects this fraud in a landslide............2020.......
  16. ...thank you Counselor......so in essence, he is the "Referee In Charge For Show Only".......
  17. ...SMH...yet ANOTHER Massachusetts gem to litter the political landscape.......the "chowdah is rancid"..............
  18. ...thank you.....so I assume if Roberts denies "motion to dismiss", the nonsense continues to an eventual vote?...............
  19. ...don't get to see college ball, so I read our valued TBD'ers well versed with collegiate ball......would this kid be the consensus pick or are there better options at 22?...thanks....
  20. ...DR, is there a point where a "motion to dismiss" can be offered up and Justice Roberts has to rule?................
  21. ...they need to make room for Nine Juan Juan Williams.......the NPR Cast off is becoming a bigger joke daily....now Trump should not have attended the pro-Life event because "it divides the country"....."paging the Orkin Man..."...............
  22. ...just elect Quid Pro Joe......HE was the one who parted the Red Sea.............Moses was a lying Republican..............
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