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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...how so?......Honest Adam swears that he doesn't even know who the whistle blower is.....he seems very genuine, right??...........
  2. ...well, did you let 'em know?.....he sure as hell won't remember......
  3. ...unconscionable how the fickle Delaware electorate made Quid Pro Joe their "Teflon Don" for YEARS.....hell they even elected his late kid as AG.....seriously?.............
  4. ...he already said, "I WILL be a starter somewhere"......agree or disagree?....
  5. ...pretty effin' scary to think if it's been "this bad this long" and took this long as well as a raucous Washington Outsider to show it......holy schiff..........
  6. safe to assume he doesn't make your 2020 Christmas list?....just askin'...............
  7. ...for what?...those "guns" match his honesty.......skank..................
  8. depends where you sit...club seats on the 50 @$26,125..........50 yard line at $10 grand......club level at $9 grand....OR...get a suite and take your friends for $327 grand.....
  9. ...add on Sanitary Engineer and Prez.....Houston's Jurrah........
  10. ...EXACTLY......he burned no bridges when leaving like Moulds, Wilson's pampered pet did......retire an Eagle?...so be it...no harm no foul.............
  11. ...looks like those Dr Ruth visits are working..........
  12. ...interesting....the slimy Podesta was just appointed the DNC Rules Committee...….as far as Hillary, she needs to go away with Smitten Mitt and commiserate.....had enough of BOTH...
  13. …..yup....feel the "BURN"...…SMH...……….. Peter Schweizer: Bernie Sanders rails about common good but public service has made him (and his family) rich By Peter Schweizer | Fox News Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., has been a loud and constant voice for socialist policies throughout his 30 years in Washington, D.C., a self-proclaimed champion of the collective good. But in researching my new book, "Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America’s Political Elite," I discovered that while Sanders may talk about the common good, his public service has made him and his family quite wealthy. Perhaps no one has benefited more from Sanders’s career in politics than his wife Jane. When Bernie was first elected mayor of Burlington, Vermont, he appointed his then-girlfriend, Jane Driscoll, to head his administration’s Youth Office. Though the position was originally unpaid, Bernie eventually put Jane on the payroll over objections of the city council. The job was never advertised so that others could apply. A local paper noted that Sanders never bothered to provide evidence as to Jane’s “qualifications” for the position. The appointment would remain a source of controversy for Sanders. After Bernie and Jane got married in 1988, his new wife received a big pay increase. As one local newspaper reported, “Political sparks flew at Burlington’s annual city meeting Monday night as Democratic aldermen raised a series of questions concerning a hefty pay raise for Mayor Bernie Sanders’ new wife and whether she should continue to hold her job as director of the Mayor’s Youth Office.” https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/bernie-sanders-public-service-rich-peter-schweizer
  14. ...Bolton's "book" came together faster than a weekly newspaper ad?....thanks John....you're credible..........
  15. ...terribly confusing.......(1) is that Hillary AFTER the facelift....OR.....(2) Schiff without his make up?.................
  16. …..nicely done John...brought back memories of Dale Ernhardt Sr, Clemente, John Denver, etc......absolutely despicable and repulsive to see a WaPo female reporter writing about Kobe's rape case now in the midst of this tragedy....what the hell is wrong with people?...SMH...…….
  17. ICYMI: Chuck Schumer Somehow Believes Adam Schiff Is Comparable to Martin Luther King Jr. Beth Baumann Jan. 26, 2020 Democrats continually say far-fetched things, especially as President Donald Trump's impeachment trial is underway. But Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) might take the cake (at least for this week). Once the House impeachment managers wrapped up their case on Friday, Schumer hit the airwaves to talk about the arguments his Democratic colleagues made in the Senate. And the Senate Minority Leader somehow believes House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) is comparable to Martin Luther King Jr. "There are certain speakers who are quite compelling, I mean the greatest of these I think is Martin Luther King. He forced American to listen to him even when people didn't want to hear it, when, you know, bigotry had been swept under the rug for a hundred years," Schumer told CNN's Chris Cuomo. https://townhall.com/tipsheet/bethbaumann/2020/01/26/icymi-chuck-schumer-somehow-believes-adam-schiff-is-comparable-to-martin-luther-n2560124
  18. By Edmund DeMarche | Fox News “The weather conditions did not meet our minimum standards for flying,” Josh Rubenstein, a spokesman for the Los Angeles Police Department, told the paper. He pointed out that the department’s Air Support Division did not fly helicopters early on due to the conditions. Around the time of the crash, L.A. Times reporter Richard Winton reported that the mountains were “fogged in.” “It [didn’t] sound right and it was real low. I saw it falling and spluttering. But it was hard to make out as It was so foggy,” Jerry Kocharain told the Los Angeles Times. "You could hear it – thump, thump, thump – and then a loud thud," Pastor Bob Bjerkaas, who was teaching Sunday school at the Church in the Canyons, told USA Today. His wife ran out and saw a cloud of gray billowing from the mountains, the report said. Bjerkaas said it was “dense." "My guess is he was flying low," he said.
  19. ....unconfirmed reports that it crashed into a hillside during foggy conditions....if so, why would you risk it?............terrible............
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