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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...exactly BG............this statement was a tell tale sign of ignorance....wonder how many who DID follow "all protocols"to a T" still contracted the virus??.......hmmmm...... "This was completely avoidable if he just did everything he's railed against (overt or connotative) for over 6 months now. "
  2. ...not to deter the post, but Marine One brings up a good memory....my son's best friend who he grew up with enlisted in the Marines.....did two Iraq tours and was stationed in Hawaii as a helicopter mechanic.....Marines transferred him to Quantico and he became a senior mechanic for Marine One.....
  3. ...well, they technically would be "absentee" ballots, right??...just askin'.......drop boxes in every cemetery perhaps.....
  4. ...think this one was sponsored by "Smith & Wesson"....free "shots" at the "Open Bar"..................
  5. ...I believe the appropriate term is "Crustacean"...........still have my "Older Than Dirt" cap as a reminder....
  6. ...sorry but I was not a part of that.....and would NOT be regardless of political views......just plain effed up.....
  7. ...well almost...5'10" to be exact......close.............
  8. ...congrats 'Chef......my HS 50th is next year (1971)......graduated from a Catholic HS.....tuition my last year was $320......it's now 14 grand, three times as much as my senior year college tuition, room and board.....was invited to the Class of 1970 50th this year but Covid cancelled.....
  9. ...LMAO...two "peas in a pod"...Rochester is becoming WNY's "Chicago".......2 killed and 16 wounded at a hose party just last weekend......governance at its finest......
  10. ...cannot put political differences aside for a nanosecond when the President of the US and First Lady contract Covid-19 just tells you how sick this society has become.....pretty easy to predict the PPP " well wishers (COUGH)" who would gravitate to the thread like their proverbial position of "flies on manure"......
  11. .you?...NFW.......guess I'm as deranged as you are...........
  12. ...quite an interesting assessment and chronology with my thanks for sharing......when I turned 18, my late mother urged me to register to vote as a Democrat......um...er...ok.....what did I know?.......years later after college, some connections pulled strings to get me an interview for a Finance Dept job with the Monroe County Executive who was Republican...."gotta change your registration immediately" so I did....well..um....er...ok.......again what did I know?.....BTW, did not get hired......fast forwarding, still a registered Republican but have NEVER voted a straight ticket in 49 years,......my relatives (my mother's family)?.......dyed in the wool Dem lifers (now I know why she told me to register Dem).....we're talking CNN IS GOSPEL left......we're talking EVER considering A vote for A Republican is blasphemy and treasonous....we're talking unfriending other relatives on FB who support Trump as "radicals unfit to be a parent raising children in such a radical household"......
  13. ...dude has some MAJOR issues...SMH.....
  14. ...give the guy a damn break........it was the damn teleprompter's fault....dirty screen made decimal LOOK like a comma.......jeez.........
  15. ...don't have to wait...Chuck The Schmuck Schumer already is saying Trump ignored science.......
  16. ..agree.....bringing that home will be far more effective than a war...............and more beneficial to the US..............
  17. ...how many of the homeless does he have housed in hotels as "Covid-19 protection" that are literally destroying these properties because of their filth, drug use et al all and Cali taxpayers' expense?....now he wants $60 billion Fed bailout for his fiscal ineptitudes......mirror image of his Blue State Bookend a/k/a NYS and Andy of Mayberry......and the remaining 46 in between are expected to pay the price...NOT..........
  18. ...ask yourself this.....what mailing lists do they use?.....how do dead people STILL get SS checks?....how did DEAD PEOPLE get stimulus checks?.....my Dad died in 1982 and my Mom in 2017, yet I still get "pre-approved credit card applications" for BOTH.....WTF?.....oh wait...Trump effed the USPS system.......
  19. ...whew...thank God the border is STILL closed......you put Bernie RIGHT of Limbaugh......social medicine ain't working......
  20. ...now Gruesome Newsom passed legislation demanding corporate Boards show racial, ethnic and sexual orientation diversity.....how can the clown dictate to companies as to what their Board composition should be?......as the former and VERY SF Mayor, perhaps one seat should be reserved for a homeless dude......good Lord, MORE earthquakes pronto.....
  21. ...OMG....Chrissy is in ICU........they'll blame Cruz interview..............
  22. ...he almost makes you think he's an ex-cop with a serious axe to grind against law enforcement.....or someone who had a bad encounter with cops and won't let it go.....
  23. ...it would seem to me that the scumbag Comey, virulent, arrogant ,omnipotent and thought to be above the law despite an oath (COUGH) proceeding, has exposed himself to perjury based on DR's, etc evidentiary posts....but would DOJ pursue perjury charges?.....or does his "I don't remember....I' don't recall refrains" equate to the "Dementia Defense"?....the SOB skates IMO.....
  24. ...Musk would supply battery powered teleprompters to keep Joe upright.....hell make Elon the moderator......
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