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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...thought I read his offered California but Putin said, "that's YOUR problem"..............
  2. ...outlawing biggie fries increases availability..........
  3. ...don't get to see college ball, but is it conceivable that Beane trades down to 27 or 28 to grab an extra 2nd and then go WR in round 2?............
  4. ...the fraudulent "Ketchup King" should be broadcasting "live from Gitmo"............
  5. ...don't really want to describe what we went through as fraternity pledges back in 1971 for Hell Week....will share that being a 5'10", 265 lb defensive lineman, I threatened to beat the s*^t out of members that went beyond "bustin' my pelotas"...somehow they got the message (COUGH). ... we did put pledges in subsequent years through some nasty stuff, but NOTHING was ever life threatening or potential injurious to their health...alcohol was NEVER a force fed factor.....
  6. ...yup....be like Mike"........could be hammerin'' out top notch license plates....for awhile............
  7. ...term limits?...seriously?....what legislation would EVER pass disconnecting the majority of 535 has been lawyers NOT employable in the private sector from the government's teat?....how many of these octogenarian sucklings hang on, reelected over and over by the fickle electorate despite their woeful ineffectiveness, yet cashing in on shear "connections (COUGH)"?...." this PSA is brought to you by the world's greatest democracy to be in your neighborhood soon".....
  8. ...always got a kick out of FBI Bob as "Independent" Counsel........can we say the "fox guarding the chicken coop"?...naw, he's independent despite the ripe and lawless politicization in his own damn back yard.......NEVER on his WATCH (COUGH).....
  9. ...hmmmm....perhaps CNN's "lost credibility" pre-dates Pam Anderson's "lost virginity (Husband #5 is kaput after TWELVE days)"......depends on how far back records go...just sayin'....
  10. ...Bernie is the classic example of what menopause can do to an individual's thought process.............
  11. ...why but you're UN-American wanting to protect our country.....what the eff EVER happened to Ellis Island and THE legal way like both sets of my grandparents from Italy endured?...who changed the rules and why?.......and neither EVER had EBT cards, food stamps, GOOBERment assistance....WTF was welfare?...they found work and persevered as to whatever it took to raise families.....no Escalades either..........
  12. ...well Photo Op Chuckie's gauntlet is, "we (DIMS) will NOT accept the Senate's acquittal of Trump".....probably should hire Geragos and Avenatti as co-counsel for lawsuit although Mike may be "tied up for awhile"....SMH....yet another one of NYS's finest......
  13. ...eminent domain for border wall construction....would NOT be necessary if Ellis Island was still in business for LEGAL immigration like it was for both sets of my grandparents, right?.....who changed the rules?....Trump?......
  14. ...SHOCKING....the parasitic hand out gang is in lock step......... Inside the Sanders Surge: Iowa leader deploys army of supporters, surrogates in fight to lock down the left By Paul Steinhauser | Fox News DES MOINES, Iowa – Looking out at a sea of supporters, Bernie Sanders boldly predicted victory ahead of Monday night's Iowa caucuses -- which will mark the first test of whether the fiery populist can achieve in 2020 what eluded him four years ago. “We are going to win this election because we have the strongest grassroots movement in modern American history,” the insurgent and now-surging presidential candidate proclaimed as he spoke on Saturday night to more than 3,000 people at a campaign rally and concert in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/sanders-rides-surge-in-iowa-ahead-of-caucuses
  15. ...BIGGER worry is students blindly buying in......young minds easily swayed by these tenured, protected anti-American skanks....and STILL employed.......
  16. ...in all honesty....I've been following the Bills/NFL since 1962......I NEVER did but did you EVER think that talking about the Washington REDSKINS or Kansas City CHIEFS were detrimental to native Americans?....in hindsight, should we say the Cleveland BROWNS now demeans folks of skin color?.....hell I'd bet the PATRIOTS rankles the progressives who want the world's big bully knocked down a few notches....bet PETA hates the Panthers or Jaguars.....how sad to see us sink this low for political correctness....SMH........
  17. ....hmmmm...interesting........sounds like a replay of the "self thinkers (COUGH)" in the "Jim Jones Kool-Aid Sipping Gang"........I'd ask them but...............
  18. ...should they then fear Jimmy G beating them with his arm?......
  19. ...well didn't we pay BILLIONS in reparations?.....Mullah got a LOADED EBT card, right??..........
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