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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...so in the explosion of cannibis TRULY medical or is the prime reason for its legalization as a source of tax revenues as a spinoff?.......
  2. NOT good...once he sees the grassroots efforts of the Tibs/Busey ticket, he immediately resigns.......and the initial makings of their Cabinet ala Secretary Buttigieg of the Posterior....ops...typo....Interior, Secretary of the Treasury Warren (we got coopins') and Secretary of Depends Sanders...damn spellcheck...Defense.......all concur...
  3. ....thought I read that Southwest is now featuring ONE WAY flights to Gitmo.....major (former) Government Officials Discounts available.......... Impeachment witness Vindman fired, escorted out of White House after Trump acquittal By John Roberts, Brooke Singman | Fox News Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, who made waves as a witness during the Trump impeachment proceedings, was fired Friday by the National Security Council and escorted off of the White House grounds, Fox News has confirmed. Vindman was on detail to the National Security Council from the Department of Defense, and it is expected he will return there. It comes just two days after President Trump was acquitted in the Senate on the impeachment charges brought by the House last year over his dealings with Ukraine. In a lengthy statement, Vindman’s attorney, David Pressman, confirmed that Vindman had been escorted out of the White House on Friday. “There is no question in the mind of any American why this man’s job is over, why this country now has one less soldier serving it at the White House,” Pressman said. “LTC Vindman was asked to leave for telling the truth. His honor, his commitment to right, frightened the powerful.” https://www.foxnews.com/politics/vindman-to-leave-nsc-after-trump-acquittal
  4. ...in this advanced age of technology, it is hard to believe a nationwide system cannot be rolled out, accurate, precise and real time results...problem is IMO that the "output is only as good as the input"......perhaps the honesty and integrity of those involved in the data collection comes into question (naw, NEVER-COUGH)......back to the "input"....fraudulent registrations, illegals, corpses, etc.....damn Russians.....no way would anyone in the US employed in that sector would do anything illegal to benefit the political preferences, right?..... Sincerely, Hanging Chad
  5. ...pretty tough stuff for the fickle to comprehend......they need to be led by the nose with someone else doing their thinking and manipulating.....spittin' image of my extended family....I must b adopted....SMH.......
  6. ...absolutely NOT....start using those term limits for the other 535....why the hell should they be different?...…
  7. ...there would be a severe comprehension issue my friend...…...
  8. ..Round 2 with Photo Op Chuck the Schmuck leading the charge...... Trump Impeachment 2.0: Historic fight spurs new probes and clashes even after trial By Ronn Blitzer | Fox News The Senate impeachment trial of President Trump may have ended with an acquittal, but ongoing legal battles and talk of future subpoenas hint that the drama between Congress and the White House is far from over. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., was dismissive of Trump's acquittal, calling it "virtually valueless" and the result of "one of the largest cover-ups in the history of our nation." And remarks from multiple House Democrats show that they are still looking for more information they can use against the president. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-impeachment-2-0-historic-fight-spurs-new-probes-and-clashes-even-after-trial
  9. ...and she shows yet another loose screw...……….. Tucker Carlson: Criminals would be protected from deportation under bill AOC and other House Democrats back By Tucker Carlson | Fox News At this moment there is a bill pending in Congress called the New Way Forward Act. It’s received almost no publicity, which is unfortunate as well as revealing. The legislation is sponsored by 44 House Democrats, including Reps. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York. At roughly 4,400 words, it’s almost exactly as long as the U.S. Constitution. Like the Constitution, this legislation is designed to create a whole new country. The bill would entirely remake our immigration system, with the explicit purpose of ensuring that criminals are able to move here, and settle here permanently, with impunity. https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/tucker-carlson-criminals-would-be-protected-from-deportation-under-bill-aoc-and-other-house-democrats-back
  10. ...as Don McLean said, "...the day the music died"..........Jerry can go write obituaries.....they can't disagree with him........
  11. ...Health & Human Services....she can be her first head case............
  12. ...the much maligned, well intentioned and often misunderstood Big Fredo.....our NYS finest......
  13. ...makes PERFECT sense....don't vote equals fine and/or jail.......but as long as I keep my thefts under $950, I'm good.......
  14. ...LMAO...Smokin' Joe used to lead with his head.....where the hell do you think hitting him there would get you?......
  15. ...LMAO......."the thrillah in Manila against the gorilla".........classic 1975.........
  16. ...I do think it is wrong to accuse politicians of the sole purpose to enrich themselves....after all, they did tell me they're elected to "do the people's business", right?.....I'm sure they'd tell the truth..........
  17. ....well, if Sheila says so.....SMH.........
  18. ...sorry to hear that news my friend......sure hope she beats it.....as Jimmy V said, "don't give up...don't ever give up"......stay strong...thoughts and prayers to both of you...…….
  19. ...sorry for your loss...prayers for you and the family...………..
  20. ....sorry, but this is just NOT possible...Sleepy Bob turned over an impeccably clean organization to Jim Comey who CERTAINLY upheld Bob's mantra.....how else could the upstanding Bob be appointed Independent Counsel?....J Edgar is PO'ed they may sully his dirty label.......... Wray says FBI conduct surrounding Carter Page FISA warrant 'unacceptable' and 'cannot be repeated' By Brooke Singman | Fox News FBI Director Christopher Wray testified Wednesday that the actions taken by the bureau to obtain a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant against former Trump campaign aide Carter Page were “unacceptable” and “cannot be repeated.” During his first congressional appearance following the release of Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s FISA review last year, Wray vowed to reform the FISA system by implementing “specific procedures and safeguards.” “The failures highlighted in the inspector general report are unacceptable, period. And they cannot be repeated,” Wray testified before the House Judiciary Committee. “I have already ordered more than 40 corrective actions to our FISA policies and procedures,” Wray continued, adding that he has “gone above and beyond” in outlining what “should be changed” and “can be changed” and can provide “accountability,” “rigor” and “discipline.” “I do not think anyone has carte blanche to bypass rules, and I intend to make it painfully clear that is unacceptable at the FBI today," he added. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/wray-says-fbi-actions-to-obtain-carter-page-fisa-warrant-were-unacceptable-and-cannot-be-repeated
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