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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...get your point bro.....but with McMahon, regardless of his money, is it his WWE mentality ego first?......shouldn't his first go around failure teach him something, or is it Vince being Vince?.....
  2. ...it is just terribly sad that reports points more so to pilot error and judgment in declining weather conditions.....you just cannot shortcut safety in the purported interest of expediency.....NOT to derail the thread, but we are construction contractors......our external Safety Consultant shared a personal story about the day HE decided to shortcut safety, with SAFETY being his life's blood.....he was in a hurry to trim his yard with a string trimmer before other commitments and decided to forego his safety glasses (don't we all?)....while trimming, a stone was kicked up, hitting him on the inside bridge of his nose, perhaps a 1/4 inch from losing an eye....could he have PHYSICALLY survived the life altering event of losing an eye?...perhaps...mentally?....I can't answer that......but he learned his lesson about short cutting safety.....certainly hope shortcutting was NOT the case in the Kobe tragedy....
  3. ...well yes, they are selective..........didn't an Arkansas judge recuse himself in the Hunter Biden support matter?......safety first......OSHA judiciary.....
  4. ...hasn't Oh-Blah Blah already despised Quid Pro Joe?................and the MSM approached Hillary regarding a VP role......she'd NEVER LOWER herself to such a role....besides, Arkancide's "removal" of Joe may be too obvious......
  5. ...LMAO!...that is THE all time classic....I'd have to give #2 to the 1994 draft with Kiper's hissy fit vs Colts GM Tobin on picking Alberts vs Dilfer.......to which Tobin responded regarding Kiper's rant, "who the hell is he"?.......
  6. .....JUST A SAD, SAD NATIONAL SICKNESS to say awesome about a cancer stricken victim...........whether you agree or disagree with his views or his counterpart(s) on the other side, you actually cheer being diagnosed with this dreaded disease?....good Lord how low we are sinking.......and if your rebuttal is "Trump's fault", save yourself the embarrassment of sinking to the level of this teacher.....we're talking about fellow man regardless who resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave....and of course in the end, the Teachers Union will protect her..... Wisconsin teacher allegedly calls Rush Limbaugh's cancer diagnosis 'awesome,' gets placed on leave By Brie Stimson | Fox News A Wisconsin public school teacher was reportedly placed on leave this week after he allegedly called Rush Limbaugh's advanced cancer diagnosis "awesome" and said he hopes the radio host's death is painful. "limbaugh absolutely should have to suffer from cancer. it's awesome that he's dying, and hopefully it is as quick as it is painful,” Travis Sarandos, who teaches in Milwaukee, allegedly tweeted Monday, according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. Sarandos was replying to another tweet whose author said they hoped Limbaugh recovered quickly and would advocate for affordable health care for everyone, the newspaper reported. The teacher's tweet sparked a backlash after local radio host Mark Belling posted it on his blog Tuesday. Milwaukee Public Schools first said Sarandos did not speak for the district but later confirmed he had been placed on leave. Limbaugh announced on his radio show Monday that he has been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. On Tuesday night, President Trump awarded Limbaugh the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation's highest civilian honor, during the State of the Union address at the U.S. Capitol. https://www.foxnews.com/media/wisconsin-teacher-placed-on-leave-for-calling-rush-limbaughs-cancer-diagnosis-awesome
  7. ....I'm concerned as with Quid Pro Joe......are these two curmudgeons okay to be left alone?........Perez is doing a fine job offering up these two as the DNC's "ideal" choices... shades of the GOP with Bob Dole or John McCain......sad thing is there are probably many fine potential candidates out there on BOTH SIDES, but why even consider entering the fray knowing you have to go through the "gauntlet of mud" first?.....I was gong to run years ago for Town Board in my town (was a registered Republican then; Independent now)....GOP friends on The Board told me not to because, "you're too outspoken to tow the Party line"....DAMN RIGHT..............
  8. ....at least the NFLE was a totally different market across the pond.....the US market is saturated IMO.....even if the XFL (as with other failures) is an off season "tweener", there is football fatigue post Super Bowl.....the different era of NFL vs AFL competing saw the eventual merger, but IMO, that will never happen again......probably a lousy comparison (but it's me doing it), but look at the CVS/Rite-Aid recent merger and how many overlapping stores were closed.....why would the NFL merge today, being faced with getting rid of overlapping franchises, when they could just expand into MAJOR markets of THEIR CHOICE?.....their model today (I think) is based on markets with MAJOR corporate influence ($$$).......they no longer need the average Joe Fan, despite them being the foundation for today's "cash cow success".....
  9. .....waiting for MSM to chime in about Adolph Trump and the Vindman/Sondland "extermination"......
  10. .....despite his lack of experience, I'd bet Pete stays in hoping the two curmudgeons cannibalize themselves....those two even being considered reminds me of the GOP and, "well it's Bob Dole's turn as our candidate"....or even McCain........
  11. ...EXACTLY.......you may be able to control it (somewhat) but you'll never cure it......I'd have much more confidence in Beane finding Singeltary's complement RB in the mid rounds as he did with Singeltary himself vs Gurley risk...
  12. ...report is due out as soon as they wrap up Jurrah Jones' "Strippergate" from....2014....these matters DO take time.......don't forget Bob Kraft and "LoMeingate" either...
  13. ...agree....first was Rivers........next possibly is Gordon (meh)......but no way with Bosa.......
  14. ...the "Three Amigos" or the "Killer B's"??.............hell, even Joe isn't sure..........
  15. ...now this is quite laughable......... Report: Dak Prescott rejected $33 million per year in new money in September Posted by Mike Florio on February 7, 2020, 2:13 PM EST Cowboys quarterback Dak Prescott bet on himself in September, and he’s about to cash in. One way or the other. Clarence E. Hill, Jr. of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram reports that the Cowboys and Prescott “came close to deal in September on a contract that would have paid him roughly $33 million annually.” Talks broke down when Prescott wanted more. Here’s the thing to remember regarding any talks from 2018. Prescott’s paltry salary of $2 million for 2019 would have dragged down the total value at signing of any new contract. If, for example, the Cowboys had offered a five-year extension worth $33 million per year, the average value at signing on the six-year deal would have been $27.8 million per year, halfway between to total value at signing of the contracts signed by Jimmy Garoppolo (five years, $27.5 million per year) and Kirk Cousins (three years, $28 million per year). https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2020/02/07/report-dak-prescott-rejected-33-million-per-year-in-new-money-in-september/
  16. ...uh oh..... 1. Chicken Littles are on RED ALERT. 2. Peace Bridge rails lined with jumpers. 3. Walmart starts shipping Sun Block 30 tomorrow. Antarctica appears to have broken a heat record By Christina Larson | Associated Press WASHINGTON — The temperature in northern Antarctica hit nearly 65 degrees (18.3 degrees Celsius), a likely heat record on the continent best known for snow, ice and penguins. The reading was taken Thursday at an Argentine research base and still needs to be verified by the World Meteorological Organization. “Everything we have seen thus far indicates a likely legitimate record," Randall Cerveny, who researches records for the organization, said in a statement. He added that he is waiting for full data to confirm. The research base, called Esperanza, sits on a peninsula that juts up toward the southern tip of South America. The peninsula has warmed significantly over the past half century — almost 5.4 degrees (3 C), according to the World Meteorological Organization. Cerveny said the unusually high temperature was likely due, in the short term, to a rapid warming of air coming down from a mountain slope. The previous record of 63.5 degrees (17.5 C) was set in March 2015. https://www.foxnews.com/science/antarctica-appears-to-have-broken-a-heat-record
  17. ...pretty sure they are the Board of Directors.............
  18. .....what's your take why the XFL doesn't end up in the heap with all of the other failed attempts?.......NFLE probably had the longest run, but I'm not sure they should be included with non-NFL affiliates..
  19. ...."I did not have sex with that woman"...........
  20. ...interesting....my neighbor is a Scientist at the University of Rochester.......he just formed a second company privately to study the effects of cannibis outside of the medical treatment purview.....he said the "inquiry business is booming".....shouldn't this have been the precursor to states legalizing recreational use, solely (IMO) from a tax revenue standpoint?....how about traffic safety and under the influence charges or deaths?.....border seizures from Canada into New York State are up dramatically.......to ask again, is the focal point a tax revenue grab?......
  21. ...LMAO...Mike Brown STILL has his baptismal money....his Scout Staff consists of three, one of which is his daughter, probably at minimum wage....by comparison, Beane has a staff of 17+, many of which are former VP's of Player Personnel or Directors of Pro Player Personnel in the NFL....
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