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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ..."In God We DON'T Trust In Big Fredo"......to come up with 400 mil...........
  2. ...um...er...oh...uh...well....hmmm.....if you say so Joe........Dems have NEVER done this ......... Biden warns Democrats not to take African American voters for granted as he recalibrates campaign By Andrew O'Reilly | Fox News Former Vice President Joe Biden warned his fellow Democrats on Friday that the party should not take African American voters for granted in November's upcoming general election. Biden, who himself is relying on African American voters to help him carry the South Carolina primary later this month, told ABC News late last week that "take it for granted that they’re going to show up." "Look, the black community knows me and I know them. And I think we take it for granted much too much," Biden said. "My biggest concern about the African American community with the Democrats is: most of it was taken for granted. They just take it for granted that they’re going to show up." In another interview with ABC on Sunday, Biden, however, touted his support among African American voters as he attempted to move on from his poor showing in last week’s Iowa Caucus. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-boasts-of-african-american-support-as-he-recalibrates-following-poor-showing-in-iowa
  3. ...so why do the Progressives think it's time to bring the "World's Big Bully" to its knees?.......and the instigators are worth how many MILLIONS or BILLIONS?......so we should punish drive and initiative to individually do better (THE country's foundation) and be forced to share those successes with the lackadaisical parasites looking for the "free ride" or the Dems "vote for us" mantra?...I'm successful but not wealthy and don't mind helping those who WANT TO HELP THEMSELVES (my annual Fed & NYS tax tab says so)....and the mindless skanks like Sanders don't think I do enough?....capitalism is THE pig?........stymie the drive and initiative of go getters looking to get better?.....isn't that our roots?.....I 'll hang up as listen to where I have wronged the left.......
  4. ...A fact and I KID YOU NOT......had a headhunter call me several years ago from Georgia......and I'm of Italian descent.......said to me, "sounds like you're one of them there EYE-Talians".......damn right and I hung up......point being that discrimination is not solely based on skin color despite that being the most prevalent... Sincerely, A TBD Eye-Talian
  5. ...just curious....was he given a fair chance or was he in Dabumble's dog house?.......if I remember correclty (sorry, will have to paraphrase), Beane was quoted as saying, "the signing of Duke Williams negated drafting a WR early as a top priority".....isn't 3 starts contradictory?......
  6. ...lemme see if I get this...so the grandiose promises of MORE handouts to the "parasitic.....gimme more......for doin' nothin' because I deserve it" gang is the way to this nation's prosperity?...seriously?.....I don't mind helping THOSE THAT ASPIRE TO HELP THEMSELVES, but income redistribution to feel the trolls?.....44 years I've worked my 'effin azz off to become reasonable successful, AND STILL WORKING, so I should be penalized for MY drive and initiative to do better?.....'eff you Bern........
  7. ...appreciate the recognition Hap, but in the true spirit of full disclosure for our TBD brethren( I would NEVER do anything LESS) , our corporate OBD connections disappeared with Brandon being disposed of.....so anything I offer up post Brandon is strictly opinion.......my apology bud....
  8. ....good Lord. where are we headed?............. Anti-fascist protest in Oregon leads to 3 arrests, suspect sought for defacing war memorial By Travis Fedschun | Fox News Three people were arrested Saturday after a demonstration in downtown Portland, Ore., turned "violent" and a war memorial was vandalized, according to officials. The Portland Police Bureau said the protesters gathered to counter a demonstration outside the Multnomah County Courthouse that was abruptly canceled. Police did not provide details about the previously planned demonstration, but Oregon Live reported it was rumored to be a Ku Klux Klan white supremacy rally at a downtown park. Counter-protesters, including anti-fascist activists, or Antifa, still showed up even though police said the original event was scrapped. "While the rally was being held and was peaceful, Portland Police officers stayed away," the police bureau said. "However, some people in the group began acting in a violent, threatening manner against attendees who were legally capturing photos and videos." https://www.foxnews.com/us/antifa-oregon-portland-demonstration-war-memorial-deface-arrest-vandalism
  9. ....certainly NOT in a position to doubt your assertion......but if we consider the "process guys", and perhaps hindsight is a beautiful thing with this clown's wiring becoming unraveled of late, how do we know a mere inquiry wasn't twisted into being a "bonafide interest"?.....it certainly doesn't matter now as we've seen him unravel beyond unraveled.....
  10. ...as I head into my 58th year of following this club (holy crap I'm OLD), perhaps I'm too much of a crotchety old SOB as to why others cannot buy into your eloquent "statement of optimism" regarding this kid( 28 STARTS = A CAREER??)......haven't we endured the "WTF QB List Post Kelly" ?.......and now we get a kid with an unparalleled work ethic, "our TEAM..our FAMILY" mentality, working his stones off with Palmer, Dorsey, etc to get better, a viable community presence and patience remains an adversary versus ally?...sad bud.....
  11. ....agreed......but with a new stadium, there would be debt service.....if we built a Lucas Oil type stadium for circa $800 mil, and NYS chipped in $400 mil (COUGH), Pegs comes up with the other $400 mil.....and he SHOULD have realistic ROI expectations...I would NOT do it gratuitously.....for all of his faults, the now disposed Brandon did a good job regionalizing the franchise...in its irony, the Toronto venture was to attract regional investors first in the anticipation of RW's eventual passing and Canadian fans were actually secondary or already a given.....our company is in Rochester and has had a corporate suite for 20+ years......20 person suite runs us $75 grand a year before game food/bev as well as limo transportation, parking, tailgate costs, etc....add in another $25 grand......add in PSL's/suite increase and we're out.......the domed Indy venue is multi-purpose which may make more sense to offset debt service solely funded by eight home games per year.......
  12. ...irony is that if, IF Dalton was signed as Allen's backup, he'd be the 3rd Bengal to assume that role in Bflo, preceded by Fitz & McCarron...............
  13. ...Josh has started 28....remember reading an article when Kaep was the hot topic in his career ascension......an unnamed GM Exec was interviewed for his thoughts (think Kaep was around 24 career starts)......exec said, "we generally use a 50 game start window to do a proper evaluation"......some bloom before, some bloom after and some NEVER bloom.....
  14. ...Rome vs "Chrissy" was THE all-time classic.......a close 2nd IMO would be Brylcream Mel vs Colts' GM Tobin in 1994..........Tobin took Trev Alberts over Mel's objections that the (prolific) Dilfer should have been the pick......Tobin was interviewed about Mel's rant to which he replied, "who the hell is he?"......
  15. ....my apology...it was a bit of "tongue 'n cheek" walking down the pigeon stained "Red Welcome Mat"......there are just some, as you stated, that get a bit "over the top" in player criticisms, clamoring for "overnight success".......
  16. ...it probably gives him better financial control......look at the AAF and how quickly defaults happened with Owners being under capitalized.........
  17. ..is Jerry Jones the "Gold Standard"?....he like Snyder BOUGHT THEIR WAY into the "club" on the upswing......how about the founders and their element of risk?...how about Lamar Hunt and Ralph Wilson with their element of risk in 1960 with the AFL, a MAJOR component of today's NFL?......RW put up 25 grand (a tidy sum in those days) and loaned the Raiders $400 grand (an even tidier sum) to stay afloat.....and you think equal revenue sharing of TV revenue is charitable?.....how else would you allocate TV revenue if "equal sharing is charitable"?......the larger markets ripe with corporate sponsorship and huge metro populations are at a distinct advantage.......THIS JUST IN: Falcons, in the Atlanta metro market of SIX MILLION people, are dealing with $32+ mil in PSL defaults.......how come?.........
  18. ....don't remember the name of the WR kid from Houston (can't find box score stats anywhere)......but the interview was pretty impressive.......announcer asked, "with three torn ACL's and a broken back, why are you here"?......"because I love football and love the game" was the reply.......crazy.....
  19. ...certainly agree......Beane has assembled an impressive staff of 17+ (ALL on Pegula's nickel) to include several former VP's of Player Personnel and Directors of Pro Player Personnel from around the league..safe to say they have done a good job with their homework in the last two drafts......even late or UDFA.......they know their stuff IMO...
  20. ...quite the sad commentary, isn't it Hap?......kid has had 28 damn starts.....and had 9 new starters on offense for 2019...and all he does is KEEP working his arse off to get better......makes you want to come here, right?.....hell if I'm a college QB and had a hint that Bflo was interested, I'd stay in school and get TWO PhD's before facing THIS "Welcoming Committee"......SMH.....BTW, I doubt he will be an MVP candidate this early on in his career, but.........
  21. ...good question....where is Goodell's list of "New Era deficiencies"?......Arrowhead opened the year before New Era and has been just fine with renovations.....look at the stadium cost for Niners, Dallas, Rams/Chargers, etc along with cost of PSL's and tickets......or how about the Falcons with an Atlanta metro population of 6 million, dealing with $32 million in PSL defaults?.....Buffalo pales in comparison to the substantial corporate presence/support in those markets....
  22. ...charitable in what sense?...equal sharing of TV revenues?........how else would they be distributed?.....and where would be your "cutoff line" for "non-contributors" that should be "forced into other areas?......bottom 10?...bottom 5?.........and what markets should the "bottom feeders" be relocated to that you would perceive to be acceptable financial contributors?.....
  23. ....and it looks like he crafts his FA deals with a decent way out if necessary......don't see "cap jail" in his future..................
  24. ...isn't he busy with college and final exams?......think he's at FUBAR U................
  25. ....well then Marrone could end up as your next door neighbor.......
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