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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...help me out bud....what were the circumstances as to why he fell out of OBD consideration........wasn't the VT gang highly thought of?......
  2. ...he's as a viable contributor here as he is on the football side as he was on BBMB......YAWN..........Fisher Price wi fi strikes again.....
  3. ...this is priceless stuff...running the government like a business?.....seriously?....."you're fired" doesn't exist for the parasitic "thought to be protected lifers"?......Trump terminations are thought to be a measure of his gross instability?.......we in the private sector have company philosophies and if we find you don't fit, adios....how or why should government be different?.....haven't we fed the parasites unchecked for YEARS until the "draining of the swamp" started?......you're a private sector employee busting your hump 40+ hrs/wk and towing the company line while your co-worker in the cubicle next door is a parasitic coaster....are you hoping management becomes aware and makes the necessary change or is the "government way (LIFER)" your preferred choice?....
  4. ...yet on the other side of the aisle, how about it was "Dole's time" or even "McCain's time"?.....do any of these prime "choices (COUGH)" take into account who is most qualified to lead this nation?....or are we as flippant as "let's take turns"?.........
  5. ...the strings on the harp are woefully broken......the nation is tone deaf............
  6. ..if I remember correctly, the Beane quote (paraphrased) was, " we establish a value for a player and that's it"........
  7. ...with the current salary cap as well as rookie cap in place, why would the NFLPA via the CBA EVER agree to "enough is enough"?....think for ONE minute pricing the game out of reach for the average fan, once the grass roots stalwart of support, means S&^T today?.....it's not even a valid question....at the same time, I think (FWIW) it is incumbent upon the NFL to take better care of players past who were the foundation of today's success....reading about stuff like Conrad Dobler being addicted to pain killers and trying to survive on a $1,000+ or - pension is sick....I don't even know who pays his health care, but that should also be a consideration......decisions like these should come from the NFL Exec Board with ZERO input from today's players......damn well rest assured they would NOT be in favor of it....."it's ME ...screw THEM".....
  8. ...gonna run it by your boss tomorrow??...just askin'.............
  9. ...and considering the fickle segment of the electorate with collective hands extended, that crap sells......"I got mine and it's up to THEM to figure out who pays for it".....at the same time, the nation's ongoing exploding debt " crisis (COUGH)" is a "cry wolf ruse".....it's been exploding for how long, regardless of party in power?....and at last check, we're still here....so the alleged concern as to how Bernie's gimmes will be paid for is negated....
  10. ...and shockingly, Cincy has floated the idea of tagging him.....get the paddles ready for Mike Brown......projected 2020 WR tag is $18.077 mil......so with him probably healthy for 8 games, he gets $9.03 mil in "vacation money"..............
  11. ....fair assessment.......too early though to panic about SOS......far too many variables/unknowns in the road ahead.......would be interesting for a TBD Stat Rat to do a comparative analysis of 2019 SOS versus end result....the grueling travel schedule though has ZERO variables....the JP "find and performance" was mutually beneficial.....I'd say the same for Richie's tenure....letting him test FA isn't much of a surprise...seems like Beane prioritizes re-signing his "home grown talent" first......if I remember correctly, didn't OBD let Hughes test FA?.....and if that is correct, he returned to the "fold" for somewhat of a "hometown discount"...
  12. ...just one of my (usual) baseless hunches.....could see Beane shopping to move down to 27 (or so) to grab an extra 2nd, then going WR with one of the two picks.....as I don't get to see college ball, I respectfully leave his target at #27 to our TBD Collegiate Ball experts (and yes, they ARE good...)...........
  13. ...well, he DOES have a "ring", right??......... ......does he EVER give it up?...Walmart is hiring...SMH............. Johnny Manziel tweets XFL interest, then deletes his account Posted by Michael David Smith on February 22, 2020, 6:47 AM EST A year ago, Johnny Manziel signed with the Alliance of American Football after its season had already started. He may want to do the same this year in the XFL. Manziel wrote on Twitter the if XFL Commissioner Oliver Luck wants him, Manziel will play. “Oliver Luck,” Manziel wrote. “If ya wanna boost your ratings to another level just send me the contract tomorrow and we’re in there. Like I said YEARS ago… XFL2020 give the people what they want.” A few hours after twe eting that, however, Manziel deleted his account. So Manziel’s true motives are anyone’s guess. But it remains true that the XFL and Manziel would both benefit from Manziel playing in the league. The XFL, so far, hasn’t shown much interest in Manziel. But it’s easy to see that changing if the XFL’s TV viewership declines as much in the league’s third weekend as they did in the league’s second weekend. Manziel would instantly become the XFL’s most famous player, and the XFL needs famous players. https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2020/02/22/johnny-manziel-tweets-xfl-interest-then-deletes-his-account/
  14. ...any chance "Punxsutawney Mike" saw his shadow and is gone for six weeks??.........
  15. ....thinkin' perhaps thread title is incorrect....prefer" Nevada Carcasses" much better..............
  16. ...BDS....Bernie Derangement Syndrome......... MSNBC's Chris Matthews compares Sanders' Nevada win to France's fall to Nazis, draws calls for his firing By Brie Stimson | Fox News MSNBC’s Chris Matthews drew ire on social media Saturday after he compared the Nevada Democratic caucus victory of U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders to France's fall to the Nazis during World War II. “I'm reading last night about the fall of France in the summer of 1940," Matthews said during the network's caucus coverage. "And the general calls up Churchill and says, ‘It’s over,’ and Churchill says, ‘How can it be? You got the greatest army in Europe. How can it be over?’ He said, ‘It's over.’” The backlash on Twitter was swift and severe, with many commenters calling for Matthews to resign or be fired. Many pointed out that Sanders' family includes survivors of the Holocaust. https://www.foxnews.com/media/msnbcs-chris-matthews-compares-sanders-nevada-win-to-frances-fall-to-nazis-draws-calls-for-his-firing
  17. ....but.....that is the "TBD definition of a CAREER".....
  18. Sanders says his 'grassroots movement is unstoppable,' vows to defeat Trump after Nevada win By Nick Givas | Fox News 2020 presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., sent out a series of tweets to celebrate his projected victory in the Nevada caucuses Saturday and urged his supporters to keep the momentum going. "We just won the Nevada caucus. This grassroots movement is unstoppable," he began. "Together, let's win the Democratic nomination, defeat Trump and transform the country! Join us live in San Antonio:" The Vermont progressive made a prediction that his campaign would sweep the rest of the primaries and caucuses nationwide. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/sanders-tweets-after-nevada-caucuses-victory-this-grassroots-movement-is-unstoppable
  19. ...uh oh...."here comes Joe"............... Biden vows resurgence after Sanders' win in Nevada: 'I’m going to take this back!' By Paul Steinhauser, Madeleine Rivera | Fox News LAS VEGAS – Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders is the winner of the Nevada caucuses, according to a Fox News projection. But rival Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden sought to portray himself as Sanders' chief rival as results showed him in second place. "You all did it for me now, now we go to South Carolina and I’m going to take this back!" Biden told supporters gathered at a union hall in North Las Vegas, Nevada. After Biden suffered disappointing fourth and fifth place finishes in the overwhelmingly white Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primary, a stronger perfomance in Nevada's much more diverse electorate was a necessity for the former vice president. "No final results yet but I feel pretty good," Biden told the crowd. "The press is ready to declare people dead quickly but we’re coming back and we’re going to win." https://www.foxnews.com/politics/sanders-wins-nevada-but-biden-says-he-beats-him-by-just-moving-on
  20. ...yet another impressive stat line............
  21. ..we stopped there on a cruise as did my son/daughter-in-law on their honeymoon cruise....my gang wanted to go there in March 2020, but with the rash of murder/poisoning articles in the Caribbean, they chose Aruba for the third time....."they choose I pay"...........
  22. ...yup....and "sooner versus later" would never be a wake up call.....
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