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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ....PERFECT!....new "Line Coach" at Golden Corral.............
  2. ....another victim of relaxed mental hygiene....SMH...........DEM-entia....... Bernie Sanders reveals 'major plans' to be funded by new taxes, massive lawsuits, military cuts By Gregg Re | Fox News Bernie Sanders unexpectedly released a fact-sheet Monday night explaining that he'd pay for his sweeping new government programs through new taxes and massive lawsuits against the fossil fuel industry, as well as by slashing spending on the military, among other methods. The move sought to head off complaints from Republicans and some rival Democrats that his plans were economically unrealistic, especially after a head-turning CBS News interview in which the frustrated Vermont senator said he couldn't "rattle off to you every nickle and every dime" about his proposed expenditures. He released his plan on his website just minutes after promising to do so during a CNN town hall. However, the fact-sheet highlighted for the first time that many of Sanders' expected cost-saving measures relied on conjecture and best-case scenarios. For example, Sanders' document asserts that a "modest tax on Wall Street speculation ... will raise an estimated $2.4 trillion over ten years" and, in one fell swoop, make all "public colleges, universities and trade schools tuition-free ... and cancel all student debt over the next decade." https://www.foxnews.com/politics/bernie-sanders-payments-green-new-deal-medicare-for-all-explanation
  3. ...a fair and accurate assessment.....so....was the option decline a wake up call?.....or with the decline, was this a "I'm showing up in my contract year" which rarely happens in the NFL (COUGH)?....think keeping the kid in the fold at the right price is a smart move IMO........
  4. . LOL....Putz Boy's draft day proclamation that "there were nine mistakes taken before me" was all I needed to hear....Mommy Dearest has her/him under her pillow......
  5. ...Beane may let him test.....and with stupid money abound, no way to predict what offers are out there....4 years, $32 mil would be a nice pay day......how much are you willing to guarantee?.....
  6. ...so what are you doing with them??...........
  7. ...hope to see the Joseph and Johnson kids and their wares...............
  8. ...he's encroaching on YOUR territory...............
  9. ...not to worry!!....his all Vermont ticket with VP Howard Dean should be a winner............
  10. ..sure as hell is...but the "Gimme Crowd" has its hands wide open........paying for it?...seriously?...."not my problem".....the fickle segment of the electorate is "all in" on this POS.....BAD moon risin'......
  11. ...seriously?......"bite the hand that feeds you"?......."honesty is NOT sound personal financial policy"..............
  12. ....these book deals should be written on toilet paper....USED......what possibly could these two say that's worth $65 mil?........... The Obamas' Book Deals Spark $65 Million Mystery By Jim Milliot and Rachel Deahl with additional reporting from Francis Hoch | Mar 03, 2017 When word broke early last week that former president and first lady Barack and Michelle Obama had landed a joint deal at Penguin Random House worth a reported $65 million, many in the industry were stunned. The advance is, if not the largest on record for two standalone works, certainly the largest in recent memory. As is its company policy, PRH has not commented on the money. Some insiders, all of whom spoke to PW on the condition of anonymity, have expressed skepticism about the accuracy of the figure (which the Financial Times first reported). A week before the deal was announced, one high-ranking publisher at another house who had been involved in negotiations said that he thought the two books would fetch a total of $30 million. But many in the business, including scouts monitoring the auction, said they think the $65 million figure is accurate. https://www.publishersweekly.com/pw/by-topic/industry-news/book-deals/article/72949-the-obamas-book-deals-spark-65-million-mystery.html
  13. ...STILL astonishes me how this clown has the traction he does....the "Gimme Crowd" took the bait............
  14. PFT’s Free Agent Top 100 Posted by Charean Williams on February 24, 2020, 9:00 AM EST The following are PFT’s top 100 free agents for the start of the 2020 league year. The rankings include prospective unrestricted and restricted free agents, as well as released players. The list will be updated as events warrant, with signings, tags and re-signings denoted when announced and/or reported. https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2020/02/24/pfts-free-agent-top-100-3/#comments 50. Bills defensive end Shaq Lawson 72. Bills defensive tackle Jordan Phillips
  15. ….and yet another Cuba admirer...….Jimmy Carter..... By José R. Cárdenas | April 4, 2011, 12:12 PM-FP.com For the record, here is a short accounting of what President Carter did in Cuba: He denounced the U.S. embargo of Cuba and called for unilateral changes in U.S. policy, including immediate repeal of the Helms-Burton law. Called for the unconditional removal of Cuba from the list of state sponsors of terrorism. Called for the unconditional release of five Cuban spies jailed in U.S. and criticized the U.S. judicial system under which they were convicted. Denounced Cuban American members of Congress, such as the Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL), as "radicals" determined to keep Cuba and the United States "apart." Blamed the U.S. government for the infamous 1996 incident in which Cuban MiGs shot down two small civilian aircraft in international airspace. Referred to dictator Fidel Castro as his "personal friend." Criticized the U.S. for not doing enough to combat "the problem of Global Warming" and praised Fidel Castro’s "activism and wisdom" on the issue. https://foreignpolicy.com/2011/04/04/what-did-jimmy-carter-accomplish-in-cuba/
  16. ...wonder if he'll vacation at the Havana White House??……..
  17. Bernie Sanders defends Fidel Castro's socialist Cuba: 'Unfair to simply say everything is bad' By Vandana Rambaran | Fox News Sen. Bernie Sanders, the frontrunner for the Democrats' presidential nomination, doubled down on his support for some of Cuban dictator Fidel Castro's policies, saying in an interview that aired Sunday, "it's unfair to simply say everything is bad." Speaking to CBS News' "60 Minutes," Sanders, a self-proclaimed democratic socialist, pointed to social welfare programs introduced under Castro's regime that he described as redeeming, despite the communist dictator's often repressive human-rights violations against Cubans. "We're very opposed to the authoritarian nature of Cuba but you know, it's unfair to simply say everything is bad. You know? When Fidel Castro came into office, you know what he did? He had a massive literacy program. Is that a bad thing? Even though Fidel Castro did it?" Sanders told Anderson Cooper. Fidel Castro relinquished power to his brother, Raúl, in 2011 after nearly half a century in charge of the island nation; Fidel died in 2016. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/bernie-sanders-fidel-castro-cuba-socialist-defense
  18. ...professing my ignorance, with a sincere apology, what government run program has ever proven to be far more proficient or efficient versus the private sector?......the private sector raises rates and runs the risk of pricing itself out of the market......the government raises rates and what is the resistance?...NONE.....need more, you send us more....
  19. ...thing I admire MOST about this kid is his drive and moxy to do better and his willingness to dedicate himself to do so....albeit Palmer in the off season or in season...........he's well aware of his deficiencies and knows where his work needs to be focused.......and it sure as hell isn't ME versus WE......the quote was, "this is OUR team and OUR family".....Dedication 101 IMO.....and he is already a Buffalo community man.....size, speed, agility, cannon arm, team attitude, etc.....anything better post Kelly and I'll STFU......
  20. ...hence, "Marlin The Magician" if I remember correctly...........
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