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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...from the TBD combine analysis here, sure sounds like the WR class is as "good if not better than advertised".....if so, anybody still looking to sign a FA in addition to WR draft pick(s)?.......
  2. ....the "diseased" spout about the disease........pretty shocking....... CNN's coronavirus coverage criticized: ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome strikes again’ By Brian Flood | Fox News As coronavirus concerns sweep the nation and make news across the globe, liberal CNN is being criticized for placing blame for its spread on President Trump and politicizing the alarming illness. CNN’s website on Friday declared in its top story that Trump is hoping for a “miracle to make virus disappear” and called Trump’s comments “divorced from the gravity of the coronavirus situation, only fanned the impression of a leadership vacuum.” At the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, D.C., CNN’s politicizing of coronavirus has been a hot topic in the halls of the Gaylord National Resort & Conference Center as some attendees are hesitant to shake hands and hand sanitizer is prominent. NewsBusters managing editor Curtis Houck told Fox News from CPAC that CNN’s coronavirus coverage reminds him of the way the network covered the strike that killed Iranian general Qassem Soleimani. “They were talking about any sort of consequences, in terms of loss of life on the American side, hypothetically – which ended up not happening – would be the fault of the president,” Houck said. But while Soleimani was a terrorist who “didn’t care about the American people,” coronavirus doesn’t have feelings. https://www.foxnews.com/media/cnn-coronavirus-trump
  3. ....uh oh....."Gitmo Joe"??.................. Joe Biden under probe in Ukraine for alleged link to top prosecutor’s 2016 ouster: report By Dom Calicchio | Fox News Investigators in Ukraine have launched a probe into former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden over allegations that he pressured Ukrainian officials to fire the country’s top prosecutor in 2016, according to a report. The Ukrainian probe was launched in response to a court order, after the ousted prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, made an appeal for action in the matter, Shokin’s attorney, Oleksandr Teleshetsky, told The Washington Post. “They need to investigate this. They have no other alternative,” Teleshetsky told the Post. “They are required to do this by the decision of the court. If they don't, then they violate a whole string of procedural norms.” Ukraine’s State Bureau of Investigations confirmed a probe was underway, the Post reported. The director of Ukraine’s Anti-Corruption Action Center told the Post, though, that anyone could seek such a court order – claiming the sequence of events here indicates that Shokin’s attorneys essentially made the bureau of investigations launch the case. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/joe-biden-under-probe-in-ukraine-for-alleged-link-to-top-prosecutors-2016-ouster-report
  4. …...other former QB's ala Dilfer and Simms are also very high on Allen......so expect the pundits here to say, "so what...they sucked.."......SMH AGAIN...…...
  5. ...but I'm not sure they have a clue as to how to control the fracture......The "divide has become too wide" and with woefully inept leadership (COUGH) ala Pelosi and Schumer, they are the probervial " SS Minnow"....you get what you vote for IMO......
  6. ...excellent questions.......and I have NO answers.....the fickle segment of the electorate is too unpredictable......I haven't attended an extended family function in YEARS because they are all "dyed in the wool Dems".....I'm a conservative independent but the SOB's loved to goad me into political discussions.....CNN is "their gospel"......vote a "split ticket"?.....that is heresy/blasphemy.....one of my late aunts anguished over voting for Obama, or a Republican or no vote....the quandary?..."I don't know if I can vote for a black man"...but she did because he was a Dem...or another one whose return address labels said, "ALWAYS a Democrat"......some of her infamous quips:...""Ronald Reagan ruined my life.....George Bush is NOT my President"....or a straight faced cousin who said "Monica Lewinsky did a service to this country by "relaxing" President Clinton so he could do a better job"...their list is endless and I can't make this crap up......sad, isn't it?......
  7. ...NawLeans should have been paved after Katrina.....didn't Mayor Nagin call it his "chocolate city"?..............melted............
  8. ..thinkin' the Dems are a MUCH larger pandemic......there are some seriously unhinged out there and I blame relaxed mental hygiene....WOW..........
  9. .screw him anyhow....this off the wall Cuban crustacean is beyond reproach......
  10. ....think the "for socialism" votes are truly anti-Trump in reality?....a/k/a "anything but"?.....hmmmm.....
  11. ….UNBELIEVABLE...the "Jim Jones Gang"...……….. 3 in 4 Democrats would support a socialist for president: poll By Adam Shaw | Fox News As the Democratic Party primary field lurches to the left on a number of policy issues, it is being reflected among Democratic voters -- with three in four Democrats saying they would back a socialist for president, according to a new poll released this month. The Gallup poll found that 76 percent of Democratic voters would vote for a socialist. Only 17 percent of Republicans say they would vote for a socialist, and 45 percent of independents would vote for one. The poll comes amid the rise of self-described “democratic socialist” Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., in the Democratic presidential primary race. The far-left candidate tied with the more moderate former South Bend, Ind. Mayor Pete Buttigieg in Iowa, and won the New Hampshire primary and Nevada caucuses -- boosting him into front-runner status. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/3-in-4-dems-would-support-a-socialist-for-president-poll
  12. ...(another) check is in the mail"....... Hillary Clinton took more cash from Harvey Weinstein than any other Democrat By Ebony Bowden | New York Post WASHINGTON — Hillary Clinton raked-in more cash from convicted rapist Harvey Weinstein than any other politician despite brushing off his donations by claiming he gave money to “every” Democrat. Federal Election Commission filings show the disgraced movie mogul bundled $1.4 million for Clinton during her presidential bid in 2016 and handed her another $73,390 dating back to her 1999 New York Senate seat run. On Tuesday, the former first lady defended her long relationship with the sex creep, quickly deflecting scrutiny from reporters by noting that Weinstein also raised funds for Barack Obama, John Kerry and Al Gore during their presidential bids. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/hillary-clinton-took-more-cash-from-harvey-weinstein-than-any-other-democrat
  13. ...hell, they even signed up my dead Dem relatives...........
  14. ...so is he lovin' the "dip in the Dow"?......Prez created corona in his secret White House laboratory, right?.....key component of China Trade Agreement....
  15. ...next up...the skank's LA trial.......new walker with white walls and more stubble?......and the jury's view of his "raisins"?...this ain't over yet......
  16. ...All Preparation-H Team......honorable mention to the "Excedrin Headache Club".......quite the intriguing Fisher-Price wi fi thread, right?....YAWN...BTW, is Ray Carruth out yet?............
  17. ....not to worry!....they are in "Full Recruitment Mode".............
  18. ..."paging Photo Op Chuckie and Nancy........pick up the red phone in the lobby....STAT"............. Court hands Trump win in sanctuary city fight, says administration can deny grant money By Adam Shaw, Bill Mears | Fox News A federal appeals court on Wednesday handed a major win to the Trump administration in its fight against “sanctuary” jurisdictions, ruling that it can deny grant money to states that refuse to cooperate with federal immigration authorities. The 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals in New York overturned a lower court ruling that stopped the administration’s 2017 move to withhold grant money from the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program, which dispenses over $250 million a year to state and local criminal justice efforts. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/court-hands-trump-win-in-sanctuary-city-grant
  19. ....if Mini Mike becomes Prez, "biggie fries" will be outlawed and "fries crimes" will diminish.........
  20. ...gonna spend some time researching tonight to see if this is a league wide consensus vs McD being "cutting edge"..............
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