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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...she could be my panini....... ...Emerill...but he looks like he's carrying twins waiting for his water to break.....
  2. ...thought I read he offered Tibs as an olive branch and the Taliban puked......
  3. ...ok ...how so?.....the 1600 Pennsylvania Vaccine?.....how about the CDC stats that said 61,000 died in the US last year from the flu?....a Trump eff up?......
  4. ...shouldn't the infection of the nation's Dems with a disease far grater than TDS be a GREATER fear?.....the "Nancy-Chuck-Sanders Plague" is on our door step....
  5. ..who gets to run 40 yds unimpeded?......didn't Ross run 4.22 and where is he now among alleged top 2019 DAWGS?.....
  6. ...I'm DEPRESSED......but then again, relaxed mental hygiene has this type on our streets.....we're talking the resurgence of FUBAR........
  7. as I said before, CDC reported 61,000 US flu related deaths in 2017-2018.....where was that PANIC?...
  8. ...so is there an element of fractional lost time waiting for the OL to develop in front of him or do you solely attribute everything to his purported slowness?....broaden your assessment scope and then report back.....
  9. ...worldwide ban on egg rolls and lo mein I guess......
  10. ...one deceased aunt...."Ronald Reagan ruined my life".....911 attack: "George bush is NOT my president"......another deceased aunt anguished over voting for "a black man", a/k/a Obama because NOT voting Democrat was treasonous.....she eventually pulled the lever.....or, a classic....a straight faced cousin said Monica "did this country a service by relaxing Slick Willy so he could do a better job".....or....a cousin's kid (same mold as his old man), "Bush invaded Iraq for its oil".....so when asked why gas was 4 bucks a gallon?...crickets.....the is not made up stuff folks, yet PRICELESS...........
  11. ...PERFECT!!...he can take my spot at all future family gatherings..................would fit like a glove...........
  12. ....but their condescending arrogance always prevails....but I will only speak for my illustrious relatives/extended family......I'd provide some of their proverbial quotes. but you'd accuse me of "making that crap up"...that's how bad it is...SMH...
  13. ...that aroma fits his definition of "fresh air"...........it's an environmental thing.....
  14. ...GREAT idea....he does tend to be used and oversoaked................
  15. ..any news yet on vaccines for the Sanders Pandemic?......just askin'...........
  16. ...better be REAL careful with this reasonable starting point stuff here.....consider a kevlar vest.......the Fisher Price wi-fi provided "AFCE or failure" stuff is free comic relief.....
  17. ...damn you!.......just ruined my daily Depends....................
  18. ...which made perfect equitable sense......they came here to fulfill a labor need, performed their task and returned home with their earnings to support their families....makes perfect sense as in a win-win...US production benefitted and the migrant families as well as their home countries benefitted (ie. disposable income to be spent).....seems to me that the system worked.....so now "new laws and court rulings" shift the burden back on LEGAL US citizens for handouts, fringes, etc with NO impetus to return home.....so if they want to stay and become legal, what the hell happened to the LEGAL WAY via Ellis Island?....sure I'm an independent conservative and would help those WHO NEED HELP BUT ARE WILLING TO HELP THEMSELVES, but I loathe parasites on MY nickel who know how to milk the system.....
  19. ...best and the brightest no doubt.............
  20. ...where Tehran is the capital, right?.....and no Mandela visitors are arrested?..........
  21. ...with the dichotomy of opinions here from the TBD brethren who analyze college ball in depth, sure as hell glad I'm NOT in McBeane's shoes.....but then again, with his staff of 17+, comprised of many former NFL VP's of Player Personnel or Directors of Player Personnel (probably a payroll of $5+ mil courtesy of Pegs), confident they will do their homework....stay tuned....
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