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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ..."Stranglehold" is PERFECT....both Education and the Media are in nooses......
  2. ...explain to me WTF happened to Ellis Island, where BOTH sets of deceased grandparents came through the LEGAL WAY......
  3. …$500 MILLION later....SMH...who gets his American Samoa delegates????……..
  4. ...he's been arrested with Mandela and is awaiting bail...………..
  5. ....LANDSLIDE!....this win is pretty decisive.............. "However, there was at least one bright spot for the high-spending billionaire as the votes rolled in. Bloomberg picked up five delegates American Samoa, according to an Associated Press projection. "
  6. ....Lizzie 3rd in Mass?......uh oh....... By Andrew O'Reilly | Fox News Sen. Elizabeth Warren came in a distant third in her home state of Massachusetts on Super Tuesday, in a likely devastating blow for her campaign even as she vowed hours earlier to keep going in the race. Speaking to supporters during a rally in Michigan, which votes next week, Warren urged voters to cast ballots that will make them "proud" instead of listening to political pundits.
  7. Year Team ATT YDS AVG TD REC YDS AVG TD 2019 Chargers 162 612 3.8 8 42 296 7.0 1 2018 Chargers 175 885 5.1 10 50 490 9.8 4
  8. ...LOL......Melvin reportedly turned down $10 mil/yr from the Chargers and is looking for $13 mil/yr.....LOUDER crickets..............
  9. ....why??....this win is pretty decisive.............. "However, there was at least one bright spot for the high-spending billionaire as the votes rolled in. Bloomberg picked up five delegates American Samoa, according to an Associated Press projection. "
  10. ...thank God I switched to "Depends ULTRA"......Bernie vs Reagan?.............
  11. ...Panini" then...not now though......skip Gilligan...........
  12. ....FULL DISCLOSURE: not the brightest bulb in the lighting store; according to CDC, 61,000 died last year from the flu in the US alone......where was the panic for that?.....I missed the memo........
  13. ...yet another contributory gem.......football side and BBMB ring true....SMH.....amusing.........
  14. ....hilarious....Bernie is "baloney" and she was Bulls*&t"........the skank just won't give it up..... Hillary Clinton goes after Bernie Sanders again: His campaign is 'just baloney' By Julia Musto | Fox News Doubling down on comments made in a Hulu documentary she had filmed before the 2020 primary season, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Tuesday that Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders' campaign is "just baloney." In an interview on ABC's "Good Morning America" with host Linsey Davis, the former 2016 presidential candidate said that her opinion of Sanders and his campaign has not changed. "That was my authentic opinion then; it's my authentic opinion now," she said. https://www.foxnews.com/media/hillary-clinton-bernie-sanders-baloney-good-morning-america-interview-docuseries
  15. ....nobody I hope.....who in their right mind would even venture into politics today and endure being "dragged through the mud", FAR worse now versus yesteryear?....remember that 4th grade incident of forcible touching?...CNN HEADLINE NEWS......the best and the brightest with well intentioned ideas would be slapped into place to tow the party line....suppressed you may say.....get elected, tow the line, snow your constituents and get reelected, sew some shady deals for personal aggrandizement/enrichment and when they finally catch up with you, do not seek reelection......sound familiar?.....sound like the membership rite for "The Swamp"...SMH.........
  16. ....um...er....uh...oh....well.....hmmm.....SERIOUSLY call this "Super Tuesday"?.....AARP "Blooper Tuesday" is my preference.....reminiscent of GOP offering up Dole or McCain.....
  17. ...Clowney quote I saw he wants to "reset the market" and the article mentioned Mack type money......anybody see that tariff in Beane's wheel house?............
  18. ...sorry, can't buy the allegations...NBC runs a tight ship...………..
  19. ..wonder if President Joe moves Camp David to Ukraine for convenience?...……….
  20. ...nor would their potentially excessive tariffs fit the "Beane Way" IMO................
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