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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. .....I'm supposed to take my kids and daughter in law to Aruba next Sunday......that is about to go up in smoke........
  2. ...just closed all schools in Rochester/Monroe County..
  3. ...Ted Turner had a MAJOR screw loose......and their current crop is a bunch of stripped threads......wonder how once industry stalwarts like Huntley, Brinkley, Murrow, Cronkite et al feel about their industry now?.....RIP boyz and roll over..........
  4. ...is the CNNvirus the biggest threat to their 5 viewers?......anecdote should be a top priority for labs nationwide.....with me depending on Lemon, Cooper, Seltzer & Tapper for unfettered, accurate and unbiased news, where else could I turn to?.....
  5. ...marketing stupidity or ingenuity.........Wegman's charges 5 cents for paper but states monies go to food bank charities....Walmart charges 5 cents period.....they must be short on cash....
  6. ...LOL..."Photo Op Chuck The Schmuck".......yet another one of our long list of NYS political skanks......I'm 66, still working and making a dream living despite my NYS income taxes as a corporate CFO....with my wife's tragic passing in 2015, I keep working to pad my kids' inheritance.....retiring now means sit home and rot.....but I will eventually reach the GTFU syndrome......
  7. ..so the FIRST time in modern history that MADE IN CHINA leaves them to deny the label?.....we've swallowed their inferior junk for decades with no bawls to stand up to them until now.....about time our big pharmas come back home seeing that "our Chinese friends (Bidenism)" said that withholding pharmaceutical exports to US may be an option so we get a "HEAVY dose of coronavirus"....wouldn't the HEAVY dose leave millions of Asian-Americans also at risk?.....I feel their "concern"......
  8. ...not true...law says any business collecting NYS sales tax must comply with bag law, which just means zero plastic.......Walmart charges 5 cents, but out of paper and reusables today, so they went back to plastic because Cuomovirus fines don't start until April 1.....Home Depot had paper with zero charge......Rochester based Wegmans Food Markets charges 5 cents for paper, but all monies go to local food banks......
  9. ...exactly why I said more pro-active......you knew "never let a crisis go to waste" was forthcoming in today's acrimonious political climate(skanks will be skanks for personal /political gain FIRST; "F" you and me)....so I'd be prematurely pro-active in that environment to quell (impossible to STFU the MSM naysayers totally) those hell bent on fomenting a nationwide panic for political capital....
  10. ....China is still wounded from Trump's trade hardball, something no other President had the gonads to do EVER.....Biden told me, "China is our friends", right?......so of course they're going to lash out, "as "our friends (COUGH)"......they made asshats of themselves on the world stage which hardly matters to Communists whose goal is STILL world dominance.....BUT..."they are our friends"....SMH.....
  11. ...went this morning and it was pure insanity......door greeter said, "if you think THIS is bad, you should have been here yesterday"......brawls at Sams and Costco in Georgia over products......co-workers with college students are picking them up this weekend as dorms are closing with classes shifting to on-line...I'm sure other Rochester districts will follow soon....I'm scheduled to take my kids and daughter-in-law to Aruba on the 22nd and we're monitoring the situation closely.....only two reported cases in Aruba as of today, but they have barred all European travelers...flying through JFK is somewhat of a concern though..... ....I read that your basket of unmatched socks is an alternative source.........
  12. ...anybody know if Arkancide has a branch office in Tehran?.......
  13. ...EXACTLY.....denying it as the epicenter is like denying the epicenter of an earthquake......I'm sure the Wuhan happenstance was a MERE coincidence or perhaps the result of US Army bio-attack.....at the same time, what is even more detestable or vile is the MSM coverage...we have Acosta's xenophobia rant (SHOCKER), widespread accusations of US racism (travel bans, references to virus origin, etc), as well as partisan, political based attacks against Trump.....I do contend that he should have been more pro-active in declaring a national emergency much sooner to perhaps the full speed ahead nationwide panic of today.....we as a nation are in a sad, sad state of aptitude, clear thinking and sanity.....hate and vitriol are blinding factors like I've NEVER see in my 66 years.....
  14. ....good point bud....money "isn't the ONLY thing".............
  15. ...but the "tired" alleged quote sure as hell generated plenty of "no thanks...he's soft" responses here....... ....if, IF so, that's a Plexico Burris "shoot yourself in the foot" gem when on the potential stage to earn MILLIONS............
  16. ....it is not easy...I have 35 people in administration working in our corporate office, BUT 200 Union electricians working in the field.....I have flexibility with admin people as everyone has been set up for remote access for years....but the field electricians are all susceptible to individual policies set by various customers......how can we establish a "one size fits all" corporate policy for them when everything is contingent upon individual customers, albeit public sector or private sector?......
  17. ...GB, is there any validity to the original thread about him choosing not to participate because "he was tired"?......if so, why when he is faced with being on the biggest financial stage in his life?.....
  18. ...probably should leave that one right there......could head "downhill quickly"...
  19. ...think the Walker guy has more promise than Tyree on PS......could "third time is the charm" work for Cam at OBD?............
  20. ....should have been more pro-active with this earlier.......not sure if it would have, but it is conceivable it would have stemmed the tide of nationwide panic.....
  21. Trump emerges as oil's white knight after worst week since 2008 Crude prices have fallen to record lows By Suzanne O'HalloranFOXBusiness The battered U.S. oil market may have just received a lifeline from President Trump after crude prices posted the worst week since 2008 hugging the $31 per barrel level, down 48 percent so far this year. Trump, as part of his national emergency declaration to combat the fallout from the coronavirus, greenlighted the Department of Energy to step into the market as a buyer. “Based on the price of oil I have also instructed the Secretary of Energy to purchase, at a very good price, for large quantities of crude oil for storage in the U.S. Strategic Reserve, we are going to fill it right up to the top, saving the American taxpayer billions and billions of dollars and helping our oil industry,” Trump stated on Friday. The move, according to Phil Flynn of The PRICE Futures Group, should boost oil prices from historic lows. “This could send prices back into the $40s if the buyers are there,” said Flynn, who is also a FOX Business contributor, when reached for his reaction. “They [the U.S.] can buy oil at the lowest price in years,” he added. The Strategic Petroleum Reserve is the world’s largest supply of emergency crude oil, as described by the DOE, and was established as a backup facility to protect the U.S. in the event of market disruptions or potential shortages. https://www.foxbusiness.com/markets/oil-market-gets-white-knight-after-worst-week-since-2008
  22. ...according to my Ouija board last night, Bernie drops out, "Quid Pro Joe" debates himself......and loses...now what?.............
  23. ....just ran to Walmart.......out of paper bags as well as reusables for purchase.....they had not shipped their plastic bags yet, so they are using them now.....NYS law went into effect March 1 but Cuomovirus won't start fining stores until April 1............
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