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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...location....location....location.......depends on where YOU think his head is located....and I'll leave it there............
  2. ...EXACTLY my point....you just cannot manufacture THAT type of stupid........
  3. ...ignorance is bliss....yet another fine Massachusetts gem.......you graduated and started your loan payback in 2019....how the hell is that relevant to coronavirus now?.....if the creditors want to suspend payments for 90 days with no interest, let THEM handle it.....we need a LizzieVaccine STAT.......... ...key provision is "lack of work".......upcoming legislation allows states to relax their requirements.....Big Fredo eliminated the 7 day wait period here in NYS and the website crashed last night....so now you can go get in line and forget social distancing.....
  4. ......$53 MIL??........anybody checking on Mike Brown?....hope the paddles are ready...........
  5. ...now there's a real shocker....... Pressley, Warren say next coronavirus spending package should include student debt cancellation By Louis Casiano | Fox News Some Democratic lawmakers are calling for student debt cancellation to be included in the next coronavirus relief package as Washington debates how to provide economic assistance to businesses and workers impacted by the pandemic. Rep. Ayanna Pressley and Sen. Elizabeth Warren, both of Massachusetts, called for congressional leaders to prioritize the issue, which impacts millions of Americans. “Student loan cancellation has to be part of the next emergency funding package. @SenWarren & I are calling on Senate & House leadership to prioritize this,” Pressley, who served as a co-chair for Warren’s now-defunct presidential campaign, tweeted Tuesday. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/pressley-warren-say-next-coronavirus-spending-package-should-include-student-debt-cancellation
  6. ...appreciate your perspective......rest assured, I was not trying to politicize it because it serves no purpose......agency turf wars will occur regardless of party in charge......I'm surprised they wouldn't test my employee even just returning from international travel......co-workers are now really on edge...…….
  7. ...I'm overexposed...…..just not from you though...….and there's NO vaccine...……..
  8. …...from what I've read Hap, this seems to be your line of work.....and thanks for passing info along to TBD......would you surmise that there was/is a turf war between CDC and FDA?.....from a layperson's perspective, if a successful kit was available, wouldn't time be of the essence versus week(s) going by?...…I just had an admin person go for testing, but was declined because her symptoms were not significant enough....she just returned from Mexico and thinks she has a chest cold, similar to what her partner had prior to leaving....returning from international travel and being age 56 still could not qualify her for testing......
  9. ...there are some REAL gems out there.....DiBlasio wants to federalize the pharma industry because the Feds can do a much better job than the private sector running it....
  10. ...hopefully, ALL flights from Carolina to Buffalo are cancelled IMMEDIATELY...……..
  11. ...certainly agree and have no interest in politicizing it as well....serves no purpose to reach the desired result IMO...…...
  12. ...almost as if there was/is an underlying turf war between CDC and FDA...….great timing if true...……..
  13. ….President Incandescent will always be known as the "bright light in US history"...…………..
  14. ...you have just revealed the TRUTH behind the toilet paper shortage...…………..
  15. ...if memory serves me, isn't this the first time we've knocked on the Panthers door??……...
  16. ...probably wrong, but I thought I read they refused to use other kits successfully developed elsewhere in the world because they wanted to develop their own....hope it is not true with time being of the essence...
  17. ...and he'll probably get extended...…….
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