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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ....thinking that "Democratic Presidential Primary" should be an oxymoron of EPIC proportions.......
  2. ...uh oh...Tyrod back to 2nd fiddle?................ Chargers are debating the possible pursuit of Cam Newton Posted by Mike Florio on March 18, 2020, 1:38 PM EDT The Panthers want to trade Cam Newton. They’ve yet to find a partner. Given the challenges associated with having team doctors conduct a proper physical in advance of any trade, the Panthers ultimately may have to cut Newton. And if/when they do, the Chargers may be waiting. Per a source with knowledge of the situation, the Chargers currently are debating whether to pursue Newton. A trade remains unlikely given the inability of team doctors to give him a physical. But the Chargers could pursue Newton, if/when he’s released. The Bears had been linked to Newton, but they’ve traded for Nick Foles. That leaves few seats for Newton. https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2020/03/18/chargers-are-debating-the-possible-pursuit-of-cam-newton/
  3. ...good stuff...and spread across multiple administrations REGARDLESS OF PARTY IN POWER.......throw in a multitude of natural disasters through the years and the bloated Federal bureaucracy's slow response....but in this vitriolic, hatchet throwing political climate, egos are stroked playing the "blame game" which solves squat....then again, ignorance is bliss so there is a segment that is "happy...happy"...SMH............
  4. ...REFUSE to politicize it and you cannot hide your bias.......bottom line is the bloated Federal bureaucracy, REGARDLESS ON WHO IS IN POWER, moves at a snail's pace......
  5. ...it took time Tibs, but the Federal level is finally getting the ball rolling.....look at other infectious disease outbreaks, natural disaster responses, etc REGARDLESS OF WHO IS IN POWER.....despite BEST intentions, the forever bloated Federal democracy moves at a snail's pace.......
  6. ...unless significant, drastic measures are taken, they STILL won't get it.......as much as I dislike Cuomo, he is taking the lead here in NYS.......look at the Spring breakers in Florida.....and all their governor says, "this isn't what we want".......call me crazy, but if you want them to "GET IT", declare martial law (individual states DO have that right) and clear them out......not to politicize the message (serves NO purpose), but the Feds were slow to react and should have reigned in the CDC's arrogance.....thankfully, the ball is NOW rolling....you would hope that as people see what's going on around them albeit closures, lockdowns, limitations, et al at Federal, state and local government levels, they would get "IT".....not a chance for some......"just another flu".......um ok.......
  7. ….WHOA!.....he said he wanted to "reset the market" and reports were "Mack type money"...…..suggest he checks Costco while on a TP run instead...……...
  8. ...the old skank is THE pandemic........in the TRUE spirit of TBD FULL DISCLOSURE: I am an Independent leaning Conservative....regardless of party affiliation, if THAT is our definition of "leadership"......you can fill in the blanks thereafter........
  9. ...I'd say a very fair and accurate assessment......now versus (potentially) later....
  10. ...when is Mike Brown's wake?......pretty sure his "Baptismal Money Vault" is under armed guard 24/7............
  11. ...um...er...well...we BOTH could end up getting banned...it is a PG-13 site, right??.......
  12. ....if she sits down NOT where directed, you may not be able to hear the stereo.......
  13. ...Big Fredo closed them in New York State......
  14. ...um right......shall we cal it the "process of ELIMINATION"???............. North Korea claims it has conquered coronavirus – but does anyone believe them? By Barnini Chakraborty | Fox News North Korea has triumphantly declared that it has zero cases of COVID-19, a virus that's turned into a global pandemic and put entire nations on lockdown. The problem with Kim Jong Un's chest-thumping proclamations, however, are that no one believes them. North Korea is bordered by China and South Korea, two of the worst-hit countries in the world. On Monday, China announced it had 81,036 cases of COVID-19 and more than 3,200 deaths. South Korea, which has the world's most aggressive screening policy, has fared much better. Global health experts have praised South Korea's ability to test so many of its residents. The country had examined more than a quarter-million people, which roughly translates to one test for every 200 residents. News that new cases in South Korea have recently leveled off are prompting some international leaders to replicate South Korea's approach. https://www.foxnews.com/world/north-korea-conquered-coronavirus-lying
  15. ...OPEN in NYS......made the "essentials list" as did my Depends......
  16. ....good for Teddy ...remarkable Phoenix "rise from the ashes" after the career threatening but more importantly life threatening injury....good luck young man......we'll see you in three years....
  17. ...pretty sure it includes eight game IN THE BOOTH as the Raiders color announcer, right?......."Peterman drops back...looks right...looks left......".................
  18. ...demand she explains them to you in person at an undisclosed location then............
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