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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ....so there IS a God after all................. Yes, liquor stores are considered essential business and still open in New York state Ryan Miller, Rochester Democrat and Chronicle Published 5:32 p.m. ET March 20, 2020 | Updated 6:40 p.m. ET March 20, 2020 A lot of adults think liquor stores are essential during a quarantine. New York state agrees. Gov. Andrew Cuomo's "New York state on Pause" executive order prohibits all businesses from having their employees report to work on-site during the COVID-19 outbreak unless the business is considered "essential." Cuomo announced the mandate Friday, as the state's confirmed coronavirus cases grew to more than 7,000. Employers in several categories such as health care, infrastructure and retail are exempt, including "all food and beverage stores." That includes liquor stores to the joy of many on social media. Liquor stores, breweries and cideries can stay open and do not need to reduce their on-site workforce. All beverage manufacturing is permitted to operate during the state order as well. https://www.democratandchronicle.com/story/news/2020/03/20/new-york-coronavirus-liquor-stores-essential-business-stay-home-andrew-cuomo/2888442001/
  2. ....so there IS a God after all............going to have some anti-bacterial Bourbon momentarily............... Yes, liquor stores are considered essential business and still open in New York state Ryan Miller, Rochester Democrat and Chronicle Published 5:32 p.m. ET March 20, 2020 | Updated 6:40 p.m. ET March 20, 2020 A lot of adults think liquor stores are essential during a quarantine. New York state agrees. Gov. Andrew Cuomo's "New York state on Pause" executive order prohibits all businesses from having their employees report to work on-site during the COVID-19 outbreak unless the business is considered "essential." Cuomo announced the mandate Friday, as the state's confirmed coronavirus cases grew to more than 7,000. Employers in several categories such as health care, infrastructure and retail are exempt, including "all food and beverage stores." That includes liquor stores to the joy of many on social media. Liquor stores, breweries and cideries can stay open and do not need to reduce their on-site workforce. All beverage manufacturing is permitted to operate during the state order as well. https://www.democratandchronicle.com/story/news/2020/03/20/new-york-coronavirus-liquor-stores-essential-business-stay-home-andrew-cuomo/2888442001/
  3. ...well that didn't take long....SMH....where's Geragos??.......... Purell manufacturer accused of 'misleading' customers in lawsuit WHECTV Created: March 21, 2020 07:44 AM (WHEC/NBC) — The makers of Purell hand sanitizer are now facing a class-action lawsuit. GOJO, the maker of Purell hand sanitizer, is facing two class-action lawsuits accusing it of "misleading claims" that it can prevent "99.9 percent of illness-causing germs." Purell's label states the product can kill "99.9 percent of illness-causing germs." The suit claims that it's misleading because it implies "sound scientific support when none exists." Last month, a separate lawsuit was filed saying the manufacturer broke the public's trust with the repeated unproven marketing claims. In January the FDA warned the company about making such statements.
  4. "In February 2012, the STOCK Act passed in the Senate by a 96–3 vote; the only no votes were senators Jeff Bingaman, Richard Burr, and Tom Coburn"
  5. ...keep the phone handy in case you have to call 911 or HAZMAT.....just sayin'...................
  6. ....Mad Cow Disease......... MSNBC's Maddow wants Trump kept off TV, blasts 'fairytale' news briefings By Joseph A. Wulfsohn | Fox News MSNBC host Rachel Maddow urged television networks not to air White House updates on the coronavirus outbreak, claiming "misinformation" from President Trump will "cost lives." "I know we ought to be getting used to this kind of thing by now, but I'm not," Maddow began Friday night. "President Trump today, again, just flat-out wrong in public about this malaria drug that has gotten stuck in his mind, quite some distance from the facts." The liberal primetime host was referring to Trump's claim Friday that the drug they're hoping to use against the coronavirus is "effective," but Dr. Anthony Fauci of the White House task force quickly walked back the claim, saying it had not gone through a clinical trial and how the FDA previously stated that the drug had not been approved to combat the coronavirus. https://www.foxnews.com/media/msnbcs-maddow-wants-trump-kept-off-tv-blasts-fairytale-news-briefings
  7. ...just a couple of key cautionary measures I am advising our employees to consider...... 1. Picking up your daily mail-you may want to consider spraying your daily mail thoroughly with a disinfectant before bringing it into your household. Apparently, COVID-19 has a strong resiliency to surfaces which Hap can better confirm. [Hapless sez: Covid-19 can live on surfaces, but reportedly 3 hrs on paper - and that's the limit at which they found live particles. So instead of spraying the paper with enough disinfectant to be effective which would probably soak your mail, use a gloved or plastic-bag covered hand to pick up your mail and drop it into a paper bag. Let it sit for 24 hrs, that's 8 half-lives and should reduce the already small amount left after 3 hrs down to "unlikely to be a problem" levels. I would suggest doing the same with packages you receive - unless they are perishable or urgent, just put them somewhere off to the side and let them sit 24 hrs.] 2. Numerous restaurants and bars are offering takeout services. If you do not order on line and handle a menu at the establishment, keep in mind that the menu is a major source of transmittable bacteria in general or more currently COVID-19. [Most of the establishments around here are putting copies of their menus in their windows for customer viewing. Could suggest this if feasible] Stay safe and healthy friends.
  8. ...isn't this "list" much longer than one and culprits on both sides of the aisle?.....yes this would be shocking (COVID 19 cough)............
  9. ...your ignorance in difficult times and political vitriol are in full view....as if that means a rat's azz to you......a real prize.......SMH....
  10. ...Trump needs to be a "contentious Richard" with these press skanks.....they could care LESS about objective reporting versus their TDS syndrome based flotilla.......
  11. ..in retrospect and FWIW, this is our "Modern Day 9-11" but with an invisible attack........political differences were put aside, we came together as a nation in the true USA spirit, and got through one of the gravest periods in this country's history, UNITED......sadly and I'm hoping I am DEAD WRONG, I just do not see the current climate being similarly able to put differences aside and unite......the hatred and vitriol runs deep and sadly the excuse we have for MSM does it best to sew those seeds of hatred, bias, and vitriol.....I trust in the spirit, intelligence and country united TBD clan to put differences aside and support the common cause regardless of political affiliation...........
  12. ...in retrospect and FWIW, this is our "Modern Day 9-11" but with an invisible attack........political differences were put aside, we came together as a nation in the true USA spirit, and got through one of the gravest periods in this country's history, UNITED......sadly and I'm hoping I am DEAD WRONG, I just do not see the current climate being similarly able to put differences aside and unite......the hatred and vitriol runs deep and sadly the excuse we have for MSM does it best to sew those seeds of hatred, bias, and vitriol.....I trust in the spirit, intelligence and country united TBD clan to put differences aside and support the common cause regardless of political affiliation...........
  13. ...hate him all you want....but Trump's MAJOR media pushback is PERFECT........these MSM skanks and their ignorant, self serving questions redefined political partisanship in a time that this country has never seen......in this time of crisis, did anyone SERIOUSLY expect it to change?......um...er....uh...oh....well...perhaps....maybe...ok....... NOT...TDS hatred is sewn too deep......
  14. ...compass says 1st half was down hill and 2nd half was uphill................
  15. COVID-19 Hits Italy: A Test for China Ties Insights from Giuseppe Gabusi-THE DIPLOMAT Diplomat author Mercy Kuo regularly engages subject-matter experts, policy practitioners, and strategic thinkers across the globe for their diverse insights into Asia policy. This conversation with Dr. Giuseppe Gabusi – assistant professor of International Political Economy, Department of Cultures, Politics and Society at University of Torino; head of the “Asia Prospects” program at T.wai, Torino World Affairs Institute; and the editor of RISE, a journal on contemporary Southeast Asia – explores the implications of Italy’s COVID-19 outbreak for relations with China, where the novel coronavirus originated. Describe the scope of COVID-19’s spread in Italy. The COVID-19 outbreak in Italy spread mostly from Codogno, a small town in southern Lombardy, at the border with the Emilia-Romagna region, with a second localized outbreak in Veneto. Since Lombardy is one of the wealthiest, most densely populated, and most globalized areas in Europe, the coronavirus circulated very fast and easily, and now all 20 regions in Italy register cases of infected people. It did not help that the Codogno economic district hosts large companies and multinationals – making it a hub for production and international trade. Workers, salesmen, managers, and consultants of all sorts travel daily to their workplace, many of them commuting to nearby cities. International partners visit from abroad. And of course, Milan – the sprawling and thriving capital of Lombardy, and a crucial railway node – is a mere 70 kilometer drive from Codogno. Although “patient zero” has not been found yet, it looks increasingly likely that the virus had been circulating in Europe weeks before “patient one” was identified in late February. https://thediplomat.com/2020/03/covid-19-hits-italy-a-test-for-china-ties/
  16. ...just curious Hap as to what your exposure as well as colleagues is work wise in your field of endeavor...what are the risks you take and precautions in place?.....
  17. Our electrical contracting company has been designated an ESSENTIAL SERVICE under Governor Cuomo’s Executive Order (confirmed and verified with our corporate attorneys). We have 200+ electricians deployed in the field throughout NY, PA and NJ. Services are provided to all major hospitals in Rochester, including all University of Rochester medically related facilities. With schools closed, our school work continues unabated as directed by individual districts. We provide service, maintenance and construction services to 50+ Wegmans stores throughout the region as well as their production facilities here in Rochester. Production has been ramped up to keep up with unprecedented demand. Thus we are in emergency preparedness mode 24/7. Our corporate office remains open to provide the necessary support services to our workers. We have an extensive IT network that provides remote access to our employees. We have given them the option to work from home remotely. At the same time, I’m working through all legislative mandates as to paid sick leave requirements. The New York State mandate is effective immediately with no relief for the employer. The Federal mandate goes into effect April 3, 2020 and does provide dollar for dollar tax relief for the employer. Fortunately, we have only one administrative employee in 14 day quarantine per her doctor’s advice, but who has thankfully tested negative for COVID-19. These are unparalleled and unprecedented times we have never seen before. Best wishes to all to stay safe and healthy.
  18. ...lightweight Sean Penn??...SERIOUSLY?.....I'll sit back and wait for Rob Reiner and Michael Moore with the "straight scoop"......
  19. ..there are even serious medical lapses among medical personnel.....a co-worker's cousin who is an RN, went to a drive-thru test site as she was exposed while drawing blood at work. ...due to windy conditions, a PPE container blew over and was spreading about....a medical person came out of the tent and began picking up the PPE in her scrubs, with NO PPE or gloves......as a genuinely concerned RN, she reported it to the Monroe County Health Department who said, "sounds like we have a lot of work to do on this"......the person's head and heart were in the right place, but please take PERSONAL precautions as well......
  20. ...isn't he the kid that suffered that nasty head gash but had been showing some promise?......
  21. ...looks like she put that makeup on with a putty knife and paint roller...……...
  22. …...just what we need...….a real shocker with the scum out there...……….. Coronavirus Scam Alert: Watch Out For These Risky COVID-19 Websites And Emails Thomas BrewsterForbes Staff Cybersecurity Associate editor at Forbes, covering cybercrime, privacy, security and surveillance. Cybercriminals and nation state-sponsored spies didn't take long to catch onto the coronavirus panic. Research released Thursday shows crooks and snoops have been rapidly registering vast numbers of potentially-malicious websites and sending out masses of scam emails as they try to make money from the pandemic. A report from cybersecurity company Recorded Future noted a significant rise in website registrations related to the COVID-19 virus, some of which it believes are being used to either pilfer information from recipients or infect them with malware. Lindsay Kaye, director of operation outcomes at Recorded Future, specifically called out the following domains as potentially dangerous: coronavirusstatus[.]space coronavirus-map[.]com blogcoronacl.canalcero[.]digital coronavirus[.]zone coronavirus-realtime[.]com coronavirus[.]app bgvfr.coronavirusaware[.]xyz coronavirusaware[.]xyz https://www.forbes.com/sites/thomasbrewster/2020/03/12/coronavirus-scam-alert-watch-out-for-these-risky-covid-19-websites-and-emails/#57fd9de91099
  23. Coronavirus Scam Alert: Watch Out For These Risky COVID-19 Websites And Emails Thomas BrewsterForbes Staff Cybersecurity Associate editor at Forbes, covering cybercrime, privacy, security and surveillance. Cybercriminals and nation state-sponsored spies didn't take long to catch onto the coronavirus panic. Research released Thursday shows crooks and snoops have been rapidly registering vast numbers of potentially-malicious websites and sending out masses of scam emails as they try to make money from the pandemic. A report from cybersecurity company Recorded Future noted a significant rise in website registrations related to the COVID-19 virus, some of which it believes are being used to either pilfer information from recipients or infect them with malware. Lindsay Kaye, director of operation outcomes at Recorded Future, specifically called out the following domains as potentially dangerous: coronavirusstatus[.]space coronavirus-map[.]com blogcoronacl.canalcero[.]digital coronavirus[.]zone coronavirus-realtime[.]com coronavirus[.]app bgvfr.coronavirusaware[.]xyz coronavirusaware[.]xyz https://www.forbes.com/sites/thomasbrewster/2020/03/12/coronavirus-scam-alert-watch-out-for-these-risky-covid-19-websites-and-emails/#57fd9de91099
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