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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...he would essentially be the 1st President to be sequestered in US History while puppeteers ran the show.......do not forget his proclamation to have a female VP whose ONLY qualification would be gender.....and you thought COVID-19 was scary.......
  2. ...in the true spirit of NEEDING TO "let a crisis go to waste politically", I refuse to politicize this crisis nor point fingers....BOTH sides have displayed their unpreparedness.....expecting the Feds REGARDLESS OF WHO IS IN POWER to have a magic wand of "we're all better" is nonsense......The Feds cannot even do that in natural disaster (ie. FEMA) responses....politicizing this crisis does NOT save one damn , precious life...yet the "Beltway 535" cannot put their damn fingers in their pockets for ONE moment......at the same time, as both Fed and states respond, it is repulsive that portions of this society continue to ignore even the BASIC suggestions of mitigation.....guess the fickle will "forever be fickle"....just pray the TBD brethren heeds ALL "stay safe advice" in survival mode, so we're all here to argue down the road......Godspeed friends.......
  3. Trump mulls coronavirus quarantine on New York, New Jersey, Connecticut By Adam Shaw | Fox News President Trump on Saturday said he is considering imposing an enforceable quarantine on New York, parts of New Jersey and parts of Connecticut as part of the efforts to curb the spread of the coronavirus. “Some people would like to see New York quarantined because it’s a hotspot — New York, New Jersey, maybe one or two other places, certain parts of Connecticut quarantined,” he said outside the White House. “I’m thinking about that right now. We might not have to do it but there’s a possibility that sometime today we’ll do a quarantine — short term, two weeks for New York, probably New Jersey and certain parts of Connecticut.” https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-mulls-imposing-coronavirus-quarantine-on-new-york-new-jersey-connecticut
  4. ...medical folks and first responders on the front lines show unparalleled commitment to the COVID-19 outbreak.....scary occurrence for one of my employees though...her cousin, an RN here in Rochester, drew blood from the 1st suspected COVID-19 patient at her hospital....went to a drive-thru testing site......wind blew over a PPE collecton bin and someone came out in scrubs only (NO PPE or gloves) to pick up items.....RN reported it to Health Dept who said, "guess we have a ton of work to do for training".....heart precluded personal protections.......
  5. ..probably a dumb question...but how can Trump bar travelers at the Federal level whereas states like Rhode Island cannot enact travel restrictions from NYS people?.....
  6. ....as a NYS resident, his cover has been blown as woefully unprepared and inept...BUT, it's all Trump's/Fed's fault.......he spends money like a drunkin' sailor with a projected $6 BILLION deficit PRE COVID-19.....SIX trips to PR to emphasize with them because Trump screwed them out of hurricane relief, as if $92 BILLION wasn't enough ( checking politicians' pockets or explaining unmoved sup[plies in warehouses for 2 years, Big Fredo?).....how much money is he peeing away suing Trump for tax returns?........based on what appears to be a huge difference between Upstate NY and the NYC metro area relative to cases and control, would you as Governor draw an arbitrary "line of demarcation" relative to current restrictions in place? .....I am not saying a complete "back to business as normal" for Upstate NY, but somewhat relaxation of the more extreme restrictions....I would think a PARTIAL functioning NYS economy with again, appropriate restrictions would be beneficial versus the current statewide stranglehold precipitated by NYC and their population density...Upstate is terribly paying the price for his ineptitude in NYC prepardness.....don't you think a pro-active, forward thinker would make sure NYC with a "on top of" population of 7-8 MILLION is essentially prepared as well as having a contingency plan (ie. stockpiles) for a catastrophic event?......yet he is being touted as presidential candidate material...GRADE F for ANY type of preparedness...GRADE A+ for pointing the finger and blaming anyone but himself.......go figure.....
  7. ...something NEW?...Grandpa always said, "don't try to change the spots on a leopard"...............
  8. ...if elected, could he be the 1st President put in Executive Branch quarantine?...............just askin'.............
  9. ....RIP...YOU melted and evaporated YEARS ago from any type of productive dialogue.....
  10. ...cannot consider your post further....you are a racist by your depiction....
  11. ...even from the anti-Trump Bolton....interesting.................. John Bolton declares China 'responsible' for coronavirus outbreak, says world must hold them 'accountable' By Joseph A. Wulfsohn | Fox News Former National Security Adviser John Bolton condemned China for its handling of the coronavirus outbreak and called on the rest of the world to "act" and hold the communist government accountable. Chinese President Xi Jinping and his Communist Party have been accused of silencing doctors and critics in the early stages of the coronavirus, costing thousands of lives. Now that they have seemingly turned the corner in tackling the virus at home, the communist-run nation has now positioned itself as the country ahead of the coronavirus curve, and has routinely made unsubstantiated claims that the U.S. is behind the crisis. https://www.foxnews.com/world/john-bolton-declares-china-responsible-for-coronavirus-outbreak-the-world-must-act-to-hold-them-accountable
  12. Coronavirus is ‘existential threat’ to Trump reelection: GOP insiders New York Post https://www.foxnews.com/politics/coronavirus-existential-threat-trump-reelection ...quite the irrelevant POS article whether GOP insiders, outsiders, Dem insiders or outsiders as well as views of independent insiders or outsiders as well as being a fallacious concern now......the last national crisis of magnitude was 9-11......and I submit this pales in comparison....the 9-11 crisis took time for the bloated Federal machine to react....a national/worldwide health crisis of THIS magnitude is a different animal as the Federal response unfolds......we've seen it with national disasters/FEMA response as an indicator......but let's just keep politicizing it for individual gain.....sorely 'effed up....
  13. LMAO......thinking 28 stories of 3 three bedroom suites.............
  14. ...yes certainly sad to see the passing of prominent Americans.....BUT...RIP to those who are unnoticed in this genre of unparalleled times and have succumbed to to COVID-19....condolences from here...
  15. ...just keep hammering this home......WUHAN VIRUS.....CHINA VIRUS.......since when is calling "a spade (racist I'm sure) a spade" wrong?......PC progressives are destroying this country in an effort to bring "the world's bully to bended knee".......who is checking on Soros anyway??.............
  16. ...so he tweaked your violin strings........how noble........
  17. ......I will get Federal assistance for sick pay leave but Big Fredo totally ignored NYS employers......NO bailout for our industry....as businesses shut down, there goes their Accounts Payable Depts issuing checks in certain instances....even if customers pay us electronically........as a crusty old fart in year 44 of business, I have had a significant "rainy day fund" as well as substantial credit instruments in place for years as CFO to guide our company through these unparalleled times..... Our electrical contracting company has been designated an ESSENTIAL SERVICE under Governor Cuomo’s Executive Order (confirmed and verified with our corporate attorneys). We have 200+ electricians deployed in the field throughout NY, PA and NJ. Services are provided to all major hospitals in Rochester, including all University of Rochester medically related facilities. With schools closed, our school work continues unabated as directed by individual districts. We provide service, maintenance and construction services to 50+ Wegmans stores throughout the region as well as their production facilities here in Rochester. Production has been ramped up to keep up with unprecedented demand. Thus we are in emergency preparedness mode 24/7. Our corporate office remains open to provide the necessary support services to our workers. We have an extensive IT network that provides remote access to our employees. We have given them the option to work from home remotely. At the same time, I’m working through all legislative mandates as to paid sick leave requirements. The New York State mandate is effective immediately with no relief for the employer. The Federal mandate goes into effect April 3, 2020 and does provide dollar for dollar tax relief for the employer. Fortunately, we have only one administrative employee in 14 day quarantine per her doctor’s advice, cut who has thankfully tested negative for COVID-19. These are unparalleled and unprecedented times we have never seen before.
  18. ...after extensive thought, evaluation, consideration and countless hours of rumination, my findings yielded.....Quid Pro Joe=GAFFE period...........
  19. ....I AM bailing the SOB's out........was supposed to leave for Aruba tomorrow, spending $2,500 in airfare......Delta offered $984 in credits which must be used one year from booking date rounded to nearest end of month which would be 2/28/20.....credits are useless to me because I cannot travel in February do to work commitments......why the hell do you think I booked my trip for March?......so I have cash flowed them $2,500 and they want a bailout?......I have travel protection insurance and thankfully the NYS Department of Insurance is pretty stringent as to what insurers must cover in order to solicit NYS business.....I applied for a full refund but will not know for 10-15 business days regarding my claim.....stay tuned...
  20. ....still in business for my 44th year, I was never really impressed with his business style.......HOWEVER........residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., his brash, bold, pugnacious, condescending, irascible, "ain't taking no S&%T, et al style is EXACTLY what the staid, stale and HIGHLY corrupt "good 'ol boys political fraternity" has needed FOR YEARS....breached, upside down, inside out and on their ugly heads.....for how many YEARS has the battle cry been, "we need a Washington outsider to clean up the mess"??.....and for how many YEARS have Washington INSIDERS fraudulently proclaimed their candidacy as a "Washington outsider"?.......so we FINALLY get a REAL Washington Outsider who has flushed up more graft, corruption, fraud etc than if EVERY damn septic system in the US overflowed (and more to come).....but, BUT, "this is not what we meant"......too 'effin bad....deal with it......
  21. ....so the jobs of the GM/HC should be in jeopardy if ONE player does not work out?............would be one helluva long unemployment line EVERY year........
  22. ...probably should bring some cash....probably a collection basket or tip cup...............
  23. ..they are resilient skanks even in the unparalleled national/worldwide emergency.....but he needs to keep pounding them...........
  24. ..the pantsuit could be a prime candidate for the SWINE flu........symptoms include abnormal curls in her tail.........
  25. ...certainly hope that those experiencing difficulties make use of these services................. Coronavirus pushes mental health counseling online Psychological effects of quarantine include anger, anxiety, and in some cases, PTSD. By Jeanette SettembreFOXBusiness Getting therapy remotely is the new normal for many Americans coping with mental health issues while in quarantine. Teletherapy, as it's called, is a form of virtual counseling with a licensed therapist via webcam, phone, email or text message. And while the service has been around for decades, it's now a primary alternative to in-person therapy for those in need while socially distancing during the coronavirus pandemic. "The coronavirus crisis has expanded access to telehealth and telemedicine," Hanna Horvath, a personal finance and healthcare expert at Policygenius, told FOX Business. "While there might be different charges, mental health is considered one of those essential benefits so therapy, psychiatry and substance abuse treatments should all be covered in your insurance policy," she added. "That doesn't mean it's entirely free; all co-pays and deductibles play a role. If you have a provider, check in with them and make sure they're offering telehealth services." The Trump administration announced this week it will expand telehealth services for Medicare, which will be able to pay hospitals and doctors for remote services on a temporary basis. https://www.foxbusiness.com/lifestyle/online-therapy-mental-health-coronavirus
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