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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ....went to local Walmart yesterday and Home Depot today......both have only ONE entrance and exit with a maze out front.......sadly at Walmart yesterday, there was a "young citizen (COUGH)" hovering at the exit with unbagged stuff in his hand, waiting for his opportune time......as expected, he bolted through the EXIT line, almost knocking over an elderly couple, ducking under the maze out front and running into the parking lot......got an email from a friend in Cleveland who said their Walmart now has UNDERWEAR under lock and key......underwear??.....must be to compensate for TP shortage.......good Lord, it is depressing...........
  2. ...seeing TBD folks discussing needs of senior citizens and elderly, I wanted to pass on this "note of vigilance" from our Bank President.....please note the red highlight as they are perhaps THE most vulnerable and an easy target for scammers....scared, shut in/home alone yet in desperate need....... Here is a helpful note received from our Bank President. Please be vigilant regarding these matters. Our SPAM FILTER is grabbing multiple scam emails peddling masks, hand sanitizers, etc. I saw 10 oz hand sanitizer on Amazon for $60 per bottle (until Amazon caught up with the ad and pulled it). Another widespread scam is phony “grocery service shoppers” calling to offer the “(fraudulent) services”. They claim to need either your bank account info or credit card info up front to pay for your “order”. Many reports cite them targeting the unsuspecting elderly who are afraid to go out and are in need of goods. If family members could be affected, PLEASE let them know. Avoid Scams, Fraud and Cyber Security Risks The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and Department of Justice (DOJ) are all reporting a spike in the number and diversity of financial and cyber crimes related to Coronavirus. Some of these scams promise false cures while others offer high-demand food or paper products online with the only goal to steal your credit card information. For your safety, we encourage you to be extremely cautious during this time and look for these common signs of fraud, as noted by the FTC: Hang up on robocalls. Don’t press any numbers. Scammers are using illegal robocalls to pitch everything from scam Coronavirus treatments to work-at-home schemes. The recording might say that pressing a number will let you speak to a live operator or remove you from their call list, but it might lead to more robocalls, instead. Ignore online offers for vaccinations and home test kits. Scammers are trying to get you to buy products that aren’t proven to treat or prevent the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) — online or in stores. At this time, there also are no FDA-authorized home test kits for the Coronavirus. Visit the FDA to learn more. Fact-check information. Scammers, and sometimes well-meaning people, share information that hasn’t been verified. Before you pass on any messages, contact trusted sources. Visit https://www.coronavirus.gov/ for information. Know who you’re buying from. Online sellers may claim to have in-demand products, like cleaning, household, and health and medical supplies when, in fact, they don’t. Don’t respond to texts and emails about checks from the government. The details are still being worked out. Anyone who tells you they can get you the money now is a scammer. Don’t click on links from sources you don’t know. They could download viruses onto your computer or device. Watch for emails claiming to be from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) or experts saying they have information about the virus. For the most up-to-date information about the Coronavirus, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO). Do your homework when it comes to donations. Whether through charities or crowdfunding sites, don’t let anyone rush you into making a donation. If someone wants donations in cash, by gift card, or by wiring money, don’t do it!
  3. ...sad to learn that allegedly the Federal stockpile yields many ineffective, dry rotted "supplies", obviously spanning multiple administrations.....alleged published "use by dates" go back to 2010....if, IF true, this is a Federal failure without politicization.....at the same time, what are individual states' backup/preparedness plans?.....probably safe to say that there is plenty of individual states' unpreparedness ineptitude to go around......PLENTY OF BLAME TO GO AROUND without need for politicization IMO......
  4. After deadliest day due to coronavirus, NY to send National Guard to take unused ventilators Joseph Spector, New York State Team Published 11:42 a.m. ET April 3, 2020 | Updated 7:17 p.m. ET April 3, 2020 ALBANY - New York had its most deadly 24 hours due to the coronavirus, prompting Gov. Andrew Cuomo to say Friday he will call in the National Guard to take unused ventilators and supplies and redistribute them to the places of greatest need. New York had a shocking 562 deaths since Thursday morning — an average of 23 deaths an hour — as the total number of deaths in the state due to COVID-19 hit 2,935, Cuomo announced Friday. "You had more death, you had more people coming into hospitals than any other night," he said somberly. In response, Cuomo said he will sign an executive order that will allow the National Guard to go to hospitals and health-care facilities to take unused ventilators and other medical supplies so they can be used in parts of the state in desperate need of more resources. https://www.democratandchronicle.com/story/news/politics/albany/2020/04/03/after-deadliest-night-due-coronavirus-ny-seize-unused-ventilators/2939928001/
  5. ...of course......plexiglass installation was a pro-active company move as were cashier sanitizing stations........gloves and masks I believe were previously prohibited until the local news media here in Rochester publicized the conundrum...hence it was changed...........
  6. ...this just in........check for the Ethiopian President of WHO is "in the mail"........and the US funds this corrupt organization just like the UN?.....good Lord........ China wins seat on UN Human Rights Council panel despite troubling record, response to coronavirus By Adam Shaw | Fox News China has won a seat on a panel on the controversial U.N. Human Rights Council, where it will help vet candidates for important posts -- despite its decades-long record of systematic human rights abuse that the U.S. has said fueled the coronavirus pandemic. Jiang Duan, minister at the Chinese Mission in Geneva, was appointed to the U.N. Human Rights Council’s Consultative Group -- where he will serve as the representative of the Asia-Pacific states. He will serve as one of five representatives for blocs of countries and is joined by delegates from Spain, Slovenia and Chad. https://www.foxnews.com/world/china-un-human-rights-council-coronavirus-response
  7. ...as I tell my kids, "I'll probably EXPIRE before I RETIRE......"......I'm the dumbazz that keeps going daily at age 67.......colleagues say, "only way you go out is on a gurney".........
  8. ...not entirely correct......say the worker contracted virus on the job and was able to prove it was from work.....the employee then can file a lawsuit against the employer's General Liability carrier....a possible premise would be negligence regarding a safe workplace....Wegmans JUST installed plexiglass shields for cashiers and just now started to allow masks/gloves......we had an electrician step off the BOTTOM rung of a ladder, losing his balance and falling against a table (instant NYS Comp Case under Section 240/241)......severe back injury resulted in multiple surgeries, etc totaling >$350,000 in medical bills.....he then sued us through our General Liability carrier and won an $800,000 judgment.....if memory serves me, our WC carrier liened the judgment for what they paid out.....
  9. ...a YEAR AGO but still working to pad my kids' inheritance.....I need a drink..........
  10. ...sorry folks...despite Wuhan Chinese funeral homes ordering thousands of urns well beyond their "reported (COUGH) deaths, and the slimy WHO Prez in their back pocket, Sleepy Joe said "they are our friends"...if "Joe says so", convince me to doubt otherwise....... China lied about coronavirus, putting world in jeopardy, US intelligence agents say By Barnini Chakraborty | Fox News As coronavirus cases have jumped in recent days, China misled the world by purposely underreporting its numbers of patients and deaths, three U.S. intelligence officials say. In a classified report sent to the White House, the officials said that China's public record of COVID-19 infections was deliberately deceptive and incomplete. Bloomberg, which first reported the news, cited three U.S. intelligence officers who they said they alerted the White House last week to Beijing's misleading numbers. Two of the three sources called the numbers flat-out fake. https://www.foxnews.com/world/china-lied-coronavirus-cases-deaths-patients-intelligence
  11. ...according to published reports, she DOES love you.............
  12. ..."flattening Nancy" should be the preferred choice and preclude "flattening the COVID-19 curve IMO"......she is MORE deadly...............
  13. ...so this is the latest political offering today......right, wrong or indifferent?......overkill or masssive spending adding to the national debt or is that irrelevant?.....reactions?.... Trump calls for $2T infrastructure bill as 'Phase 4' of coronavirus response By Brooke Singman | Fox News President Trump on Tuesday called for a $2 trillion infrastructure bill to serve as “Phase 4” of the federal government’s coronavirus response efforts, just days after Congress approved a massive stimulus package worth even more than that. “With interest rates for the United States being at ZERO, this is the time to do our decades long awaited Infrastructure Bill,” Trump tweeted Tuesday. “It should be VERY BIG & BOLD, Two Trillion Dollars, and be focused solely on jobs and rebuilding the once great infrastructure of our Country! Phase 4.” https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-calls-for-2t-infrastructure-bill-as-phase-4-of-coronavirus-response
  14. ...a liberal art form?.....always attack yet never defend......
  15. Mike is irrelevant no matter in "what arena he yaps"....the lipstick on his sports arse is........his own.........
  16. ...agree...could not believe it......Cuomo is understandably ragged at the NYC fickle who ignore his "social distancing mandates".....but THIS?......SMH........Ron White "stupid is forever" time.....
  17. ...good Lord...I understand the intent, but to put Mom, newborn and others in the hospital at risk?.......SMH........ Dad hid coronavirus symptoms to visit maternity ward after wife gave birth Steve Orr, Rochester Democrat and Chronicle Published 5:59 a.m. ET March 31, 2020 | Updated 6:23 p.m. ET March 31, 2020 A man who had been exposed to the coronavirus and who was himself feeling sick hid his symptoms from staff at Strong Memorial Hospital so he could join his expectant wife in the maternity center. He confessed only when his wife began to show symptoms of COVID-19 shortly after giving birth. The incident, which occurred in the last week, is a fresh example of the need for extreme caution — and honesty — when it comes to the highly communicable virus. https://www.democratandchronicle.com/story/news/2020/03/31/rochester-ny-hospitals-tighten-visitor-policy-dad-hides-covid-19-symptoms-strong-highland/5085892002/
  18. ...must be for bats exceeding the "'SELL BY DATE"..... Urn deliveries in Wuhan raise questions about China's actual coronavirus death toll New York Post Massive deliveries of urns in Wuhan have raised fresh skepticism of China’s coronavirus reporting. As families in the central Chinese city began picking up the cremated ashes of those who have died from the virus this week, photos began circulating on social media and local media outlets showing vast numbers of urns at Wuhan funeral homes. China has reported 3,299 coronavirus-related deaths, with most taking place in Wuhan, the epicenter of the global pandemic. But one funeral home received two shipments of 5,000 urns over the course of two days, according to the Chinese media outlet Caixin. https://www.foxnews.com/world/urn-deliveries-wuhan-china-coronavirus-death-toll
  19. ..we in construction do what we call a "post project review", regardless of success or failures......success tells us what measures to replicate on future projects...failures tell us what we did that went wrong so we can avoid similar pitfalls on future projects......perhaps a stretch, but Fed and state governments should possibly (um ok) employ a similar process with response to disaster responses.......yes I'll admit that pro-active preparedness thinking is non-sequitur with all knowing politicians.... ..
  20. ...from one of my employees whose wife is a school teacher (I CAN'T make this up).......parents are calling her pleading with," can you call my child about the importance about doing their work at home now?.....they won't listen to me"......FAILED "Parenting 101" IMO......
  21. ...any idea if there is a Chappaquiddick Bridge Exhibit there?.....just askin'.......
  22. ...it is a forever moving target for our construction company in NYS, deemed an ESSENTIAL business (200+ Union electricians in the field).....but with operations in NYS, PA and NJ, states differ.....construction in PA and NJ is NOT essential, so I have another level of regulations to digest.....here in NYS, Cuomo laid out definitions for CONSTRUCTION and MAINTENANCE SERVICES (items #5 and #9) with both affecting our company.....other industries complained to Cuomo about the vague definition of ESSENTIAL construction services allowed to continue....hence he caved and issued revised ESSENTIAL Construction Services definitions on Friday with NO EFFECTIVE DATE (now known to be 4/3)....so general contractors, construction managers and school districts went into premature panic mode and started shutting down everything......a portion of our work is school work electrical services......his revision made NO mention of "school work", either by design or an inadvertent omission because schools are closed.....schools being closed is the IDEAL construction work environment.......building trades are spread out WELL BEYOND the social distancing mandate and there ARE NO STUDENTS......collapsing our company's $15 million annual construction employees' payroll along with our $8 million annual expense of Union benefits makes PERFECT sense, right?.....
  23. ....what about pre-inauguration??.........just askin'...........
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