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Everything posted by OldTimeAFLGuy

  1. ...let's just stop your political rhetoric.......didn't Fauci and Brix override Trump's "Easter Reopening"?.....aren't they now talking potentially May 1 along with the SG despite Trump's optimism?.....have they been fired YET for being contradictory?.....
  2. ...EXACTLY.......the reticence and hysteria is TDS driven because he advocated it....side effects?....seriously?.......ever listen to ads about a recent medicine?.....the benefits are a 1/2 page and the side effects are 4 pages.....brings back memories of the Foxworthy skit on the side effects of medicine... https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwipyKerhuPoAhVGV80KHWARCFkQwqsBMAF6BAgIEAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D_crHTDHdX3c&usg=AOvVaw2HRD9PGiY7xBGMY82zqWr7
  3. ...I have a call into Joe Biden to verify.....you may be wrong...he NEVER is...............
  4. .....must be a high level of frustration with your knowledge.....we have a loud mouth VP at work who pontificates daily in the lunch room as to how this is an "election year hoax".......ignorant has 20,000 hoax sympathy cards to send out...SMH....my kids and I have taken the ultra conservative approach as we want to be part of the solution and not part of the problem.....I live alone (widower), go to work daily, grocery shop once weekly and stay home.....my son and daughter in law are working from home and go out once weekly for groceries......my daughter goes to work daily, grocery shop once weekly and stay home....I have not seen them in five weeks (all live locally)......despite the events of this week, namely the 5th anniversary of my late wife's transplant, my birthday and now Easter, we steadfastly refuse to make any regiment exceptions...NONE....FWIW, we are not only battling a pandemic of historical US proportions, but also fighting the exponential growth of social IRRESPONSIBILITY for years and it is showing IMO....refreshing to see info sharing here by you and others and the civil discourse that usually follows....the TBD Community for the most part "gets IT".......the socially irresponsible do need government "day care" which is very sad to me....Happy Easter folks.......
  5. ....he is eloquent, brilliant and well spoken........always a pleasure to listen to and STILL going strong at age 89...................
  6. ...it's pretty sad Augie......look at the level of defiance and ignorance early on.......Spring Break...Mardi Gras......etc........"it's a hoax"......"nothing but another type of flu".......et al......perhaps, perhaps thee level of defiance as diminished somewhat as number of cases and deaths mount......however, I can see an upsurge in defiance as "cabin fever isolation" takes its toll.....
  7. ...a couple of B-2 "deliveries free of charge" should be the cure..............
  8. ....how touching...neighbors helping neighbors................ Feinstein urges Trump to reverse plan to block Iran request for $5B in IMF aid, claims it is in ‘our national interest’ By Adam Shaw | Fox News Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., has urged President Trump to reverse a reported plan to block an Iranian request to the IMF for $5 billion in aid to fight the coronavirus crisis -- saying it is in the U.S. national interest to accede to the request. “I am disappointed to see reports that your administration intends to block Iran from receiving $5 billion in humanitarian aid from the IMF to combat the coronavirus pandemic,” Feinstein wrote in a letter dated Thursday to President Trump. “Providing these funds to Iran would help it respond more effectively to the disease and mitigate the risk of further destabilization in the region.” https://www.foxnews.com/politics/feinstein-trump-iran-imf-aid
  9. ...what is even scarier is how long has the subversive, corrupt and clandestine network been in operation while we promulgate "the world's greatest democracy" propaganda....who previously had the bawls to "drain the swamp"?......invest in chlorine futures...plenty of more swamp algae left to kill..........
  10. ..and their payback is circulating COVID-19 inferior products worldwide at inflated prices.....we have 1,000+ N95 masks ordered from our safety equipment supplier to protect our construction field workers...China is their source and prices have TRIPLED......they have eliminated normal packaging and the shipments, projected to be at the end of April, will come in large bags......AND....every shipment to the US is COD......nice to know they are "our friends".....
  11. ...sincerely apologizing to all as this perhaps is an ill-timed comment, but I need to do it at age 67, still working and in a higher presumed risk category.......this entire debacle brings new meaning to 'MADE IN CHINA EXPORTS".........damn right it is the "Wuhan Virus".......the damage to the US population and our economy FAR outweighs any trade agreement export tariffs they agreed to pay.....despite them being "our friend (COUGH", they have surreptitiously extracted their "pound of flesh ten fold"....
  12. ...price per pound could be below a gallon of gas......($1.68-$1.98 in Rochester)......now if a GALLON of bourbon would drop below, I could make up my 401K losses in a week....just sayin'.........
  13. ....but did enjoy his playing days with Air Coryell...........
  14. ....have to laugh when I see,..."...CNN anchor...."......they ALL are on a sinking ship.........
  15. ...CERTAINLY understand the pandemic concern, but is this a bit too far or not?.............. Michigan stay-at-home order now bans visits to friends, relatives, governor says By Brie Stimson, Travis Fedschun | Fox News Traveling to another home within Michigan, even to visit friends or relatives, or to go to a vacation home, is now banned under Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s coronavirus stay-at-home order, which has been extended until May 1. “Michigan has the third-highest number of COVID-19 cases in the country, and we’re still on the upswing," Whitmer said in a statement." We must continue to do everything we can to slow the spread and protect our families." Some exceptions to the order -- which takes effect Saturday -- are caring for a relative or their pet, a child, an elderly or disabled person, visiting someone in a health care facility, or attending a funeral with fewer than 10 people. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/michigan-stay-at-home-order-now-bans-visits-to-friends-relatives-governor-says
  16. ...fake news...Big Fredo's ratings are soaring (COUGH).....
  17. ...oh my.......seems like the next Covid-19 stimulus package may need to include a hefty sum for "Gitmo Expansion"...stay tuned............
  18. ...so who gets to break the news to him?......In spirit, I did send him a sympathy card, the same one I sent to the DNC for their presumptive offering.....POSTAGE DUE......
  19. ...why should ANY governor have the power to block a medical treatment OR force their State Health Director to follow their lead?.......governors are now well trained medical experts?......should Big Fredo block my daily dose of BP Meds?........um....er....well...uh...oh......okay.................
  20. ...and they infiltrated TBD, right??........special thanks to Fisher-Price wi-fi............
  21. ...if I remember correctly, isn't WHO under the UN banner?.......so we overpay our membership to a woefully corrupt anti-American sham......evict them from NYC and confiscate their digs under eminent domain......national security........
  22. ...some of his pressers rival Belichick gems........watching Saturday and a reporter asked a truly stupid question (SHOCKING)..... TRUMP:...."where are you from?" REPORTER:.."The Associated Press".... TRUMP:..."used to be a good news organization....next please..."
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